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A cam is a link of a mechanism that It CAM

transmits motion by direct contact with to
another link, called the follower.
• Function generator
• Can generate a true dwell Follower

e r Follower
c k (Push rod)

Types of CAM & Follower

Figure 7.1 Common types of cams: (a) disc or plate, (b) wedge,
(c) cylindrical, (d) end or face.

Figure 7.6 Disc cam mechanisms [Model 7.6].

Cam & Follower in Motion

Knife Edge Roller Follower Flat Face Follower

7.2 Disc Cam Mechanism Nomenclatures
Common definitions associated with
disc cam mechanisms are

Cam profile: the surface of the cam

contacted by the follower.
Trace point: the point of contact of
the knife-edge follower, or the center
of the roller follower.
Pitch curve: the path of the trace point
with respect to the cam.

Figure 7.7 Disc cam mechanism with translating followers.

7.2 Disc Cam Mechanism Nomenclatures
Common definitions associated with
disc cam mechanisms are

Base circle: the smallest circle tangent

to the cam profile, with its center on the
axis of the camshaft
Prime circle: the smallest circle
tangent to the pitch curve, with its
center on the axis of the camshaft
Pressure angle: the angle between the
normal to the pitch curve and the
direction of motion of the trace point.

Figure 7.8 Disc cam mechanism with pivoting followers.

7.3 Pressure Angle
The value of the pressure angle
a critical parameter.
kept as small as possible.
the practical maximum value 300
Because of a component of unwanted side thrust, even if the follower and disc
cam were a frictionless kinematic pair. For excessive pressure angles, the
mechanism will tend to bind.
The pressure angle may be reduced by:
increasing the diameter of the base circle
increasing the diameter of the roller follower
changing the offset of the follower.
changing the motion of the follower
Displacement Diagram
A displacement diagram is a plot of follower displacement versus cam
rotation. The motions of the follower maybe grouped into the following three

Rise: The follower is moving away from the center of the disc cam.
Dwell: The follower is at rest.
Fall or Return: The follower is moving toward the center of the disc cam.
Displacement Diagram
Differentiate displacement
wrt time, v  (s )
Constant velocity displacement
Differentiate velocity wrt time,
Constant velocity,
a  (v)  
Differentiate acceleration wrt time,
j (a )  

 Infinite acceleration and jerk

 Not an acceptable cam program
Fundamental Law of Cam Design
Any cam designed for operation at other than very low speeds must be
designed with the following constraints:
•The cam function must be continuous through the first and second derivatives
of displacement across the entire interval (360°).

•The jerk must be finite across the entire interval (360°).

Types of Follower Motion
A displacement diagram is generally made up Constant Velocity Motion

of portions of standardized functions

Constant Velocity Motion

Constant Acceleration and Deceleration Motion
Simple Harmonic Motion
Cycloidal Motion

Uniform Velocity

Cons. Acc. & Retardation

Simple Harmony


Constant Velocity Motion
Displacement Diagram

Stroke Length h

00 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900
Cam Rotation
Constant Acceleration & Deceleration Motion
Displacement Diagram

Stroke Length h


00 300 600 900 1200
Cam Rotation
Simple Harmonic Motion
Displacement Diagram


Stroke Length h


00 300 600 900 1200

Cam Rotation
Cycloidal Motion
Displacement Diagram

7 8
6 9

5 0,10

4 1
Stroke Length h

3 2

00 240 480 720 960 1200
Cam Rotation
Construction of radial plate cam to give simple harmonic motion to a knife
edge follower

1. Draw two circles with the following radii: the minimum cam radius and the
maximum follower displacement.
2. Divide these circles in 30° divisions.
3. Construct the displacement diagram as shown. Note the displacement diagram is
aligned with the intersection between the minimum cam radius circle and the 0°
division. This represents the line of intersection between the knife edge follower and
the cam profile.
Construction of radial plate cam to give simple harmonic motion to a knife
edge follower
4. Index the 30° divisions.
5. From the displacement diagram project the displacement of the follower at 30° to
intersect the 30° division. Then from the displacement diagram project the
displacement of the follower at 60° to intersect the 60° division.
6. Project all the other displacements from the displacement diagram onto the
corresponding divisions.
7. Join all the intersections to complete the cam profile.
Construction of radial plate cams to give uniform velocity to flat follower

1. Draw two circles with the following radii: the minimum cam radius and the maximum
follower displacement.
2. Divide these circles in 30° divisions.
3. Construct the displacement diagram as shown. Note that the displacement diagram is
aligned with the intersection between the minimum cam radius circle and the flat follower.
4. Index the 30° divisions.
Construction of radial plate cams to give uniform velocity to flat follower

5. From the displacement diagram project the displacement of the follower at 30° to
intersect the 30° division. Then from the displacement diagram project the
displacement of the follower at 60° to intersect the 60° division.
6. Project all the other displacements from the displacement diagram onto the
corresponding divisions. Draw the follower in each of these postions.
7. Draw the best curve to touch the follower in each of these positions.
A radial plate cam rotates at 20 revolutions per minute CW and operates an inline knife edge
follower. The nearest approach of the follower to the cam centre is 35 mm. Draw the profile
on the cam which will impart the following motion to the follower:
Rise 48 mm with uniform velocity 0 to 1 sec. 1200
Dwell 1 to 1.5 sec. 600
Return with uniform acceleration and retardation 1.5 to 3 sec. 1800

1.Construct Displacement Diagram as shown below ;

4 5
Stroke Length 48mm

0 1 2
00 300 600 900 1200 00 300 600 900 1200 1500 1800 
Cam Rotation
1. Construct Displacement Diagram as shown below ;
2. Draw the minimum diameter circle.
3. Divide the circle according to displacement diagram, i.e. for rising, 15 0
and for falling, 300 interval.
4. Project each division displacement by drawing concentric circles of
minimum circle. Keep in mind, if cam rotates in CW, cam
profile starts CCW and vice versa

4 5 6
Stroke Length 48mm

0 1 2
00 300 600 900 1200 00 300 600 900 1200 1500 1800 
Cam Rotation

 5. Locate intersecting points.

6. Draw a smooth curve through
intersecting points.
7. Draw an arc from starting point of
dwell until starting point of return
8. Similarly draw Rising part.
1. Construct Displacement Diagram as shown below ;
2. Draw the minimum diameter circle , prime and roller circle as shown.
3. Divide the circle according to displacement diagram, i.e. for rising, 15 0 and for
falling, 300 interval.
4. Project each division displacement by drawing concentric circles of minimum
5. Locate intersecting points between prime circle and division lines.
Keep in mind, if cam rotates in CW, cam
profile starts CCW and vice versa

4 5 6
Stroke Length 48mm

0 1 2
00 300 600 900 1200 00 300 600 900 1200 1500 1800 
Cam Rotation

 5. Draw a roller circle at each intersecting point.

6. Draw a smooth curve tangent to the roller
circle as shown.
7. Draw an arc from starting point of dwell until
starting point of return stroke.
8. Similarly draw Rising part.

Problem: If a cam when rolling in an anti-clockwise direction imparts the
following motion on the follower:
0° to 90° Rise with Simple Harmonic Motion for 60mm
90° to 130° Remain at this Displacement (Dwell)
130° to 310° Fall with Uniform Acceleration and Retardation through 60mm
310° to 360° Remain at this Displacement (Dwell)
Construct the profile of the cam. The minimum cam radius is 40mm.
1. Construct Displacement Diagram as shown below ;
2. Draw the basse circle , prime, roller and offset circle as shown.
3. Divide the offset circle according to displacement diagram, i.e. for rising, 15 0
and for falling, 300 interval.
4. Draw tangent at each division and project each division displacement by
drawing concentric circles of base circle.
5. Locate intersecting points between concentric circle and tangent.
Keep in mind, if cam rotates in CW, cam
profile starts CCW and vice versa

4 5 6
Stroke Length 48mm


0 1 2
00 300 600 900 1200 00 300 600 900 1200 1500 1800 
Cam Rotation

5. Draw a roller circle at each intersecting point.
6. Draw a smooth curve tangent to the roller
circle as shown.
7. Draw an arc from starting point of dwell until
starting point of return stroke.
8. Similarly draw Rising part.

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