Creative Problem Solving

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Creative Problem Solving What is creativity? Critical Thinking vs. Creative Thinking Characteristics of the Creative thinker Problem Solving Tools Stages of creative problem solving Creative Problem Solving Skills Negative Attitudes That Block Creativity Problem Solving Hints and Wisdom Develop Your Problem Solving Skills Positive Attitudes for Creative problem solving Basic Guidelines to Problem Solving CONCLUSION

Creative Problem Solving

Creative problem solving is the mental process of creating a solution to a problem. It is a special form of problem solving in which the solution is independently created rather than learned with assistance.

What is creativity?
Creativity is:
An Ability An Attitude

A Process

Critical Thinking analytic probability left brain verbal reasoning yes but

Creative Thinking generative possibility right brain visual richness, novelty yes and

Characteristics of the Creative thinker

Curious Seeks problems Enjoys challenge Optimistic Comfortable with imagination Sees problems as opportunities Sees problems as interesting Doesn't give up easily: perseveres, works hard

Problem Solving: 3 Highly Effective Tools

1. Using The APC Tool For Problem Solving 2. Using "The Ideal Solution Method 3. The TEC Framework

Problem Solving: 3 Highly Effective Tools (contd.)

1. Using The APC Tool For Problem Solving
APC stands for:
A- Alternatives (thinking of alternatives) P-Possibilities (alternatives opens up possibilities) C- Choices (focusing, concentrating on solutions)

Problem Solving: 3 Highly Effective Tools (contd.) Using The Ideal Solution Method
In this method the alternatives are listed and then ignored. the list of alternatives can be consulted again to see which one of them comes nearest to the 'ideal solution'.

Problem Solving: 3 Highly Effective Tools (contd.)

The TEC Framework
T - Target E - Expand and Explore C - Contract and Conclude


Objective Finding (Mess-finding) Fact-finding Problem-Finding Idea-finding Solution finding (Idea evaluation) Acceptance-finding (Idea implementation)

Creative Problem Solving Skills

Step 1:Problem Orientation Step 2: Problem Definition Step 3: Generation of Alternative Solutions Step 4: Decision Making Step 5: Solution Implementation and Verification

Creative Problem Solving Skills (contd.)

Step 1:Problem Orientation: You should try to
approach the situation with confidence and with a willingness to devote some time and effort to finding an appropriate solution to your problem.

Step 2: Problem Definition: It is important to clearly

understand the difficulty.

Step 3: Generation of Alternative Solutions:

When you start to think of possible solutions, don't limit yourself; think of as many possible options as you can.

Creative Problem Solving Skills (contd.)

Step 4: Decision Making: It is important that you
examine each of the options, and think about how realistic each is.

Step 5: Solution Implementation and Verification:

when you implement the solution, you give it your best effort. During this stage, you should continue to examine the chosen solution and the degree to which it is "solving" your problem.

Negative Attitudes That Block Creativity

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Oh no, a problem! It can't be done. I can't do it. Or There's nothing I can do. But I'm not creative. That's childish. What will people think? I might fail.

Problem Solving Hints and Wisdom

Take time to examine and explore the problem thoroughly before setting out in search of a solution. Breaking the problem into smaller parts will often make solving it much easier You can always do something.

A problem is not a punishment; it is an opportunity to increase the happiness of the world.

Problem Solving Hints and Wisdom (contd.)

Be careful not to look for a solution until you understand the problem. Remember the critical importance of acceptance in solving problems. Avoid Procrastination.

Creativity is the construction of something new out of something old.

Develop Your Problem Solving Skills

First, identify and define the problem
Then construct a strategy Monitor the entire process Evaluate your solution

Develop Your Problem Solving Skills (contd.)

Also, watch out for different restrictions like Financial or time factors Think that problem-solvers also are creative Don't criticize yourself

Develop Problem Solving Skills in your daily life

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Avoid the drug Find friends you really trust Handle peer pressure Maintain your values when ethical conflicts arise Communicate honestly with your peers

Positive Attitudes for Creative problem solving

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Curiosity Challenge Constructive discontent A belief that most problems can be solved Seeing the good in the bad. Problems lead to improvements

7. A problem can also be a solution

Basic Guidelines to Problem Solving 1. Define the problem

a) b) c) d) e) Defining the problem (with input from yourself and others) Defining complex problems Verifying your understanding of the problems Prioritize the problems Understand your role in the problem

Basic Guidelines to Problem Solving

Look at potential causes for the problem 3. Identify alternatives for approaches to resolve the problem 4. Select an approach to resolve the problem 5. Plan the implementation of the best alternative (this is your action plan) 6. Verify if the problem has been resolved or not

Creative problem solving always involves creativity. Creativity requires newness or novelty as a characteristic of what is created, but creativity does not necessarily imply that what is created has value or is appreciated by other people.

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