Statement classification:
● Current investments are by their very nature readily realizable and are intended to hold
for not more than one year.
Examples, trading securities
● Equity securities, is any contract that evidence a residual interest in the assets of an
entity after deducting all its liabilities
Classification of Financial Assets
1. Financial asset at Fair Value
2. Financial asset at Amortized Cost
Financial asset at Fair Value includes both Equity and Debt Securities while financial
assets at Amortized cost include only Debt Securities.
Under PAS 39, the usual categories, such as loans and receivables, available for sale and
held to maturity are now eliminated.
Equity security, any instruments representing ownership shares and right, warrants or option
to acquire or dispose of ownership shares at a fixed or determinable price.
● Includes, ordinary shares, preference shares and other share capital.
● Not include redeemable preference share, treasury shares and convertible debt.
2. Financial assets that are irrevocably designated on initial recognition as at fair value through
profit and loss.
● If the financial assets are held for trading or if the financial assets are measured at fair
value through profit and loss, transaction costs are expensed outright.
Subsequent measurement, after initial recognition:
An entity shall measure a financial asset either at fair value or amortized cost, depending on
the entity’s business model for managing financial assets:
● To hold investments in order to:
a) realize fair value changes
b) collect contractual cash flows
Gains and losses on financial assets measured at amortized cost and are not part of hedging
relationship shall be recognized in profit or loss when the financial assets are derecognized,
sold, impaired ore reclassified, and through amortization process.
An entity shall reclassify financial assets only when it changes its business model for
managing the financial assets.
● The entity shall apply the reclassification prospectively from the reclassification date.
● The entity shall not restate any previously recognized gains or losses and interest.
Reclassification date is the first day after of the reporting period following the change in
business model that results in an entity reclassifying financial asset.
● If there is objective evidence that an impairment loss on financial assets has been
incurred, the amount of the loss is measured as the difference between the carrying
amount and the present value of estimated future cash flows discounted at the original
effective interest rate.
● The carrying amount of the asset shall be reduced either directly or through the use of an
allowance account.
The transaction costs that would be incurred on sale are ignored because the financial
asset held for trading is measured at fair value and not at fair value less cost of disposal.
3. Candy Company acquired financial instrument for P400,000 on March 31, 20X1. The financial
instruments are classified as financial asset at fair value through other comprehensive income.
The direct acquisition cost incurred amounted to P70,000. On December 31, 20X1, the fair
value of the instrument was P550,000 and the transaction costs that would be incurred on the
sale of the investment are estimated at P60,000. What gain should be recognized in other
comprehensive income for the year ended December 31, 20X1?
a. 20,000 c. 80,000
b. 90,000 d. 0
What amount of loss on these securities should be included in the statement of comprehensive
income for the year ended December 31, 20X2 as component of comprehensive income?
a. 400,000 c. 100,000
b. 300,000 d. 0
Answer (c) is correct.
In the 20X2 income statement, what amount should be reported as unrealized gain or loss?
6. What amount of unrealized gain or loss should be reported in the income statement for 20X2?
7. What amount of cumulative unrealized gain or loss should be reported as component of other
comprehensive income in the statement of change in equity on December 31, 20X2?
On July 31, 20X2, the entity sold all of the shares of Security B for a total of P11,000,000. On
December 31, 20X2, the shares of Security A had a market value of P6,000,000. No other
activity occurred during 20X2 in relation to the trading securities portfolio. What is the gain or
loss on the sale of Security B on July 31, 20X2?
a. 500,000 c. 400,000
b. 100,000 d. 0
In the December 31, 20X1 statement of financial position, what is the total carrying amount of
the investments?
a. 1,400,000 c. 1,465,000
b. 1,450,000 d. 1,475,000
Answer (b) is correct. The non-redeemable preference share is an equity security. The
redeemable preference share is a debt security. Whether equity or debt security, financial
assets held for trading are carried at fair value.
Items 11 to 18 are based on the following information:
Toyota Motors invested its excess cash in equity securities during 20X4, the business model for
these investments is to profit from trading on price changes.
As of December 31, 20X4, the equity investment portfolio consisted of the following:
Investment Quantity Cost Fair Value
Lapid, Inc. 1,000 shares P450,000 P630,000
Villar Co. 2,000 shares 1,200,000 1,260,000
Estrada Corp. 2,000 shares 2,160,000 1,800,000
P3,810,000 P3,690,000
During the year 20X5, Toyota Motors sold 2,000 shares of Villar Co. for P1,146,000 and purchase
2,000 more shares of Lapid, Inc. and 1,000 shares of Bato Co. On December 31, 20X5, Toyota’s
equity securities portfolio consisted of the following:
Investment Quantity Cost Fair Value
Lapid, Inc. 1,000 shares P450,000 P600,000
Lapid, Inc. 2,000 shares 990,000 1,200,000
Bato Co. 1,000 shares 480,000 360,000
Estrada Corp. 2,000 shares 2,160,000 660,000
P4,080,000 P2,820,000
During the year 20X6, Toyota Motors sold 3,000 shares Lapid, Inc. for P1,197,000 and 500 shares
of Bato Co. at a loss of P81,000. On December 31, 20X6, Toyota’s Equity Investment portfolio
consisted of the following:
Investment Quantity Cost Fair Value
Bato Co. 500 shares P240,000 P180,000
Estrada Corp. 2,000 shares 2,160,000 2,460,000
P2,400,000 P2,640,000
11. In the December 31, 20X4, statement of financial position, what should be reported as carrying
amount of the investment?
a. 3,690,000 c. 3,810,000
b. 3,450,000 d. 4,050,000
a. 4,080,000 c. 2,820,000
b. 4,440,000 d. 2,460,000
Investment Quantity Amount Fair Value
Lapid, Inc. 1,000 shares P630,000 P600,000
Lapid, Inc. 2,000 shares 990,000 1,200,000
Bato Co. 1,000 shares 480,000 360,000
Estrada Corp. 2,000 shares 1,800,000 660,000
P3,900,000 P2,820,000
16. What should be reported a loss on sale of trading securities in 20X6?
a. 603,000 c. 243,000
b. 324,000 d. 684,000
a. 2,400,000 c. 2,640,000
b. 2,340,000 d. 2,700,000
Fisherman Corporation
Analysis of Investment in Equity Securities
For the year ended December 31, 20X1
Debit Credit
(a) Barakuda Company Ordinary Shares
Feb. 14 Purchase 36,000 shares @ P55 per shares P1,980,000
Jul. 26 Received 3,600 ordinary shares of Barakuda Company
Sep. 28 Sold the 3,600ordianry shares of Barakuda Company P252,000
July 26 @ P70 per share
19. What amount should be reported as gain on sale of non-trading equity securities in 20X1?
a. 72,000 c. 54,000
b. 18,000 d. 0
Answer (a) is correct.
Sales price of Barakuda ordinary shares (3,600 × P70) P252,000
Less: Acquisition cost (P1,980,000 × 3,600/39,600) 180,000
Gain on sale of Barakuda ordinary shares P72,000
20. The receipt of 3,600 share dividend would cause the investment balance to increase by:
a. 223,200 c. 198,000
b. 252,000 d. 0
Answer (d) is correct. The receipt of share dividend does not affect the total cost of the
21. What entry is necessary to correct the recording of the cash dividend received from Tamban,
a. Cash.......................................................................216,000
Dividend Income..............................................................216,000
b. Cash.......................................................................216,000
Investment in equity securities.........................................216,000
c. Investment in equity securities..............................216,000
Dividend Income...............................................................216,000
d. Dividend Income...................................................216,000
Investment in equity securities..........................................216,000
a. 9,000,000 c. 7,560,000
b. 8,424,000 d. 9,864,000