Ararsa A.
October 2022
Email: [email protected]
consults economic history to understand and interpret
purpose of these inquiries is to obtain understanding for the sake
of understanding
How does the economy work? What are the forces that determine?
methodology of positive economics is formal and abstract;
it tries to separate economic forces from political and social
Normative economics - enter into the analysis as little as
possible other than simply only understanding it.
explicitly concerns questions of 'what should be?’
is the philosophical branch of economics that integrates
economics with ethics.
The art of economics - concerns with questions of policy
relates the science of economics to normative economics
address interrelationships among politics, social forces, and
economic forces
Verification – is the integration of reason with empirical
Involves three methodologies
a) Inductive reasoning: is the reasoning proceeding from sensory
the debate usually centers on the nature of the optimal mix.
8 and verified
2. Falsificationism
best expressed in the writings of Karl Popper, who argued in the
1930s that empirical tests do not establish the truth of a theory, only
its falsity
States that it is never possible to “verify” a theory, since one
becomes possible.
Those who disagreed with mainstream theory quickly adopted
Kuhn’s analysis, as the paradigm they preferred might prove to
4. Research Programs
Was raised by Imre Lakatos during the late 1960s and 1970s
view that the existing theory might not embody the truth
5. Post-rhetorical Methodology
Absolutist writers stress internal forces, such as the increasing
the most recent theory is likely to contain less error and be closer
to the truth than earlier theories
ii) Orthodox and Heterodox Economists
Orthodox writers - largely focused on the four problems of
dominated with Economic ideas in connection to concerns for
1. Hebrews
dates back to 2500 B.C.
of food grains
2. The Greeks
laid the foundation of economics as a science
gives the theory of an ideal state in his most celebrated book, ‘The
finds the state as the more suitable place to discuss about the
considered agriculture as the most desirable occupation.
not favour the idea of allowing gold and silver to be used by the
prohibited interest taking for loans, but only for delayed loan.
b) Aristotle (384-322 B.C.)
was a student of Plato
was the first analytical economist who laid the foundation of the
science of Economics
analyses Economics according to ethical principles and examines it
c) Xenophon
Was the third Greek writer
the man of simple tastes and little substance is wealthy in
comparison with the man of great possessions on who excessive
claims rest.
known for his praise of agriculture
important - Roman law that recognizes private property and
Rome contribution to the discussion of economic topics falls under
Church sought to regulate all human relationships
by market)
Feudal system which rely on subsistence agriculture.
influenced by Aristotle and Christianity
The Medieval Economics and Feudalism …. continued
respecting each other’s rights and positions in life - Each should
owes importance to the merchant and trade (mercantile capitalist)
promotion of nationalism
the freight charges for shipping goods, ships lost at sea, insurance,
on money,
smuggling to evade tariffs, and contributions to religious orders
Other mercantilists:
regarded commerce as a continual and bitter war among nations for
economic advantage.
favored a large, hard-working, and poorly paid population
was a reaction to Mercantilism and feudalism in France
a) François Quesnay (1694–1774)
favored large farms managed by entrepreneurs over the small farms
Tableau Economique- circular flow of goods and money in an ideal,
freely competitive economy
traces spending or revenue flows among three classes: farmers,
landlords, and manufacturers and merchants.
first systematic analysis of the flow of wealth (a macroeconomic
38 foreshadowed national income analysis
b) Anne Robert Jacques Turgot (1727–1781)
became the finance minister of France in 1774
physiocratic ideas
Freedom of internal grain trade introduced; guilds and privileged
advocated a tax on the nobility, freedom of all people to choose their
occupations, universal education, religious liberty, and creation of a
central bank, which Napoleon would later establish in 1800.
Anne Robert Jacques Turgot - continued…
Turgot dismissed from office because of the critics from those
unprivileged with his reforms and the intolerance of the regime to
his reforms.
his reforms were dismissed; but his downfall made the French
Revolution inevitable
His theory of wage - competition among workers lowers the wage to
to land (the fixed factor), increasing returns may initially precede
diminishing returns
Chapter-4: Classical School
The doctrine which came after physiocracy
Other contributors
Bentham - contribution on utility and the law of diminishing utility
Chapter-5: The Rise of Socialist Thought
arose as a reaction to the economic and social changes associated with the
State should direct the economy – achieve economic equality for all citizens
Pre-Marxian Socialist Thinkers:
Thought to begun with Plato, in virtue of his advocacy of communism
Different types of early socialism
a) Utopian Socialism: developed their ideas at a time when the industrial workers
were still weak and unorganized.
ideal socialist society where all could live happily, equality of all
material equality for all men, but amount of work required from each man
destroyed the work ethic; stunted the invention of new items
c) Christian Socialism
Workers offered the solace of religion to assuage their pain and to provide hope
Property owned by the rich was to be held in trust for the benefit of everybody
d) Anarchism:
all forms of government are coercive and should be abolished
cooperating groups
Mutual understanding, cooperation, and complete liberty
e) Communism:
the stage of society that eventually supersedes socialism( Marx)
f) Revisionism
abjured the class struggle; denied that the state is necessarily an instrument of the
wealthy class;
pinned its hopes on education, electioneering, and gaining control of government
through the ballot
government was to regulate monopolies, control working conditions in factories,
take over some public utilities, and gradually extend its ownership of capital
g) Syndicalism
were anti parliamentarian and antimilitarist
believed that socialism deteriorates into bourgeois beliefs when it engages in
political and parliamentary activity
workers require is one big union that will not play the bourgeois game of seeking
social reform and the amelioration of conditions
relied exclusively on revolutionary unionism and the general strike for the
overthrow of government
h) Guild Socialism
accepted the state as a necessary institution for expression of the general interests
of citizens as consumers
The government was to develop overall economic policy for the whole community,
sought to show that capitalism had internal contradictions that would ensure its
advocated that the workers of the world unite to hasten this event
Karl Marx’s Society
humans - are not motivated by grand ideas but instead by material concerns
(materialistic conception)
men's economic activities are fundamental and they determine the general way the
character of everything else they do
History is a record of class struggles (between haves and have nots)
change occurs in the society because of the conflict of antagonistic elements which
are ultimately synthesized and transformed into a new and better concept
(dialectical materialism)
Origin of state - with the emergence of societal classes and private property and the
Karl Marx’s Economic Ideas
Value of the commodity - the socially necessary labor time embodied in the
commodity, considering normal conditions of production and the average skill and
intensity of labor at the time.
Surplus Value (s)– is the extra produce by a worker (in labor time) above
the level of commodity required for his/her subsistence (QS) that goes into
the pockets of the capitalists.
Surplus Labor - the number of hours during which the 'workman produces the
surplus value
Capital - divided capital into constant (raw materials and machinery ) and variable
(amount spent on purchasing the labor power)
Rate of Surplus Value - is the proportion of the surplus value to the variable
distinguished b/n simple rate of surplus value (s/v) and the annual rate of
surplus value ( sn/v) where n represents the number of turnovers of the variable
capital in particular year.
The rate of surplus value expresses the degree of exploitation of labour by capital
Karl Marx’s Economic Ideas
The rate of profit - the ratio of the surplus value to the total capital (s/c+v)
Organic composition of capital - ratio of constant capital to total capital (c/c+ v )
Concentration of Capital - the tendency for capital as a whole to accumulate
ends in the ruin of many small capitalists (the strong either crushes or absorbs
Chapter – 6: The Marginalists Revolution
Against 19th century Europe social problems – 3 approaches (promote socialism; to
concluded that, although the value and distribution theories of the classical
Marginalists continued…
individual person and firm take center stage (Microeconomic emphasis)
use the abstract, deductive method, rejected the historical method in favor of
opposing forces
lumped land and capital resources together in their analysis
Forerunners of the Marginalist School
his analysis focused on the rates of change of total cost and revenue functions (MC
firm can maximize its profits by setting a price at which MR=MC. This also applies to
Jules Dupuit …
as the price of a good falls, people buy more of it to satisfy less pressing, lower
buyers into identifiable groups and where resale of the product by customers is
impossible or prohibitively expensive.
It converts consumer surplus to higher revenues
c) Johann Heinrich Von Thünen
founder of location theory and agricultural economics
With increasing distance from the Town, the land will progressively be given up to
products cheap to transport in relation to value
established a crude marginal productivity theory of wages and capital.
The law of diminishing returns, explain how voluntary exchange produces mutual
gains in utility
the rational person should allocate his/her money income so that the last unit of
money spent on each product bought yields the same amount of extra utility i.e
MUx/Px = MUy/Py is a rational consumption spending to secure maximum
55 satisfaction
i) The First Generation Marginalists
arisen almost simultaneously in different places at the time
Were W. Stanley Jevons in England, Carl Menger in Austria, and Léon Walras at
Lausanne, Switzerland
a) William Stanley Jevons
Theory of diminishing marginal utility - utility cannot be measured directly, at
least with the tools at hand but only by observing human behavior and noting
human preferences
rejected any attempt to compare the intensity of pleasures and pains among
different people
But a single individual can compare utilities of successive units of a single good,
money income in such a way that the MU of the last dollar spent on all commodities
is equal: MUx/Px = MUy/Py … =MUn/Pn
Cost of production determines supply; Supply determines final degree of utility;
He believed that child labor should be restricted by law and that health and safety
value changes the value of labor used to produce the good changes
b) Carl Menger
published his pathbreaking treatise, Principles of Economics
Menger’s Value Theory: based on the concept of utility, like that of Jevons with
no use of mathematics
The basis for exchange value for Menger is the difference in relative subjective
the prospective value (based on marginal utility) of the consumer goods they will
produce, with two deductions: a margin subtracted “for the value of the services of
capital” (interest) and a reward for entrepreneurial activity (profit).
c) Friedrich Von Wieser
introduced the term marginal utility to the economic lexicon, although Dupuit,
suggests that the value of a commodity is the value of the commodities forgone,
Eugen von Böhm-Bawerk continued…
Theory of Interest – clearly shows his incorporation of time in economic analysis
Interest arises for three reasons: Present orientation (wish to enjoy life today
rather than sacrifice for the future); Expectation of rising wealth (prepared to
borrow now); and Roundabout production (more roundabout the process of
production, the more productive and efficient it becomes)
total utility of a good is its marginal utility times the number of units
e) Léon Walras
developed and advocated general equilibrium analysis;
f) The Austrian School
known as the "Vienna school" and the "psychological school“
Known for its belief that the workings of the broad economy are the sum of smaller
new Keynesians and others, make use of data and mathematical models to prove
their point objectively
Austrian school can be more specifically contrasted with the German historical
ii) The Second Generation Marginalists
a) Francis y. Edgeworth
accepted Bentham’s notion that every person is a “pleasure machine
workers seek to maximize the net gain from their labor, and
Upheld differential calculus as the most fruitful tool for analyzing this
economic behavior
originated the idea of an indifference curve
elucidated the difference between average and marginal product
Second Generation Marginalists continued…
The Second Generation Marginalists continued…
theory of distribution
distribution of the income of society is controlled by a natural law
his theory was based on the law of diminishing returns, which he applied to all
factors of production
MP of a factor alone cannot determine its rate of reward unless the quantity of a