Science 6 Q2-W8

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Protection and A
conservation of tropical Y
rainforest, coral reefs and 1
mangrove swamps
What was your AHA-
amazing moment in our
activity last Friday?
Let’s have an enrichment
activity about the protection
and conservation of our
tropical rainforests.
The class will be divided into 5
groups. Each group will create
a poster that shows how to
protect and conserve the
Philippines’ tropical
Output Making
Presentation of Output
How can you promote the
conservation and protection
of Tropical Rainforest in your

• Rainforests are often called the lungs of

the planet for their role in absorbing
carbon dioxide, a greenhouse gas, and
increasing local humidity.
Rubric for poster making
Read an article about the
current situation of
tropical rainforests in our
Protection and conservation
of tropical rainforest, coral Y
reefs and mangrove 2
What have you found out in
your research about the
current situation of tropical
rainforests in the Philippines?
Let’s have an enrichment activity
about the protection and
conservation of our coral reefs.
The class will be divided into 5
groups. Each group will create a
jingle that shows how to protect
and conserve the Philippines’
tropical rainforests.
Output Making
Presentation of Output
How can you promote the
conservation and
protection of Coral Reefs
in your community?

• Coral ecosystems are a source of food for

millions; protect coastlines from storms and
erosion; provide habitat, spawning and
nursery grounds for economically important
fish species; provide jobs and income to
local economies from fishing, recreation, and
tourism; are a source of new medicines.
Rubric for jingle making
Read an article about the
current situation of coral
reefs in our country.
Protection and conservation A
of tropical rainforest, coral Y
reefs and mangrove swamps 3

What have you found out in
your research about the
current situation of coral
reefs in the Philippines?
In this lesson, you will learn the
physical conditions of tropical
rainforests, coral reefs, and
mangrove swamps. plants and
animals, Also, we will learn the
feeding relationship, and how the
ecosystem functions, the need to
protect them.
Rainforests are often called the lungs
of the planet for their role in absorbing
carbon dioxide, a greenhouse gas, and
increasing local humidity. Rainforests
also stabilize climate, house incredible
amounts of plants and wildlife, and
produce nourishing rainfall all around
the planet.
They make much of the oxygen humans
and animals depend on. Without them,
there would be less air to breathe!
Rainforests also help maintain Earth's
climate. By taking in carbon dioxide, they
help to reduce the greenhouse effect.
They help stabilize the world’s climate;
provide a home to many plants and
maintain the water cycle protect against flood,
drought, and erosion; are a source for
medicines and foods; support tribal people; and
are an interesting place to visit. We need the
rain forests to produce oxygen and clean the
atmosphere to help us breathe. We also know
that the earth's climate can be affected, as well
as the water cycle. Rainforests also provide us
with many valuable medicinal plants, and may
be a source of a cure from some deadly
Coral ecosystems are a source of food for
millions; protect coastlines from storms
and erosion; provide habitat, spawning
and nursery grounds for economically
important fish species; provide jobs and
income to local economies from fishing,
recreation, and tourism; are a source of
There are ways to protect the reefs
such as discouraging people from
collecting coral for ornamental
purposes, illegal dynamite fishing,
dumping of garbage into the sea.
Mangroves are the first line of defense
for coastal communities. They stabilize
shorelines by slowing erosion and
provide natural barriers protecting
coastal communities from increased
storm surge, flooding, and hurricane.
Mangrove forests are home to a large
variety of fish, crab, shrimp, and
mollusk species. These fisheries form
an essential source of food for
thousands of coastal communities
around the world. This helps stabilize
the coastline and prevents erosion
from waves and storms.
Mangroves, seagrass beds, and coral
reefs work as a single system that
keeps coastal zones healthy.
Mangroves provide essential habitat
for thousands of species.
It would be hard to do without
mangroves. Creating land ideal for
coastal development, these trees die
from subsequent population stresses.
Their abundance of sea creatures
leads to overfishing. without
mangroves, “red tide” algae blooms in
the water, kills sea life, and shuts
down beaches.
True or False. Write TRUE if the
statement is correct and FALSE if it
is incorrect. Write your answers on
a separate sheet.
_______1. Corals are living organisms.
_______2. Ecosystems can be destroyed by
human activities.
_______3. Mangroves, coral reefs, and rainforest
are examples of ecosystem.
_______4. Destroying the ecosystem can harm
humans and other forms of organism
_______5. If there are no mangroves forest, then
the sea will have no meaning.
How can you promote the
conservation and protection
of Mangrove Swamps in your
•Mangroves are the first line of defense for
coastal communities. They stabilize
shorelines by slowing erosion and provide
natural barriers protecting coastal
communities from increased storm surge,
flooding, and hurricane.
Complete the sentences.
Write your answer in your
1.Coral reefs are endangered by __________?
a. Climate change c. pollution
b. overfishing d. all of the above
2. A coral reef provides _____for a small fish.
a. food and shelter c. sewage
b. friends d. all of the above
3. What does endangered mean?
a. no longer existing b. habitat c. resources d. shelter
4. No longer existing, as an animal species
a. Habitat b. Extinct c. Resources d. Conservation
5. Which of the following is a threat to coral reefs?
a. oil spills c. sewage
b. pesticides d. All of the above
Read an article about the
current situation of
mangrove swamps in our
Protection and conservation A
of tropical rainforest, coral Y
reefs, and mangrove swamps 4

What have you found out in
your research about the
current situation of mangrove
swamps in the Philippines?
Let’s continue our lesson
about the importance of
protection and conservation of
ecosystems, especially the
ones we have in our country.
The Ecosystem is an
environment where both living
and non-living things exist and
interact with one another.
Identify what type of
ecosystem is in the pictures.
Write PC if the following
statement shows protecting
and conserving tropical
rainforest, coral reefs and
mangrove swamps and write
N if not.
_________1. Replanting trees in the forest.
_________2. Striking or touching a coral
_________3. Helping organizations
dedicated to protecting and conserving
natural resources.
_________4. Saying no to deforestation.
_________5. Establishing parks for
_________6. Maintaining sustainable limits
in logging.
_________7. Participating in local coastal
_________8. Recycling and disposing trash
_________9. Clearing mangroves for
property development.
_________10. Restoring mangrove forest.
We need to protect and conserve
the Earth’s resources. We need to
give high value to our tropical
rainforests, coral reefs and
mangrove swamps. Here are some
ways to protect and conserve it.
1. Habitat restoration
2. Reforestation or replanting a forest
3. Mangrove rehabilitation.
4. Wildlife conservation which includes protecting a
sanctuary where animals live.
5. Supporting projects of the government and non-
government organizations that protect tropical
rainforest, coral reefs and mangrove swamps.
6. Joining organizations that conduct educational
campaigns and give information on how to protect
and conserve it.
Being responsible for the
development and restoration of
Earth’s resources like the tropical
rain forests, mangrove swamps and
coral reefs are key for the long-
term benefits to mankind.
Read and write your
ideas on the
1.Provide at least 3 major threats to tropical forest?
2. Mangrove forest had been classified by many
governments and industries alike as wastelands, or
useless swamps. Do you agree with that? Why?
3. The coral reefs around the world face threats from
climate change, overfishing and pollution. As a grade
VI pupil, how can you help protect or lessen the
threats for the coral reefs?
Give at least 2 ways on how to
protect and conserve living
organisms found in the tropical
rainforest, coral reefs and
mangrove swamps.
•We need to protect and conserve
the Earth’s resources. We need to
give high value to our tropical
rainforests, coral reefs and
mangrove swamps.
• Being responsible to the
development and restoration of
Earth’s resources like the tropical
rain forests, mangrove swamps
and coral reefs are key for the
long-term benefits to mankind
Direction: Choose the letter of
the best answer. Use a separate
sheet for your answer.
1. Which of the following destroys
coral reefs?
a. mangrove planting
b. building man-made fish sanctuaries
c. waste dumping
d. coastal clean up
2. Which of the following strategies
show how to conserve the balance of
life in the ecosystem?
a. Massive cutting of trees
b. conserving the needs of living
c. destroying wildlife ecosystem
d. Dumping garbage anywhere
3. Which of the following shows
wildlife conservation?
a. excessive hunting of wild animals
b. protecting the forests against
harmful activities
c. practicing kaingin system in the
d. muro-ami fishing
4. The following shows mangrove
rehabilitation, EXCEPT:
a. Planting mangrove seedlings in the
mangrove swamps.
b. Supporting projects for mangrove
c. Making the mangrove swamps as a dumping
d. Joining the campaign against mangrove
5. The ____________ is one of the ways to
restore denuded forest.
a. reforestation
b. deforestation
c. kaingin system
d. dynamite fishing
6. Why is dynamite fishing prohibited?
a. The use of explosives destroys marine
b. The use of explosives benefits plants
and animals.
c. The use of explosives improves marine
d. It makes the coastal area erosion worse.
7. Massive ____________ will destroy natural
habitats of wildlife.
a. reforestation
b. reclamation
c. deforestation
d. conservation
8. Why should mangroves be conserved
and protected?
a. The mangrove area makes coastal
erosion worse.
b. The mangroves provide shelter for
fishes and crustaceans.
c. The mangroves serve as dumping sites.
d. The mangroves serve as an area for
9. Here are some ways of protecting and
conserving wildlife, which one is not?
a. Buy products made from animal parts.
b. Protect a fish sanctuary .
c. Support programs for wildlife
d. Help raise funds for environment
10. What areas or places where fishing
and hunting are prohibited?
a. rivers
b. swamps
c. coastal
d. sanctuaries
Review the lesson this
week for the summative
assessment tomorrow.

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