5. Credit Risk
5a. Defining the Credit Risk
The loss from any claim the bank might have, due to the default of the
counterparty to the contract,
E ( L) e ( pd ) LGD
where: (pd) the probability for the default event, E(b)=pd,
b=1(default), b=0( no default)
e : the exposure at default
LGD: Loss Given Default (its value depends on the
value of the guarantees in the case they are liquidated)
The expected loss is related to the reserves that the bank generates
in its income statement accounts
Ζ = α1 Χ1 + α2 Χ2 + α3 Χ3 + α4 Χ4 + α5 Χ5.
Historical Data
Risk Management and Financial Institutions 4e, Chapter 19, Copyright © John C. Hull 2015 9
Cumulative Average Default Rates %
(1970-2013, Moody’s) Table 19.1, page 402
Time (years)
1 2 3 4 5 7 10
Aaa 0.000 0.013 0.013 0.037 0.104 0.241 0.489
Risk Management and Financial Institutions 4e, Chapter 19, Copyright © John C. Hull 2015 10
Risk Management and Financial Institutions 4e, Chapter 19, Copyright © John C. Hull 2015 11
Do Default Probabilities Increase
with Time?
For a company that starts with a good
credit rating default probabilities tend to
increase with time
For a company that starts with a poor
credit rating default probabilities tend to
decrease with time
Risk Management and Financial Institutions 4e, Chapter 19, Copyright © John C. Hull 2015 12
Hazard Rate vs. Unconditional
Default Probability
The hazard rate or default intensity is the
probability of default over a short period of
time conditional on no earlier default
The unconditional default probability is the
probability of default as seen at time zero
Risk Management and Financial Institutions 4e, Chapter 19, Copyright © John C. Hull 2015 13
Quantitative Models (Credit Scoring Models)
p (1 ri ) (1 ri )
c, j
c, j g
Estimating the (pd) from bond yields (cont.)
p1c , BBB (1 0.065) (1 p1c , BBB )k (1 0.065) (1 0.05) (1 p1c , BBB ) 2.81%
Risk Management and Financial Institutions 4e, Chapter 19, Copyright © John C. Hull 2015 17
Real World vs Risk Neutral Default
Probabilities , 7 year averages (Table 19.5,
page 415)
Risk Management and Financial Institutions 4e, Chapter 19, Copyright © John C. Hull 2015 18
Possible Reasons for These Results
(The third reason is the most important)
p (n) (2.7182 m m n ) / n!
Risk Management and Financial Institutions 4e, Chapter 19, Copyright © John C. Hull 2015 24
Recovery Rates; Moody’s: 1982 to 2013
(Table 19.2, page 404)
Risk Management and Financial Institutions 4e, Chapter 19, Copyright © John C. Hull 2015 25
Recovery Rates Depend on
Default Rates
Moody’s best fit estimate for the 1982 to
2007 period is
Ave Recovery Rate =
59.33 − 3.06 × Spec Grade Default Rate
Risk Management and Financial Institutions 4e, Chapter 19, Copyright © John C. Hull 2015 26
Credit Default Swaps (pages 404-409)
Default Default
Protection Protection
Buyer, A Seller, B
Payoff if there is a default by
reference entity=100(1-R)
Risk Management and Financial Institutions 4e, Chapter 19, Copyright © John C. Hull 2015 28
Other Details
Payments are usually made quarterly in arrears
In the event of default there is a final accrual
payment by the buyer
Increasingly settlement is in cash and an auction
process determines cash amount
Suppose payments are made quarterly in the
example just considered. What are the cash
flows if there is a default after 3 years and 1
month and recovery rate is 40%?
Risk Management and Financial Institutions 4e, Chapter 19, Copyright © John C. Hull 2015 29
Attractions of the CDS Market
Risk Management and Financial Institutions 4e, Chapter 19, Copyright © John C. Hull 2015 30
Credit Indices (page 408)
CDX IG: equally weighted portfolio of 125
investment grade North American companies
iTraxx: equally weighted portfolio of 125
investment grade European companies
If the five-year CDS index is bid 165 offer 166 it
means that a portfolio of 125 CDSs on the CDX
companies can be bought for 166bps per
company, e.g., $800,000 of 5-year protection on
each name could be purchased for $1,660,000
per year. When a company defaults the annual
payment is reduced by 1/125.
Risk Management and Financial Institutions 4e, Chapter 19, Copyright © John C. Hull 2015 31
Use of Fixed Coupons
Increasingly CDSs and CDS indices trade
like bonds
A coupon and a recovery rate is specified
There is an initial payments from the buyer
to the seller or vice versa reflecting the
difference between the currently quoted
spread and the coupon
Risk Management and Financial Institutions 4e, Chapter 19, Copyright © John C. Hull 2015 32
Credit Default Swaps and Bond
Yields (page 409-410)
Risk Management and Financial Institutions 4e, Chapter 19, Copyright © John C. Hull 2015 33
Return on a loan
Concentration index:
claims to sec tor
Equity 0.10 (claims to sec tor ) 0.30 0.10 0.333.
equity 0.30
Capital Adequacy Rules (Basle Rules)
Basle I (1998)
The regulatory capital should be at least equal to 8% of the risk weighted assets
CRC≥8%x (risk weighted assets)
50% Letters of credit connected with a specific transaction (e.g. imports) et. cet.
0% Not used credit facilities et. cet.
Capital Adequacy (cont.)
VaR t 1
MRC max{VaR t 1 , k i 1
} SR
VaR is estimated at the 99% level of significance and has been converted to
cover a 10-days period
There is provision for a Tier III regulatory capital which consists of
subordinated debt with a maturity of at least 2 years. Also Tier I (for the market
risk) + Tier III > MRC
Capital Adequacy (cont.)
Z i wZ ( 1 w2 ) i
other parameters: e (exposure at default), LGD (Loss Given Default),
M (Maturity – calculated as Duration with a zero interest rate – the risk of
downgrading increases with maturity), Granularity (expresses the degree
of concentration in the portfolio) , correlation (calculated for a few
standard categories of borrowers – not individually).
Capital Adequacy (cont.)
Foundation Internal Ratings Based, (IRB)
The F.I. estimates the probability of default for each
risk group but the supervisory authority provides
estimates for the e (exposure), LGD (Loss Given
Default), M (Maturity)
Advanced Internal Ratings Based method
F.I. calculate, themselves, the inputs e, LGD, M
and can use any form of collateral.
Capital Adequacy (cont.)
Those groups are: “corporate, banks, sovereigns”, “Residential real estate mortgage
loans”, “Retail exposures”, et. cet.
The Risk weights are given by the formula:
N 1 ( pd ) w N 1 (0.1%
pd LGD
1 w 2
Where: w2 = ρ (correlation), b is a formula that expresses the effect of maturity, N stands for
the standardized normal distribution and the losses are calculated under the assumption
that they will be exceeded only in 0.1% of all cases.
Capital Adequacy (cont.)
Comparison of capital requirements between Basle I and II (source: P.Jackson, Bank of England, Quarterly Bulletin, spring 2003)
Standardized Approach
n 8
max[{ ( β GI i )},0]
K SA i 1 i 1
Basle ΙΙΙ
Quality of regulatory capital
o Restriction of DTAs (Deferred Tax Assets up to 15% of the common equity
o Limited use of hybrid products
o Minimum Liquidity Standards
o Liquidity Coverage Ratio (stock of high quality liquid assets to Net cash
outflows over a 30 day stressed period should be higher than 100%).
o Net Stable Funding Ratio (available amount of stable funding to required
amount of stable funding should be higher than 100%).
o Macro-prudential regulation
Capital Buffers
Leverage Ratio ( Tier I capital to Total exposures higher than