Robot and IR
Robot and IR
Robot and IR
Industrial Robotics
Definition of robot, Basic concepts
Robot configurations, Types of robot drives
Basic robot motions
Point to point (PTP) Control
Continuous path control
Robot: Introduction
1921: Czech author Karel Capek wrote a story called„
Rossum‟s Universal Robots ‟ (RUR) and introduced the
word„ Rabota‟ (meaning„ l abour‟)
1954: George Devol developed the first programmable
1955: Denavit and Hartenberg developed the
homogenous transformation matrices
1962: Unimation was formed, first industrial Robots
1973: Cincinnati Milacron introduced the T3 model
robot, which became very popular in industry.
Definition of Robot/IR
Defined in International Standard of Organization(ISO):
A re-programmable, multifunctional manipulator designed to
move material, parts, tools or specialized devices through
variable programmed motions for the performance of a
variety of tasks
There are also definitions given by Robotics Institute of
America (RIA), The Japan Industrial Robot Association
(JIRA), British Robot Association (BRA) and others.
All definitions have two points in common.
The two points: Reprogrammable and multifunctional
End of Arm
• complex coordinates more difficult to visualize, control,
and program.
• exposed linear drive.
• low accuracy.
Robot Configurations (cont‟d)
• Articulated/anthropomorphic(3R) :An articulated robot‟s
joints are all revolute, similar to a human‟s arm. It has also
sphere-like workspace, but the internal structure of the space is
difficult to determine. These robots are relatively simpler to
fabricate and to maintain.
Articulated Robots
• all rotary joints allows for maximum flexibility
• any point in total volume can be reached.
• all joints can be sealed from the environment.
• extremely difficult to visualize, control, and program.
• restricted volume coverage.
• low accuracy
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Robot Configurations (cont’d)
• Selective Compliance Assembly Robot Arm (SCARA) (2R1P): They
have two revolute joints that are parallel rotational axis and allow the Robot
to move in a horizontal plane, plus an additional prismatic joint that moves
vertically. Its workspace is also cylindrical type, but here reach is obtained
by a revolute joint instead of prismatic joint. It is very useful for assembly
operations & highly used in industrial purpose.
• high speed.
• height axis is rigid
• large work area for floor space
• moderately easy to program.
• limited applications.
• 2 ways to reach point
• difficult to program off-line
• highly complex arm
1(b) Find the value of θ1 and θ2 for the following 2R robot
when the gripper position is at (2, 2). Given that the link
length a1=2 m and a2= 1 m.
Robot Configurations
Think about configuration
Articulated SCARA
Transformation of robot
Type 1 (base): 2(elevation): 3 (reach):
motion motion motion
Cartesian +P +P +P
Cylindrical -P +R P P
Spherical R -P+R P
Articulated R R -P+R
Robot classification by Control method
A) Motion control strategy:
-Servo control(Closed-loop control)
-Non-servo control (Open loop)
B) Motion path control strategy:
-Point-to-point path control
-Continuous path control
C) Programming method:
-Online programming
-Offline programming
Review Question of Lecture 1-4
• From which word, the “robot" term is derived? What is
the meaning of that word?
• What is the difference between a robot & CNC?
• What are the 4D‟s of the robot,s task?
• Mention 3 applications of industrial robot.
• What is the 4th law of robotics
• What is dead zone?
• What are the types of robot configuration?
• What is the difference between spherical & SCARA?
Robot Drives
Types of Robot Drives
• The drive system is an important element of a
robot. Without it, robot can‟t do any task.
• The drive system supplies the power,
which enable the robot to move.
• The dynamic performance of a robot
mainly depends on the type of power source.
• Robot drive systems are of 3 types based
on the sources: Hydraulic, Pneumatic and
Selection criteria of Robot Drives
Speed of Operation.
Reliability & efficiency
Service Life.
Sensitivity to Environment.
Ease of Maintenance.
Explosion proof nature
Overload safety
Hydraulic drives
It is an actuator that uses pumps, valves and
pressurized liquid to create mechanical motion
• Provide fast movements
• High efficiency and high power-to-size ratio
• Complete & accurate control over speed, position
and direction of actuators
• Preferred for moving heavy parts
• Self-lubricating and non-corrosive
• Can meet sudden demands in power
• Preferred to be used in explosive environments
Hydraulic drives
• Occupy large space area
• There is a danger of oil leak to the shop floor
• The power pack can be noisy (about 70 dB)
• Changes in temperature alter the viscosity
of the hydraulic fluid.
• For smaller robots, it is not
economically feasible
• Servo-control of hydraulic systems is complex
Hydraulic drives
Spray-painting, Welding, cutting
Handling heavy forging and die casting
• Note1: 4 essential components: a reservoir (to
hold the liquid), pumps (to move it), Valves (to
control flow), Actuator( to carry the dictates of
the fluid on some load)
• Note2: Fluid two properties: viscosity and bulk
Structure of a hydraulic drive
Hydraulic drives
Hydraulic fluids - requirements
Good lubrication characteristics
Viscosity should not depend strongly on temperature and
Good heat conductivity
Low heat expansion coefficient
Large elasticity modulus
Low price
Slow aging and thermal and chemical stability long
life cycle
Pneumatic drives
Pneumatic drives
They utilize pneumatic energy provided by a compressor
and transforms it into mechanical energy by means of
• Preferred for smaller robots as they are compact
• Compressed air can be stored & conveyed easily
• Compresses air is clean, explosion-proof & insensitive
to temperature fluctuation
• They have a very quick action & response time
• Inherently reliable and reducing maintenance cost
• Less expensive than electric or hydraulic robots
• Safe to use in explosive areas.
• Control is simple.
Pneumatic drives
• Suitable for relatively less degrees of freedom design
• Suitable for simple pick and place application
• Since air is compressible, precise control of speed and
position is not easily obtainable.
• These are not suitable for moving heavy loads under
precise control due to compressibility of air.
• If moisture penetrates the units and ferrous metals
have been used, then damage to components can
Applications: Pick & Place operations
Pneumatic drive system
To System
Safe Working Pressure
Test Pressure Pressure Relief Valve
Identification (Safety Valve)
Shut Off
Pressure Gauge
e Water Drain
Air Preparation
Water Separation.
Water causes corrosion.
Washes away lubrication.
Dust is responsible for abrasion.
Reduces the effectiveness of lubricants.
Pressure Regulation.
Constant pressure is required for uniform performance of
pneumatic components.
Lubrication is required to replace lubricant lost due to effects of
dust and water over prolonged periods.
Reduces internal friction in components.
Electric drive
Electric drive
Electric motor drives the robot link through
mechanical transmission e.g. gears, chains, belts
etc. The most used type of drive in robot
• High power conversion efficiency
• Good for small and medium size robots
• Better positioning accuracy and repeatability
• They are easily maintained and repaired
• Cleaner environment (No pollution)
• The drive system is well suited to electronic control
• The basic drive elements are usually lighter than that
for fluid power
Electric drive
• Slower movement compare to the fluid powered robots
• They require some sort of mechanical transmission
system which adds mass and unwanted movement. As a
result additional power is required and control makes
• Additional cost is incurred for their maintenance
• Electric motors are not intrinsically safe. They can‟t be
used in for explosive environment
Note: The above drawbacks are gradually being overcome
with introduction of direct drive motor system, in which it
is a part of the relevant robot arm joint.
Electric drive
Different types of electric motors are: stepper
motors, DC motors and AC motors
Stepper motors: variable reluctance, permanent
magnet and hybrid type
DC motors: Permanent magnet and Brushless
permanent magnet
AC motors: Main two groups are: single-phase and
Poly-phase. Each group being further divided into
induction and synchronous motor.
• stepper motor drive: open loop control
• DC motor drive: closed loop control
Electric drive
DC stepper motor:
• Uses discrete voltage pulses to create required motion (angle)
•More accurate to be used in open-loop control system
DC servo motor:
• Incorporated feed back control loop
• Sensor like optical encoder continuously monitors the
• Continuous and smoother movement
• General purpose application
• Automatics assembly operations
Selection of drives
3. Controlled-path robot
4. Stop-to-Stop
Note: It is also needed to know about absolute and
incremental position control
Point to Point Control Robot
• The PTP robot is capable of moving from one point
to another point
• The locations are recorded in the control memory.
PTP robots do not control the path to get from one
point to the next point.
• Calculates to provide minimum travel time
• Common applications include:
– component insertion
– spot welding
– hole drilling
– machine loading and unloading
– assembly operations
– Pick & place
Continuous-Path Control Robot
• The CP robot is capable of performing movements along the
controlled path.
• The robot can stop at any specified point along the controlled
• All the points along the path must be stored explicitly in the
robot's control memory.
• Straight-line motion is the simplest example for this type of
• Some continuous-path controlled robots also have the
capability to follow a smooth curve path that has been defined
by the programmer. In such cases the programmer manually
moves the robot arm through the desired path and the
controller unit stores a large number of individual point
locations along the path in memory (teach-in).
Continuous-Path Control Robot
Controlled-Path Robot
In controlled-path robots, the control equipment can generate
paths of different geometry such as straight lines, circles, and
interpolated curves with a high degree of accuracy.
Only the start and finish points and the path definition function
must be stored in the robot's control memory.
Work Envelop
• For a Cartesian configuration the reach is
a rectangular-type space.
• For a cylindrical configuration the reach is
a hollow cylindrical space.
• For a polar configuration the reach is part of a
hollow spherical shape.
• Robot reach for a jointed-arm
configuration does not have a specific shape.
1. Why there are some dead zones in the workspace
of a robot?
2. Draw a typical speed-torque plot of a DC motor.
3. What is motor constant? What is the significance of
4. What kind of robot configuration is suitable for
painting a shaft? Why?
5. Show that maximum power from a DC motor is
attainable at the half of maximum speed.