Tutorial 2 2
Tutorial 2 2
Tutorial 2 2
A. Long thoracic
B. Pectoral branch of thoraco-acromial
C. Suprascapular
D. Thoracodorsal
E. None of the above
• Answer A. The long thoracic nerve supplies the
serratus anterior muscle, which is necessary for the
upward rotation of the scapula when raising the
abducted arm above the head.
4. Which clinical sign would not be associated with injury
of the ulnar nerve due to fracture of the medial
A. Elbow extension
B. Elbow flexion
C. Pronation
D. Shoulder abduction
E. Wrist extension
• Answer C. Nerves derived from the posterior cord supply
muscles of the shoulder (e.g., axillary nerve— deltoid muscle;
thoracodorsal nerve—latissimus dorsi), and the arm and forearm
(radial nerve—all
extensors, brachioradialis, supinator, and the snuffbox muscles).
Therefore, posterior cord injury would affect extensor functions,
thumb abduction (abductor pollicis longus—a snuffbox muscle),
and elbow flexion (brachioradialis). The primary pronators
(teres and quadratus) would not be affected by this injury
because they are supplied by the median nerve, which receives
contributions from the medial and lateral
6. A 52-year-old male undergoes rotator cuff surgery to
repair the supraspinatus muscle. During the
procedure,the suprascapular artery is identified. Which
other vessels contribute to scapular collateral circulation.
A. Subclavian
B. Brachiocephalic
C. External jugular
D. Internal jugular
E. Brachial
• Answer A. As the subclavian vein arches over the
first rib, it lies posterior and inferior to the clavicle. The
vein is partially protected by the subclavius muscle,
which attaches to the inferior surface of the clavicle.
Clavicular fracture may compress the vein between the
clavicle and first rib, or cause its rupture due to the
fascial connections between the vein, the subclavius
muscle, and the clavicle.
10. A 33-year-old female comes to the orthopedics clinic
complaining of weakness in her right (dominant) hand. During
physical examination, you ask her to hold a piece of paper
tightly between adjacent surfaces of the index and middle
fingers. You find, however, that it is easy, compared with her lef
hand, to pull the paper from between her fingers. Which
muscles are involved?