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Universiteti Politeknik i Tiranës

Fakulteti i Teknologjisë Informative

Sistemet Satelitore
(Komunikimet Satelitore)

Dr. Sc. Shkelzen Cakaj

Mars, 2024
Dr. Shkelzen Cakaj 1
Sistemet Satelitore

Dr. Shkelzen Cakaj 2

Albania 1&2
• On January 03, 2023, from the base of Cape
Canaveral in Florida, the satellites Albania 1
and Albania 2 were launched into space, by the
company SpaceX with satellite transporter
Falcon 9.
• LEO satellites

Dr. Shkelzen Cakaj 3

• I. Hyrje
• II. Arkitektura e sistemeve satelitore
• III. Orbitat satelitore
• IV. Levizja e satelitit
• V. Ndikimi atmosferik
• VI. Kalkulimi i linkut
• VII. Stacioni tokesor
• VIII. Sateliti dhe teknikat e qasjes
• IX. Interferenca
• X. Aplikimet Dr. Shkelzen Cakaj 4
• G.D. Gordon, W.L. Morgan, Principles of
communication satellites, John Wiley & sons.
• Maral Bousquet, Satellite Communications Systems,
• M.Richharia, Satellite Communications Systems, Mc
• D.Roddy, Satellite Communications, Mc Graw-Hill.
• B.Elbert, Introduction to Satellite Communications,
Artech House Publishers
• A. Maini & V. Agrawal, Satellite Technology, John
Wiley & sons.
Dr. Shkelzen Cakaj 5
(Qe shkarkohet –Downloaded)
• A. Maini & V. Agrawal, Satellite Technology, John Wiley & sons
(26.11. 2012)

• D.Roddy, Satellite Communications, Mc Graw-Hill.

• (26.11.2012)

Dr. Shkelzen Cakaj 6

Ground Station Design and Analysis for LEO Satellites
(Dizajni dhe Analiza për Stacionet Tokësore të LEO Satelitëve)

Prof. Assoc. Shkelzen

Fakulteti i Teknologjisë së
Universiteti Politeknik i

Nëntor 2022

I. Hyrje

• Komunikimet satelitore –IDEA

• Risite e 10 viteve te fundit
• Dallimi themelor me sistemet tokesore
• Historia dhe zhvillimi i sistemeve satelitore
• Sistemet nderkombetare dhe vendore
• Perparesite e sistemeve satelitore
• Zhvillimi i pajimeve te lansimit
• Aplikimet
Dr. Shkelzen Cakaj 8
I. Hyrje

• Sistemet satelitore prezente ne cdo fushe

• Komunikimet interkontinentale dhe televizioni satelitor
• Observimi i Tokes, monitorimi atmosferik, astronomia…
• Mobile communication
• Global positioning system (GPS)
• Programe per studimin e Universit

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Dr. Shkelzen Cakaj 11


The orbits of the planets are ellipses with the sun at one focus.
The orbits of satellites around the earth are ellipses with the earth at one
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Dr. Shkelzen Cakaj 13

I. Hyrje

NASA's MAVEN spacecraft successfully entered orbit around Mars on Sept. 21, 2014.

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Dr. Shkelzen Cakaj 17

NASA astronaut Scott Kelly works outside the International Space Station.

Dr. Shkelzen Cakaj 18

• Goal is to take people into space
• Dragon: cargo to the ISS in May 2012 under a test flight.
• The American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics
(AIAA) & NASA plan to take people in Mars in 10 to
15 years.
• Russian company Rosatom has developed a nuclear
power propulsion system that could get a spacecraft to
Mars in just over a month. The trip currently takes 18
months. Project began 2010, prototype testing is expected
to begin in 2022.

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Dr. Shkelzen Cakaj 22

Robotic refueling in space

Dr. Shkelzen Cakaj 23

I. Hyrje
• Sateliti – trup artificial
• Ballonet dhe raketat
- Bartja e instrumentit
• Artur Clark, 1945
- Ideja e satelitit gjeostacionar
- Problemi i lansimit
- Komunikimi (repeater station)
• Sputnik -1, 1957, 227km x 940km, 65 shkalle
• Explorer-1, 1958
• TIROS – weather satellite, 1960, on board cameras
• Telstar – communication satellite, 1962 (orb. eliptike)
• SYNCOM (gjenerata 3, transmeton olimpiaden Tokyo 1964)
• INTELSAT, Early Bird, geostationary, communication, 240 chann.
• Molniya
Dr. Shkelzen Cakaj 24
I. Hyrje
• Intelsat, Global coverage, 1969
• Intelsat-4, frequency reuse
• Three axis stabilized
• Canada, 1972
• Eutelsat
• Palapa serie, Indonesia
• From 1966, NOAA
• Launch vehicles
- large satellites
- higher orbits
• Reusable, Space shuttle
• Ariane, ESA
• 1000 satellites launched on decade (2000-2010).

Dr. Shkelzen Cakaj 25

Përparësitë e komunikimeve satelitore
• Economical long distance
(Ekonomike për distanca të gjata)
• Fixed/mobile communication
• Wide coverage area
(Zonë e gjerë e mbulimit)
• Better coverage of rural and
undeveloped areas
(Të përshtatshme për zona rurale)
• Freedom from natural barriers
(Tejkalon pengesat natyrale)
• Broadcast capability
Dr. Shkelzen Cakaj 26
Orbita gjeostacionare

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Sistemet satelitore

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Van Allen belts

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Van Allen belts

Dr. Shkelzen Cakaj 30

Klasifikimi i orbitave
• Orientimi i planit orbital
- Ekuatoriale, polare dhe te inklinuara
- Prograde (direct) dhe retrograde (opposite) orbita
• Ekscentriciteti
- Eliptike dhe rrethore
- Molniya (0.75, 65º, 400km, 40000km)
(ex. GOES, Eks = 0.00025)
• Distanca nga Toka
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Dr. Shkelzen Cakaj 36

Two LEO orbits

Dr. Shkelzen Cakaj 37

II. Arkitektura e sistemeve satelitore
• Arkitektura
• Segmenti hapsinor
• Transponderi
• Segmenti tokesor
• Uplink dhe downlink
• Klasifikimi i stacioneve tokesore
• ITU regjionet
• Koncepti i rrjeteve satelitore
Dr. Shkelzen Cakaj 38
II. Sistemet satelitore
• Satellite communication
- Space segment
- Ground segment
• Resources
- Frequency
- Orbits

Dr. Shkelzen Cakaj 39

II. Sistemet satelitore

Dr. Shkelzen Cakaj 40

II. Channel (Transponder)

Dr. Shkelzen Cakaj 41

II. Sistemet satelitore
• Uplink – Transmetimi nga stacioni tokesor ne
drejtim te satelitit
• Downlink – Transmetimi nga sateliti ne
drejtim te stacioni tokesor
• Transponder – pajimet ne satelit qe e pranojne
sinjalin ne uplink, e perforcojne dhe e
konvetojne ne sinjalin downlink.

Dr. Shkelzen Cakaj 42

II. Sistemet satelitore
• Mbulueshmeria
– Global, regional, national
• Lloji i sherbimeve
– Fixed service satellite (FSS)
– Broadcast service satellite (BSS)
– Mobile service satellite (MSS)

Dr. Shkelzen Cakaj 43

II. Sistemet satelitore
• Circular or elliptical orbit
– Circular with center at earth’s center
– Elliptical with one foci at earth’s center
• Orbit around earth in different planes
– Equatorial orbit above earth’s equator
– Polar orbit passes over both poles
– Other orbits referred to as inclined orbits
• Altitude of satellites
– Geostationary orbit (GEO)
– Medium earth orbit (MEO)
– Low earth orbit (LEO)

Dr. Shkelzen Cakaj 44

II. Stacioni tokesor
• Subsystems
- Antennas
- Converters
- Demodulator/Modulator
• Safety system
• System software
- Communication
- Tracking
- Station monitoring

Dr. Shkelzen Cakaj 45

II. Stacioni tokesor

Dr. Shkelzen Cakaj 46

II. Segmenti hapsinor
• Payload
• Scientific research - Repeater
• Weather - Antenna
• Communications • Platform (Bus)
• Navigation - Power supply
• Earth observing - Attitude and orbit control
• Military - Propulsion control
- Thermal control
- Telemetry, tracking and
• S - band command (TT&C)
• Mission instrument
Dr. Shkelzen Cakaj 47
II. Sateliti

Dr. Shkelzen Cakaj 48

II. GEO Orbits
• Advantages of the the GEO orbit
– No problem with frequency changes
– Tracking of the satellite is simplified
– High coverage area
• Disadvantages of the GEO orbit
– Weak signal after traveling over 35,000 km
– Polar regions are poorly served
– Signal sending delay is substantial

Dr. Shkelzen Cakaj 49

II. LEO Orbits
• Circular/slightly elliptical orbit under 1500 km
• Orbit period ranges around 1.5 hours
• Diameter of coverage is about 6000- 8000 km
• Round-trip signal propagation delay less than 20 ms
• Maximum satellite visible time up to 15 min
• System must cope with large Doppler shifts
• Atmospheric drag results in orbital deterioration

Dr. Shkelzen Cakaj 50

II. MEO Orbits
• Circular orbit at an altitude in the range of
5000 to 12,000 km
• Orbit period of 6 hours
• Diameter of coverage is 10,000 to 15,000 km
• Round trip signal propagation delay less than
50 ms
• Maximum satellite visible time is a few hours

Dr. Shkelzen Cakaj 51

Ambienti frequencor

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Frequency allocations

Dr. Shkelzen Cakaj 53

Frequency band sharing

Dr. Shkelzen Cakaj 54

ITU regions
• Official Regions of the ITU

• Region 1 – Europe/Africa/Middle East

• Region 2 – Americas – North, South, Central

America and parts of the Caribbean

• Region 3 – Asia and the Pacific Rim Countries

Dr. Shkelzen Cakaj 55
ITU regions


Region 2 Region 1
Region 2

Region 3
Region 3

Dr. Shkelzen Cakaj 56

ITU Regions

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Dr. Shkelzen Cakaj 58

Aplikime-MOST project
• MOSTsatellite
- 15cm aperture telescope
- Suitcase size
• Goals:
- Stellar structure and evolution
- Lower limit on age of Universe
- Exoplanets
• Three ground stations
-Toronto, Vancouver, Vienna
- S-band

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• The GPS constellation

is positioned in 6 orbital
planes of 4 satellites per
plane (24 satellites),
each satellite circles the
earth twice a day

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Disaster location –Vendi i aksidentit

Aplikime-Sentinel-6 spacecraft

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