PP5 The Cell Cycle Mitosis 1453876766

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Life at Molecular, Cellular and

Tissue Level

TOPIC 1.3: Cell Division

The Cell Cycle-

 Before we start with cell division there are some
terms that we need to understand.
 The body is made up of two kinds of cells.
 These are the body cells and the sex cells.
 The body cells are called the somatic cells .
 The somatic cells make up every part of your body
for example the cells making up the bone.
 The sex cells are called the gametes.
 There are two types of gametes.
 These are the sperm cells and ovum.

Somatic cells

are body cells Skin cells are examples of

somatic cells


are sex cells. Sperms and eggs are

examples of gametes
 Cell division occurs in the somatic cells and in the
formation of the gametes.
 The cell that undergoes cell division is called the
mother cell.
 The new cells that are formed after cell division
are called the daughter cells.

There are two types of cell division.
 These are:
a. Mitosis and
b. Meiosis
 Mitosis is the type of cell division that
occurs in somatic cells.
 It is simply when one cell divides and form two
 Remember the new cells that are formed are
called the daughter cells.

The daughter cells are identical to each
other and the mother cell is every way.
 The chromosomal number stays the same
during mitosis.

is the type of cell division Mitosis produces new cells

that occurs in somatic cells, for growth, repair and
when one cell divides and replacement
form two identical cells

During meiosis the mother cell divides twice
to form 4 different daughter cells.
 Each daughter cell has half the number of
chromosomes as the mother cell.
 For example if the mother cell had 46
chromosomes then after meiosis each daughter
cell would have 23 chromosomes.
 Meiosis occurs to form gametes.
 The cell cycle is also known as the cell division
 The cell cycle takes place within a cell, it is the
series of events that occurs when a cell divides
and duplicate.
 In eukaryotic cells, cell division occurs in 2

These are interphase and mitosis and

During interphase the cell grows by making
proteins and organelles.

Also during interphase the DNA duplicates.

The cell alsocollects nutrients that are
needed for mitosis during interphase.
 During the mitosis phase the mother cell divides to
from two identical daughter cells.
 Mitosis is very important because it can allow a single
cell to develop into a multicellular organism.
 From the diagram
alongside you can see
that most of the time of
the cell cycle is taken up
by interphase.
 You can also see that
mitosis and cytokinesis
Time Allocation of each phase only takes up about 10%
of the cell cycle.
 As mentioned earlier mitosis is the process by
which one cell divides to form two identical
daughter cells.
 These identical daughter cells have the same
number and type of chromosomes.
 Cells that have the same number and kind of
chromosomes are said to be genetically
 Remember that all the cells in the human body
are genetically alike except for the sex cells.
What exactly does genetically identical mean?

 DNA is made up of small parts that controls or

carries the genetic code for one or more
characteristics or functions.

This portion of DNA is called a gene.
 DNA contains the code for the appearance and
function of many parts. Like eye colour, or the
type of protein to be made.
 People do not have the same DNA. However
parts of their DNA may be similar to their parents
or grandparents.
 Remember! Identical twins have the same
 Mitosis is a type of cell division.
 The actual process of mitosis is made up of two
 These two are the division of the…

a. Nucleus
b. Cytoplasm.
 The nucleus divides first and the cytoplasm
 Now lets look at the division of the nucleus in an

animal cell.
 This is preparation for
nuclear division.
 The DNA undergoes
replication so that the
genetic material in the
chromatin material is
 The diagram
alongside shows a
micrograph of

Micrograph of Interphase
 The chromatin
network unwinds to
form the single
 The nuclear
membrane and
nucleolus start to
 The centrioles move
to the opposite poles.
 Study the
micrograph of

Micrograph of Prophase
METAPHASE: centrioles
 During metaphase the
chromosomes are
found at the equator of
the cell.
 They occur in a single
 They are attached to
spindle fibers.

 The spindle fibers
shorten and the
chromatids are pulled
 The chromatids are
pulled towards the
opposite end of the cell,
towards the poles.
 Each chromatid is a
single stranded
Can you explain why this
is the case?
 The micrograph
alongside is of

Micrograph of Anaphase
 Each chromatid is considered to be a single
chromosome and the DNA underwent replication
before the start of the division.
 There are now two
groups of chromosomes
at each pole of the cell.
 The nuclear membrane
and nucleolus reappear.
 Now the cell has two
nuclei with the same
number and kind of
chromosome as the
mother cell.
 Study the
alongside, carefully.
 Cytokinesis is the division
of the cytoplasm.
 It occurs once two new
nuclei are formed.
 In animal cells the cell
membrane constricts.
 The constriction eventually
meet in the middle
forming two new cells.
 A cell plate forms
between the two
new nuclei.
 The cell plate divides
the cell into two new
identical cells.

Cell plate Cytokinesis



is the division of the Cytokinesis occurs

cytoplasm differently in plant and
animal cells
 There are difference in how mitosis occurs in
plant and animal cells.
 The table in the next slide discusses some of these
 Differences in mitosis between Plant and Animal
1. Centrosome forms 1. Cytoplasm forms the
spindle fibers during spindle fibers during
prophase. prophase.
2. Constriction of the 2. Cell plates are formed in
cytoplasm occurs during the equatorial parts of the
cytokinesis cell during cytokinesis
 From the above discussion you now know that
mitosis results in the formation of identical cells.
 This is extremely important in the growth of an
organism, because in order to grow the organism
would need a large number of identical cells.
 Therefore it is mitosis that makes it possible for
the unicellular zygote to grow into a multicellular
organism by providing a large number of identical
 Some unicellular organisms, such as the Amoeba,
undergo a type of reproduction called binary
 During this process one cell simply divides to form
two new cells that are identical to each other and
the original cell.
 From the above statement it is clear that binary
fission is actually mitosis.
 In spore producing organisms such as fungi, moss
and fern, asexual reproduction occurs by mitosis.
 When cells naturally wear off they need to be
replaced. Mitosis produces the identical cells that
are needed to replace these lost cells.
 When tissues are accidentally damaged they need
to be repaired, once again mitosis provides the
identical cells that make the repair possible.
 The importance of mitosis can be summarized as
a) Formation of new cells that may be used for
growth, replacement and repair.
b) Allows for asexual and vegetative reproduction.
Study the micrograph below and answer the
questions that follow:

1. Name the phase shown.
2. Give one visible reason for your answer.
3. Name the phase that comes before this.
4. Identify label A.
5. Draw a diagram of the phase that follows the
one shown.
1. Anaphase
2. The chromatids are moving to the opposite
3. Metaphase.
4. Chromatin.
5. Your teacher will provide you with a labelled
 Usually after mitosis has occurred some of the
cells undergo structural and chemical changes so
that they can perform specific functions.
 These cells are said to be differentiated or
 When these differentiated cells come together to
perform a single function a tissue is formed.
 These differentiated or specialized cells can no
longer divide by mitosis.
 Some cells however do not differentiate, they
continue to divide in an uncontrolled manner.
 Sometimes even the specialized cells begin to
undifferentiate and continue to divide by mitosis.
These cells become simplified again.
 This continual and uncontrolled division of cells
results in the formation of swellings or growths in
various parts of the body.

These growths or swellings are called tumors.


Tumors: are growths or Remember that a tumour

swellings that may or may may not be cancerous.
not be cancerous
 Two types of tumors maybe formed.
 They are:

a) Benign tumors and

b) Malignant tumors.
Benign tumors
 These tumors stop growing.
 They occur in small groups.
 They do not invade the most important organs of
the body.

They are not cancerous.

Benign tumors

are tumors that are not Benign tumours are not

cancerous. cancerous.
Malignant tumors
 Malignant tumors continue to grow.
 They invade important organs.
 Some of the cancer cells may break off and enter
the blood or lymphatic system and are then
carried to all parts of the body.
 Therefore they are spread to even distant parts of
the body.
 They invade even the most distant parts of the

Malignant tumors

are cancerous tumors Malignant tumours are

cancerous tumours.
 The exact cause of the cell behavior is unknown.
 Cancer causing agents have been identified by
 These agents bring about cancer in certain people
under certain conditions.
 These cancer causing agents are called
 The carcinogens do not always cause cancer.
 Some people are exposed to these carcinogen
over a life time and never develop cancer while
other people are exposed to these carcinogens for
only a short period and develop cancer.
 Scientist believe that these people that develop
cancer are predisposed to it. They have a
weakness or susceptibility to the disease.
 This weakness might be inherited.
 It is important to know that cancer can not be
inherited only the predisposition for cancer can
be inherited.
 But in very rare cases the actual cancer itself can
be inherited.
 Here is a list of some of these carcinogens:
1. Radiation (sun rays, x-rays, from atomic weapons)
2. Smoking
3. Hormonal imbalances
4. Some processed foods
5. Exposure to certain pollutants (for example industrial
wastes, car exhaust fumes)
6. Pesticides
7. Viruses
8. Constant and prolonged irritation (e.g. mouth cancer
can be caused by pipe smoking.


are cancer causing agents Carcinogens may not cause

are called carcinogens cancer in everyone.
 There are 3 types of cancer.
 These 3 types of cancer are:
1.Carcinomas- affects the skin and epithelial
tissues that line certain organs and glands.
2.Sarcomas- affects bone, cartilage and muscle
3.Leukemia- affects the blood and lymphatic
 Treatment includes radiation, chemotherapy,
surgery, laser therapy and cryosurgery.
a)Cryosurgery- extreme cold is applied to the
tumor instead of a scalpel. The advantage is that
very little bleeding occurs.
b) Surgery- is used if the cancer is identified in
the early stages. Doctors remove the tumor
surgically before it starts to spread to other
parts of the body. Remember though that often
the cancer cell break off and spread to other
parts of the body before the surgery. Therefore
the cancer may still exist in another part of the
c) Radiotherapy-here radiation is used to
treat cancer. Radiation can be administered by
machines, injections or planting radiation
capsules within the body.
d) Chemotherapy- involves the use of a
combination of various chemicals. These
chemicals either destroy the cancer cells
directly or their DNA and thus preventing the
cell from reproducing and spreading.
 Chemotherapy and radiation have harmful side
effects. Which include vomiting and nausea.
 Doctors do not speak of a cure for cancer. They
speak of the percentage of the patients that are
likely to be cancer-free for a specific time. The
earlier the cancer is detected the more likely it is
for the patient to remain disease free.
1. Fear of the disease: many people fear the
disease. They worry about the treatment and
the time they need to take off work for the
treatment. Women who have breast or cervical
cancer feel that they have lost their femininity
and reproductive value.
2. Uncertainty of the effectiveness of the
treatment of the cancer: many people rather
not know because they believe that there is no
hope and they will die anyway.
3. Reluctance of men to ask for help: apart from
skin cancer the most common type of cancer
among men is prostate cancer. Despite this
men are not eager to go for prostate cancer
testing. Many believe that this is due the
reluctance of men to ask for help or the belief
that a cancer diagnosis will reduce other
people’s opinion of them.
 Somatic cells: are body cells.
 Gametes: are sex cells.
 Mitosis: is the type of cell division that occurs
in somatic cells, when one cell divides and
form two identical cells.
 Interphase: is preparation for nuclear division
 Cytokinesis: is the division of the cytoplasm.
 Tumors: are growths or swellings that may or
may not be cancerous.
 Benign tumors: are tumors that are not
 Malignant tumors: are cancerous tumors
 Carcinogens: are cancer causing agents are called
1. During mitosis the chromosomal number is…
A. Halved
B. Doubled
C. Stays the same
D. None of the above.
2. At the end of mitosis the chromatin material is…
A. Different
B. The same
C. Doubled
D. Both A and C
3. Mitosis occurs in…
A. Bone cells
B. Formation of sperms
C. Both A and B
D. None of the above
4. During cytokinesis in a plant cell a____ is
A. Cell plate
B. Cleavage furrow
C. Spindle fibers
D. Chromatid
5. Spindle fibers are…
A. Formed by the centrioles and found in plant cells
B. Formed by the centrioles and found in animal
cells only
C. Formed by the centrioles and found in both plant
and animal cells
D. Formed by the centrioles and found in neither
plant cells or animal cells.
6. During metaphase the chromatids…
A. Occur at the equator
B. Occur at the poles
C. Occur as the chromatin network
D. None of the above
7. If the human cell has 46 chromosome in it
nucleus at the end of mitosis it will have…
A. 46 chromosomes
B. 23 chromosomes
C. 92 chromosomes
D. No chromosomes
8. During anaphase the chromatids…
A. Have moved to the poles
B. Are at the equator
C. Are moving to the poles
D. None of the above
9. A malignant tumor…
A. Can spread and is cancerous.
B. Cannot spread and is cancerous.
C. Can spread and is not cancerous.
D. Cannot spread and is cancerous.
10. Treatment for cancer is…
A. Cryosurgery
B. Radiotherapy
C. Both A and B
D. None of the above
11. Cytokinesis occurs…
A. Before nuclear division
B. After nuclear division
C. During prophase
D. During interphase
12. The preparation for cell division is called…
A. Interphase
B. Prophase
C. Metaphase
D. Cytokinesis
13. The chromosomes line themselves at the
equator during…
A. Interphase
B. Prophase
C. Metaphase
D. Cytokinesis
14. The phase that comes after prophase is…
A. Interphase
B. Prophase
C. Metaphase
D. Cytokinesis
15. The division of the cytoplasm is known as…
A. Interphase
B. Prophase
C. Metaphase
D. Cytokinesis
16. The final phase of nuclear division is…
A. Interphase
B. Prophase
C. Metaphase
D. Telophase
17. The chromatin network unwinds during…
A. Interphase
B. Prophase
C. Metaphase
D. Telophase
18. The spindle fibers shorten during…
A. Anaphase
B. Prophase
C. Metaphase
D. Telophase
19. The correct of the events of mitosis is:
A. Prophase, metaphase, anaphase, telophase
B. Telophase, anaphase, prophase, interphase
C. Metaphase, telophase, interphase, prophase
D. Prophase, anaphase, metaphase, telophase.
20. DNA replication occurs during…
A. Interphase
B. Prophase
C. Metaphase
D. Telophase
1. C 11. B
2. B 12. A
3. A 13. C
4. A 14. C
5. B 15. D
6. A 16. D
7. A 17. B
8. C 18. A
9. A 19. A
10. C 20. A

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