Chapter 4 Network Securty
Chapter 4 Network Securty
Chapter 4 Network Securty
Lecture Notes
Network Security
Network Security
4.1 Introduction
What can a “bad guy” do on Networking?
⚫ Bad guys can do a lot on networking
◦ Eavesdrop: intercept messages
◦ Insert messages into a connection
◦ Impersonation: can fake (spoof) source address in packet (or any field
in packet)
◦ Session Hijacking: “take over” ongoing connection by removing
sender or receiver, inserting itself in place
● The attacker monitors an authenticated session between the client machine and
the server, and takes that session over
● When a TCP connection is established between a client and a server, all
information is transmitted in clear and this can be exploited to hijack the
◦ Denial of Service: prevent service from being used by others
Network Security
4.2 What is Network Security?
⚫ Confidentiality: only sender and intended receiver should
“understand” message contents
◦ sender encrypts message
◦ receiver decrypts message
⚫ Authentication: sender and receiver want to confirm
identity of each other
⚫ Message integrity: sender or receiver wants to ensure
message is not altered (in transit, or afterwards) without
⚫ Access and availability: services must be accessible and
available to users
Network Security
4.2 What is Network Security?
⚫ In today’s highly networked world, we can’t talk of
computer security without talking of network security
⚫ Although there are many types of networks, the focus
is this course is on
◦ Internet and intranet security (TCP/IP based networks)
◦ Attacks that use security holes of the network protocols and
their defenses
⚫ We do not discuss attacks that use networks to
perform some crime based on human weaknesses
Network Security
4.2 What is Network Security?
Security Features in the TCP/IP Protocol Stack
Network Security
4.2 What is Network Security?
Security Features in the TCP/IP Protocol Stack
Network Security
4.3.1 Link Layer: ARP Spoofing
⚫ Benefits of IPSec
In addition to supporting end users and protecting premises
systems and networks, IPSec has a role in routing. It assures that
◦ A router advertisement (a new router advertises its presence)
comes from an authorized router
◦ A neighbor advertisement (a router seeks to establish or maintain
a neighbor relationship with a router in another routing domain)
comes from an authorized router
◦ A redirect message comes from the router to which the initial IP
packet was sent
◦ A routing update is not forged
Network Security
4.4 Web Security
Types of Web threats and counter measures
⚫ Integrity
◦ Data, memory and/or message modification
◦ Trojan horse browser
⇒ Cryptographic checksums
⚫ Confidentiality
◦ Eavesdropping
◦ Theft of data from client & information from server
◦ Access to information about network configuration
◦ Access to information about which client is communicating
⇒ Encryption
Network Security
4.4 Web Security
⚫ Denial of Service
◦ Killing of user thread
◦ Machine flooding with bogus requests
◦ Filling up disk/memory
◦ Isolating machine by DNS attacks
⇒ Detection and action (suspicious pattern)
⚫ Authentication
◦ Impersonation of legitimate users
◦ Data forgery
⇒Cryptographic techniques
Network Security
4.4 Web Security
⚫ There are three standardized schemes that are becoming increasingly
important as part of Web commerce and that focus on security at the transport
layer: SSL/TLS, HTTPS, and SSH
◦ Provides security services between TCP and applications that use TCP
◦ Provides confidentiality using symmetric encryption and message integrity using a
message authentication code
◦ It includes protocol mechanisms to enable two TCP users to determine the security
mechanisms and services they will use
⚫ HTTPS (HTTP over SSL) refers to the combination of HTTP and SSL to
implement secure communication between a Web browser and a Web server
⚫ Secure Shell (SSH) provides secure remote login and other secure
client/server facilities
Network Security
4.4.1 Secure Sockets Layer
Security-Enhanced Application Protocols
⚫ Solution to most application layer security problems are tackled by
developing security-enhanced application protocols
⚫ Examples
◦ For FTP - FTPS
Network Security
4.4.2 Secure Electronic Transaction (SET)
E-commerce (Electronic Payment)
⚫ Payment involves a customer, a merchant, and often banks
⚫ How does the customer ensure that the merchant gets paid?
⚫ In general, Payment systems can be organized based on cash (Fig. a), check
(Fig. b), and credit card (Fig. c)
Network Security
4.4.2 Secure Electronic Transaction (SET)
⚫ If the merchant doesn’t know the customer, it may not be willing to ship the
product before paid
⚫ Hence we have payment systems based on money transfer between banks
Payment by money order (Fig. a)
⚫ Payment through debit order (Fig. b); examples are electric and telephone
bills where there is a standing order of authorization
Network Security
4.4.2 Secure Electronic Transaction (SET)
Security in Electronic Payment
⚫ Electronic payment systems are based on the above models
⚫ Secure payment systems are critical to the success of E-commerce
⚫ In cash based systems (using ATM), the main issue is authentication
◦ Use of magnetic card
⚫ Credit card or check based system
◦ No tampering/alteration
◦ Protection against repudiation (the buyer denies having made the order)
⚫ There are four essential security requirements for safe electronic payments
(Authentication, Encryption, Integrity and Non-repudiation)
Network Security
SET - Secure Electronic Transaction
⚫ The Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) protocol, implemented in most major Web
browsers used by consumers, has helped create a basic level of security but is
not sufficient
⚫ SSL provides a secure channel between the consumer and the merchant for
exchanging payment information, i.e., it supports confidentiality
⚫ The cardholder is protected from eavesdroppers but not from the merchant;
some merchants are dishonest.
⚫ The merchant is not protected from dishonest customers who supply an
invalid credit card number.
Network Security
SET - Secure Electronic Transaction
⚫ SET is an example of application of cryptography
⚫ Developed by Visa and MasterCard
◦ Companies involved: IBM, Microsoft, Netscape, RSA, Terisa and Verisign
⚫ Designed to protect credit card transactions on the Internet
⚫ SET is not a payment system but enables users to employ the existing credit
card payment infrastructure on an open network (Internet) in a secure manner
⚫ It is an open encryption and security specification (the entire protocol is
Network Security
SET - Secure Electronic Transaction
SET Features and Business Requirement
⚫ Provide confidentiality of payment and ordering information
⚫ Information made available only when and where necessary (privacy)
⚫ Ensure the integrity of all transmitted data
⚫ Provide authentication that a cardholder is a legitimate user of a credit card
⚫ Provide authentication that a merchant can accept credit card transactions
through its relationship with a financial institution
⚫ All parties must have digital certificates (trust)
⚫ Provides a secure communication channel in a transaction
Network Security
SET - Secure Electronic Transaction
SET Participants
⚫ Cardholder: Authorized holder of payment card (the customer)
⚫ Merchant: Has goods or services to sell to the Cardholder (the web server)
⚫ Issuer: Financial institution (cardholder’s bank)
⚫ Acquirer: Verifies that a card account is active and the proposed purchase does
not exceed the credit limit – Connected with the Merchant
⚫ Payment gateway: Operated by the acquirer or a designated third party that
processes merchant payment messages
⚫ Certificate Authority (CA): Trusted entity to issue the X.509v3 public key
certificate for card holders, merchants and payment gateways. The success of
SET depends on the CA
Network Security
SET - Secure Electronic Transaction
⚫ Both cardholders and merchants must register with CA first, before they can
buy or sell on the Internet, i.e., The customer opens an account and receives a
certificate; the Merchants have their own certificates
Network Security
SET - Secure Electronic Transaction
Sequence of Events for Transactions in SET
1. Customer browses a website and decides what to purchase
2. Customer sends order and payment information, which includes 2 parts in
one message
a) a. Purchase Order - this part is for the merchant
b) b. Card Information - this pat is for merchant’s bank only
3. Merchant forwards card information (part b) to its bank
4. Merchant’s bank checks with Issuer for payment authorization
5. Issuer sends authorization to Merchant’s bank
6. Merchant’s bank sends authorization to merchant
7. Merchant completes the order and sends confirmation to the customer
8. Merchant captures the transaction from its bank
9. Issuer prints credit card bill (invoice) to customer
Network Security
SET - Secure Electronic Transaction
⚫ SET - Sequence of events for transactions
Network Security
SET - Secure Electronic Transaction
⚫ Cookies are set by web servers and stored by web browsers
⚫ A cookie set by a server is sent back to the server when the browser visits the
server again
⚫ Cookies can be used to track what sites the user visits (can lead to serious
privacy violation!)
Server Side Risks
⚫ Interactive web sites are based on forms and scripts
⚫ By writing malicious scripts, the client can
◦ Crash the server (e.g., buffer overflow)
◦ Gain control over the server
Network Security
4.6 E-mail Security
⚫ E-mails transit through various servers before reaching their
⚫ By default, they are visible by anybody who has access to the
⚫ SMTP protocol has security holes and operational limitations
⚫ E-mail security can be improved using tools and protocols like
◦ PGP: Pretty Good Privacy
◦ S/MIME: Secure Multi-Purpose Internet Mail Extension
Network Security
4.6 E-mail Security
⚫ Philip R. Zimmerman is the creator of PGP
⚫ PGP is an open-source, freely available software package for e-mail security
⚫ There are several software implementations available as freeware for most
desktop operating systems
⚫ PGP provides confidentiality and authentication services that can be used for
e-mail and file storage applications
⚫ It provides authentication through the use of digital signature, confidentiality
through the use of symmetric encryption, compression using the ZIP
algorithm, and e-mail compatibility using the radix-64 (Base 64) encoding
⚫ PGP incorporates tools for developing a public-key trust model and public-
key certificate management 30
Network Security
4.6 E-mail Security
S/MIME Functions
⚫ S/MIME is an Internet standard approach to e-mail security that
incorporates the same functionality as PGP
⚫ Enveloped Data: Encrypted content and encrypted session keys for
⚫ Signed Data: Message Digest encrypted with private key of
⚫ Clear-Signed Data: Signed but not encrypted
⚫ Signed and Enveloped Data: Various orderings for encrypting and