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Alan Shadrake

March 2015

  • Amos Yee Pang has been charged with three offences.

    Singapore teenager charged over critical Lee Kuan Yew video

    Amos Yee Pang Sang, 16, could face up to three years in prison over footage calling city state’s first minister and Jesus Christ ‘malicious’

May 2011

  • Alan Shadrake outside a Singapore court

    Author loses appeal against Singapore conviction

    British author Alan Shadrake to start six-week jail term over claims in his book about Singapore's use of death penalty

November 2010

  • Singapore and press freedom

  • liberty central
    Death and discrimination in Singapore

    Parvais Jabbar and Saul Lehrfreund
  • Roy Greenslade

    Disgraceful jail sentence for British author in Singapore

    Roy Greenslade
  • John Kampfner

    liberty central
    Singapore need not fear loosening censorship

    John Kampfner
  • Alan Shadrake faces Singapore jail term for criticising use of death penalty

  • British author faces prison sentence in Singapore

July 2010

  • British author Alan Shadrake outside court in Singapore

    Singapore's reputation on the line as British author fights on

    James Gomez
    The trial of Alan Shadrake for criticising the death penalty has damaged Singapore's standing
  • alan shadrake singapore

    British writer freed from Singapore jail

    Alan Shadrake, 75, released on bail after book about country's death penalty led to defamation and contempt of court charges
  • Singapore arrests British author of death penalty book

    Alan Shadrake held for alleged criminal defamation and other offences after visiting Singapore for book launch