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presented by Ray + Terry’s
January 1, 2021


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Terry Grossman MD — my friend + health sciences partner — and I created our web shop Transcend to accompany our 2 best-selling personal health books.

our books:

visit | Fantastic Voyage
deck: Live long enough to live forever.
year: 2004

visit | Transcend
deck: 9 steps to living well forever.
year: 2009

We put quality and care into our Transcend products and resources. Our selection of supplements, wellness + lifestyle items, and longevity formulas are hand-picked.

We hope to make Transcend a trusted source for your whole-health journey.

best wishes,

Ray Kurzweil
Terry Grossman MD


Transcend | home
the Grossman Wellness Center | home

the TRANSCEND program | 9 steps

T — talk to your doctors

Prevention and early detection are essential to good health. Be pro-active about your personal program. Stay informed and talk routinely with your health care provider.

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R — relaxation

Better coping with life’s pressures + upsets improves health. You can take steps to identify + reduce today’s stresses in your life.

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A — assessment

The two pillars of longevity health planning are prevention + early detection. Have a routine plan for labs, yearly exams, specialized assessments, and self-care. Staying fit, staying on a health maintenance plan — staying in-the-know.

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N — nutrition

Eating nutrient-rich food helps with exhaustion, repairs injuries, and heals your body. Good meal planning keeps your energy balanced, your natural immunities high, plus supplies plenty of vitamins.

Avoid processed sugar, and eat round meals balanced across the food groups. Limit fast carbohydrates in your diet to a healthy portion — and enjoy lean proteins + veggies. It’s nature’s-own recipe for wellness.

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S — supplementation

There’s daily research into nutrition, deficiency, illness, and supplementation. To get started, read about these trending topics.

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C — calories

The obesity + eating disorder epidemics that seem to accompany long sedentary hours, stressful life experiences, and effects from eating large quantities of processed sugar and not enough vegetables + lean meats — as well as chronic meal skipping — is sweeping the country. About two thirds of the US is overweight. Reducing obesity — and the opposite, under-eating — can clear-up many health disorders, restore your physical mobility, help digestion + re-generation + healing, cheer you up, and improve pregnancy.

A little at a time you can heal obesity and anorexia. Essential balanced meals and routine schedule — and not finding yourself in situations where cheap oils, deep-fried food, and sugar become your only food options — are key to your healthy life path. Preparing ahead for eating good, quality calories in your day, including a comfortable fitness routine — can work miracles for all types of eating disorders.

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E — exercise

A key piece of our program: moderate exercise — is a magic wand for your healthy life. Fitness helps circulation + digestion, boosts natural defenses, reduces stress, improves muscle tone + movement.

People who exercise a little each day — famously live longer + healthier. We are as young as we feel — and safe exercise will boost your today + your tomorrow. Experts believe exercise can flush the body plus speed-up healing. Our program integrates 3 exercise types — to build muscle balance, endurance, tone, flexibility, and re-generative health.

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N — new technologies

We’re at the cusp of amazing knowledge discoveries about nature, wellness, biology, and the true roots of illness. As we move into the new era in which health and medicine become information technologies, we are gaining tools to augment, repair, rebuild and improve the human body.

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D — de-toxification

You are constantly bombarded with toxins from inside and out, and some of that is inevitable. But you can limit your exposure, strengthen your body’s natural immunity, and clean-out your body of debris. Get your juices flowing, on a routine, to handle the stresses of modern living. Drinking plenty of clean water, and reducing dangerously toxic substance habits, is another key in your healthy life path.

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no. 1 |

Spare parts.

Scientists world-wide are working to create spare parts for the human body. These technologies provide assistance to people with physical disabilities. Plus we’ll soon be able to fully replace or assist body parts that need healing.

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no. 2 |

Wellness from within.

We often have days where we feel something’s amiss — but we struggle to label what it is. We explore helpful ways to cope with difficult memories + emotions.

We present some practical steps for your everyday routine: daily time to check-up on how you’re feeling, setting aside space for meditation, keeping a diary of goals + inspirations, sleeping well, supporting yourself with exercise, eating a balanced diet. And learning what works for your mind + body to find balance.

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About Terry Grossman MD

Hello readers,

I first met Terry Grossman MD at a tech futures event where I was speaking in year 1999. In the two decades since, we’ve formed a lasting bond.

Terry’s a leading thinker and well-known activist for longevity. He’s also a life-long learner.

He lectures globally, writes books on health — and practices traditional + alternative medicine in his clinic. He investigates nutrition supplements + therapies. And tracks breakthroughs in medical knowledge.

Together we created the Transcend shop — and co-wrote two best-selling books. Terry’s available for health consultations at his Grossman Wellness Center. I’ve been a patient of Terry’s since 2000.

I recommend his holistic blend of classic + alternative medicine. Our longevity recipe:

— routine check-ups
— tranquility techniques
— good nutrition
— whole living
— moderate exercise
— quality sleep
— mental health support
— personal lab tests
— select Rx + vaccinations
— today’s body imaging
— the best medical tech

best wishes,
Ray Kurzweil

The bio for Terry Grossman MD.

name: Terry Alan Grossman MD
school: Brandeis Univ. — 1968
school: Univ. of Florida | School of Medicine — 1979
family practice: since 1980

clinic: Grossman Wellness Clinic | home
position: founder + medical director
year: 1995 — present

membership: board certified
organization: American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine
organization: American College for Advancement in Medicine

medical license: Colorado medical board
license number: DR 0023148

medical license: California medical board
license number: G 85531