Indus Valley Civilization

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Indus Valley Civilization

The Indus Valley Civilization, also known as the Harappan Civilization,

flourished around 3300–1300 BCE in modern-day Pakistan and northwest India.
It was one of the three early civilizations of the ancient world, alongside Egypt
and Mesopotamia.
Geographic location and environment

Location Environment

The civilization was situated around the fertile The diverse landscape of the region allowed
plains of the Indus River, providing the for a variety of agricultural practices and
inhabitants with rich agricultural land. facilitated trade with neighboring regions.
Urban planning and architecture
1 Cities 2 Architecture
The Harappan civilization is known for The architecture displayed a high level
its well-planned cities, with of craftsmanship and design, as seen in
sophisticated sewage and drainage the Great Bath of Mohenjo-Daro and the
systems, and multi-story houses made of impressive citadels.
fire cooked bricks.
Trade and economy

40K+ Economic Prosperity

Trade Network Urban Economy
Over 40,000 artifacts found at Harappan sites Economic prosperity was evidenced by the
indicate a vast and thriving trade network that uniform weights and measures, indicating a
extended to Mesopotamia, Afghanistan, and standardized system of trade and commerce.
Social structure and daily life
1 Social Hierarchies
Evidence suggests a well-structured society, with possible distinctions in occupation
and social status.

2 Daily Life
The civilization had a rich cultural life, as evidenced by the elaborate pottery,
jewelry, and figurines discovered in excavations.

3 Harappan Script
The unique script of the civilization remains undeciphered, providing a glimpse into
their intellectual and literary pursuits.
Art and culture
Seals and Script Cultural Practices Proto-Urban
The distinctive seals Ritualistic practices,
depicting animals and evidenced by the The civilization's art and
symbols played a discovery of fire altars, culture laid the
significant role in their suggest a religious and foundation for the
religious and trade ceremonial aspect to their development of later
practices. culture. cultures in the Indian
Decline and legacy

Environmental Legacy Integration into

Factors Indian History
The legacy of the
Some hypotheses suggest civilization is reflected in The impact of the
that changes in the the continuity of certain civilization on the
environment, such as cultural practices that have subsequent history and
climate shifts and tectonic persisted into modern culture of the Indian
activity, might have times. subcontinent is a topic of
contributed to the decline. ongoing study and
Conclusion and key takeaways
The Indus Valley Civilization was an Its contributions to urban planning, trade,
advanced and sophisticated ancient culture and culture have left a lasting legacy that
that thrived in the Indian subcontinent. still informs modern society.

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