Sadman Hasan Rafi

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GHS 413

Research Methodology and Scientific Writing

Topic- A review of Mangrove Forest and Their Role

in Environmental Protection

Sadman Hasan Rafi

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What we studied in this course ?

Research is a scientific
method for –
Types of Research-
 Finding the answers you want.
 Putting an end to an issue.
 Qualitative Research - Qualitative data
 Producing fresh concepts in a systematic
approach. refers to the description and analysis of
 Finding practical applications for the qualities or characteristics. Data is
findings in policymaking. acquired through the utilization of
questionnaires, interviews, or
observation, and is commonly presented
in the form of narratives.

 Quantitative Research - Quantitative Goals –

research is the process of collecting and
analyzing numerical data  Exploration
 Description
 Causal explanation
 prediction
A review of Mangrove Forest and Their Role in Environmental


 Understanding mangrove biodiversity and its role in coastal protection

 Carbon desolation & increasing water quality
 Human interactions, sustainable management, and challenges

General information-
 What is Mangrove Forest ?
 How it is formed ?
 Historic evidence
 Where are the mangrove forests in Bangladesh and the Indian subcontinent ? Distribution of Mangrove forest in Bangladesh
A review of Mangrove Forest and Their Role in Environmental

Seaside Barrier
Carbon Cycling
 Mangroves serve as a buffer zone
  Carbon isolation
Flood Mitigation
  Below ground biomass
Reduce the impact of Wave
  Sediment Carbon Storage
Wind breaks
  Climate Change Mitigation
Protection of Coastal Habitats
A review of Mangrove Forest and Their Role in Environmental

Water Quality and pollution

 Root filtration and nutrient uptake
 Pollutant removal
 Microbial Communities
 Sediment capture

Water analysis of Sundarbans's surroundings area: Source-Water Quality Of World’s Largest Mangrove
Forest, Rahman et al, 2013
A review of Mangrove Forest and Their Role in Environmental

Tropical Cyclones and Mangrove Forests

Hero who saves Bangladesh

Indian Subcontinent
 Positions of Sundarban’s
 Types of tropical cyclone  Impact of Tropical Cyclone
 Impact on coastal area  mitigation of the invasion by Sundarban's
A review of Mangrove Forest and Their Role in Environmental

Recommendations Conclusion
 Raise Awareness  Mangrove forest stabilizing coastal ecosystems
 Legal Protections  Preventing pollution.
 Community Involvement  Preservation of biodiversity
 Mangrove Restoration  Sustainable Management
 Sustainable Fishing
 Coastal Development Planning, Research and
 Ecotourism
 Corporate Responsibility and International

 Alongi, D. M. (2014). Carbon cycling and storage in mangrove forests. Annual Review of Marine Science, 6(1), 195–219.
 Sandilyan, S., & Kathiresan, K. (2015). Mangroves as bioshield: An undisputable fact. Ocean & Coastal Management, 103, 94–96.
 Water quality of the world’s largest mangrove forest. (2013). Canadian Chemical Transactions, 1(2), 141–156.
 Islam, S. N., & Gnauck, A. (2008). Mangrove wetland ecosystems in Ganges-Brahmaputra delta in Bangladesh. Frontiers of Earth Science
in China, 2(4), 439–448.
 Sharma, S., Suwa, R., Ray, R., & Mandal, M. S. H. (2022). Successive Cyclones Attacked the World’s Largest Mangrove Forest Located in
the Bay of Bengal under Pandemic. Sustainability, 14(9), 5130.


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