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Adult literacy

February 2023

  • Jane Mace

    Other lives
    Jane Mace obituary

    Other lives: Writer, researcher and central figure in the UK’s adult literacy campaign in the 1970s

January 2023

  • Baneta Yelda, baker at Campanio in Manchester, England, UK 12/12/2022 © COPYRIGHT PHOTO BY MURDO MACLEOD All Rights Reserved Tel + 44 131 669 9659 Mobile +44 7831 504 531 Email: STANDARD TERMS AND CONDITIONS APPLY See details at No syndication, no redistribution. sgealbadh, A22R4S

    Meet the people who took an evening class… and changed their life

    Whether you are stuck in a rut or have ambitions you’d still like to pursue, adult education gives you a second chance. Six people tell Michael Segalov how taking a course inspired them

November 2022

  • Margaret Herrington

    Other lives
    Margaret Herrington obituary

    Other Lives: Adult literacy tutor who established a national research network and set up student support centres in universities

June 2022

  • Young metalwork apprentice.

    Adult education and apprenticeships budget will be 25% down since 2010

    IFS says cuts and inflation far outweigh £900m promised new spending, undermining levelling up ambitions

January 2022

  • Professor Lalage Bown for Obits

    Lalage Bown obituary

    Adult educationist whose anthology Two Centuries of African English helped transform approaches to literature in the continent

November 2021

  • Eric Pye

    Other lives
    Eric Pye obituary

    Other lives: Adult educator and inventive recycler of everyday goods

June 2020

  • Madeline Held

    Other lives
    Madeline Held obituary

  • Tom Hunt had a compendious knowledge of the second world war that stretched beyond merely serving in it

    Other lives
    Tom Hunt obituary

January 2020

  • Mary Renshaw was imbued with the culture of the south Wales pit villages

    Other lives
    Mary Renshaw obituary

    Other lives: Teacher who brought adults, often single mothers, back into education and work

September 2019

  • Comics are ‘like chewing gum, it’s not food’ ... Russia’s culture minister Vladimir Medinsky.

    Russian comics get sales boost after culture minister calls them 'pathetic'

  • Writer Jojo Moyes saved the Reading Agency’s Quick Reads scheme from closure after its funding was cut.

    Jojo Moyes: government must tackle ‘shameful’ adult literacy levels

March 2019

  • David Breakspear walking along country track

    Key to prison education handed to governors

    Jails in England are to take over educating their inmates – but will that increase the chances of success?

June 2018

  • An apprentice engineer on the production line in car factory.

    T-levels reinforce class hierarchy

    Letters: Vocational education in the UK has always been seen as essentially for ‘other people’s children’, writes Michael Pyke, and Bernard Godding of the Educational Centres Association reflects on its role in addressing disadvantage

April 2018

  • Then-prime minister Gordon Brown meets quick readers to promote the scheme in 2008.

    Quick Reads adult literacy scheme to close following funding cut

    The initiative has distributed almost 5m books to readers but is to shut following loss of Arts Council England funding and corporate sponsor

March 2018

  • Robert Lochrie is credited with saving the Workers’ Educational Association, which was threatened by changes in the funding regime

    Other lives
    Robert Lochrie obituary

    Other lives: General secretary of the WEA who devoted his life to the cause of adult education

February 2018

  • Regina Kibel

    Other lives
    Regina Kibel obituary

    Champion of adult education in local government and member of many governing and advisory bodies

December 2017

  • There are other ways to get a narrative fix … so don’t assume a failure of imagination in a non-reader.

    Books blog
    This Christmas, don't give books to non-readers

    David Barnett
    For bibliophiles, it is tempting to buy books as presents to ‘fix’ people who don’t read – but this is snobbery of the worst kind

April 2017

  • Woman reading book

    Speed-reading apps: can you really read a novel in your lunch hour?

    Apps such as Spreeder and Spritz are bringing speed reading back into fashion. But what gets lost in this race for the last page?

February 2017

  • Evening class students in coffee shop

    Cappuccino with extra Italian? Pop-up classes bring a buzz to adult learning

    As further education colleges face funding cuts, could evening classes in coffee shops bring students and teachers together?

October 2016

  • Paul Fordham

    Other lives
    Paul Fordham obituary

    Other lives: University teacher with a lifelong involvement in adult education
About 128 results for Adult literacy