ICT Grade 7 First Quarter - Week 5
ICT Grade 7 First Quarter - Week 5
ICT Grade 7 First Quarter - Week 5
In today's digital age, proficiency in productivity software is
crucial. These tools—word processing, presentation, and
spreadsheet software—are essential in various fields, from
education and business to personal projects. They enable users
to efficiently create, organize, and present information.
Understanding how to use these software tools effectively can
significantly enhance productivity and communication skills,
making them indispensable in any professional setting.
Word Processing
Word processing is the use of software to create, edit, and
format text-based documents. It allows users to type, adjust
the layout, and apply various text styles like bold or italics.
Users can also insert images, tables, and manage the
document's structure. Common word processing programs
include Microsoft Word and Google Docs.
Page Breaks:
• A page break is a marker in a
document that ends the current
page and starts a new one. It's
used to control the flow of
content, ensuring that text or
images appear exactly where you
want them in the document.
• Example: When writing a report,
you might insert a page break
before starting a new chapter to
ensure that each chapter begins
on a new page, even if you add
more content later.
Auto Tables of Contents