DFIR - Week 2 - Part 1
DFIR - Week 2 - Part 1
DFIR - Week 2 - Part 1
Windows Operating System Forensics
USN Journal
USNJ (Update Sequence Number
Journal) is basically a Change
Journal which holds the record of
changes made to a hard drive
It starts off with an 0kb file, but
when changes are made to the
volume, this file gets updated. Each
record is identified by an Update
Sequence Number and contains the
USN, the name of the file, and
information about what the change
Windows Operating System Forensics
The Master File Table (MFT) is a database which accounts for all files and directories in an NTFS.
Every file and directory has at least one record on an NTFS Volume.
Time Stomping can be detected by analyzing MFT (File Name Attribute vs Standard Attribute)
Windows Operating System Forensics
Windows Registry
• Windows Registry Hives is basically Windows’ Database
that contains extremely critical data for Digital Forensics.
The following Hives are utilized often for forensics
• Windows configuration database
– System wide settings
– User settings
– Security database
• Organized into “hive files” on disk
• Loaded in memory
• Must be parsed into human-readable output
Forensic Artifacts in the Registry
System Configuration
Computer Name Joined Domain Info
Timezone Network Shares
OS Version Users, SIDS, Groups
Network and Firewall Mounted Devices
Audit Configuration Application Compatibility Cache
Installed Programs USB Devices
Forensic Artifacts in the Registry
User-Specific Data AutoRuns
Mapped Drives / Network Windows Services
Frequently Used Programs Run / RunOnce Keys
Explorer Usage WinLogon Notifications
Application MRU Data Active Setup Installed
Executed Programs AppInit DLLs
Typed URLs Shell Extensions
Opened Documents Browser Helper Objects
Anatomy of a Registry Key
Example: Run key
Key: HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run
Value Name: NotMalware
Value Data: C:\ProgramData\TotallyMalware\Evil.exe
Windows Operating System Forensics
Prefetch Files
When we run applications on Windows
Operating System, a Prefetch file is
created in C:\Windows\Prefetch folder
which contains information about the files
loaded by the application. This Prefetch
file is actually a feature of Windows to
optimize loading time of the application
so that the next load is faster for the user;
it has tremendous forensic value as
malware binaries’ Prefetch file can
contain lot of critical info such as source
location and other files utilized.
User creation, Security & policy Anti-virus & HIPS User application
deletion, changes changes alerts events
Security Application
Network configuration
Application/Service Logs
• OS sub-components – Operational
– AppLocker – Admin
– PowerShell – Debug
– Task Scheduler – Analytic
– Remote Desktop
– Microsoft Office
– Dozens more…
• Logging levels
Super Timelines
All Windows Related Artifacts can be put in a single timeline to understand what happened
on the system at a given point in time. Open Source Timeline tools combine File System,
Registry, Event Logs, Prefetch Files, etc. to give a snapshot in time view of the system.
Windows Operating System (Volatile Data)
Windows Operating System Forensics
Windows Operating System Forensics
Live Analysis – Process Explorer
Process Explorer is basically Windows
Task Manager on Steroids. It gives a lot
of information on which processes are
running on the system its supplemental
information that is very useful when
analyzing the systems in a LIVE state.
Windows Operating System Forensics
Live Analysis – AutoRuns
Autoruns is an application that tells you all about the programs that are configured to start on
Operating System Bootup. Windows pulls this information from many sources like Startup Folder,
Windows Servers, Winlogon, etc.; Autoruns gives a Visual look on all startup programs.
Windows Operating System Forensics
Live Analysis – TCPView
Tcpview is basically the visual version of Netstat.exe command covered earlier. When analyzing
the systems in a LIVE state, this tool provides quick visual info on what applications are actively
communicating with the REMOTE hosts and how much data is being exchanged between the
target system and the REMOTE host.
Windows Operating System Forensics
Live Analysis – Process Monitor
Process Monitor is a tool that can take
a process of interest and stalk its
Registry, File System and Network
Activity to give you a 360 degree view of
its operations.
End of Week 2 – Part 1 Slides