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Ayaan Hirsi Ali

April 2017

  • Aayan Hirsi Ali

    Ayaan Hirsi Ali says Australian opponents 'carrying water' for radical Islamists

    Hirsi Ali hits back at group of Muslim women and tells Triple J’s Hack program that Islamophobia is a ‘manufactured’ term
  • Ayaan Hirsi Ali

    Ayaan Hirsi Ali cancels Australian tour citing security concerns

    Controversial speaker blames cancellation on ‘a succession of organisational lapses’ by the event organiser
  • Ayaan Hirsi Ali: ‘In liberal societies, those on the left [are] in the grip of identity politics. This fascination is not caused by the Islamists, but the Islamists exploit it.’

    Ayaan Hirsi Ali: fighter for freedom or just a help for Hanson?

    Interview: The author condemns radical Islam – and accuses liberals and the left of helping it flourish. Her critics say her views are simplistic and straight out of the One Nation playbook

May 2016

  • File Picture dated 25 February 1989 of muslims demonstrating outside the New York headquarters of Viking/Penguin, publisher of "The Satanic Verses", and calling for the execution of the author Salman Rushdie.

    Book of the day
    Free Speech: Ten Principles for a Connected World by Timothy Garton Ash – review

  • Ayaan Hirsi Ali

    Ayaan Hirsi Ali on Q&A: the west must stop seeing Muslims only as victims

April 2015

  • sharia law

    Heretic: Why Islam Needs a Reformation Now by Ayaan Hirsi Ali – review

    This call for historic reform, by one of Islam’s most divisive critics, only highlights the scale of the task

April 2014

  • Ayaan Hirsi Ali, whose honorary degree from Brandeis University was withdrawn amid protests.

    The 'culture of shut up' is sometimes just rude people who disagree

    It's easy to champion free speech when you're the one speaking, but the Mozilla and Brandeis controversies show how tricky it can get

September 2013

  • richard dawkins

    Richard Dawkins: 'I don't think I am strident or aggressive'

    Richard Dawkins is outspoken in denouncing religion. But what really drives him, he tells Andrew Anthony, is the wonder, and truth, of Darwinism

April 2011

  • Ayaan Hirsi Ali

    Ayaan Hirsi Ali: 'Indirectly, I was being set up for murder'

    Writer and critic of Islam Ayaan Hirsi Ali tells Andrew Anthony how she's learnt to embrace nomadism

March 2011

  • Ayaan Hirsi Ali

    Nomad: A Personal Journey Through the Clash of Civilizations by Ayaan Hirsi Ali – review

    The Somali/Dutch feminist combines the polemic and narrative strands of her writing to electrifying effect, writes Alexander Linklater

September 2010

  • I am not against Islam, but Islamic extremism

    Letters: What Islam most needs to do is to find ways for its vast majority – more than a billion people all over the world – to express their condemnation of a murderous minority

May 2010

  • Ayaan Hirsi Ali

    Ayaan Hirsi Ali: 'Why are Muslims so hypersensitive?'

  • Ayaan Hirsi Ali

    Ayaan Hirsi Ali: Extracts from Nomad, her new book

February 2008

  • Writer to get EU protection

    Ayaan Hirsi Ali to be placed under national police protection anywhere in the European Union

December 2007

  • Everything in moderation

    Ali Eteraz

    Ali Eteraz: Ayaan Hirsi Ali should note that when addressing injustice in Islam, there is a need for reconciliation between secular humanists and Muslims

March 2007

  • A tale of two sisters

  • Nomad's journey

February 2007

  • Taking the fight to Islam

  • Andrew Anthony

    Enlightenment from Somalia

    Andrew Anthony

December 2006

  • Religion and righteousness

    Natasha Walter looks at two books that assess the impact of Islam on women in the west, The Caged Virgin by Ayaan Hirsi Ali and Murder in Amsterdam by Ian Buruma.

About 31 results for Ayaan Hirsi Ali