Infographic and Graphic Organizer

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& Graphic
Advanced English Writing
An infographic is a collection of

INFOGRAPHICS imagery, data visualizations like

pie charts and bar graphs, and
minimal text that gives an easy-to-
understand topic overview.
Language Feature Characteristics
The key characteristics of effective
1. Conciseness
infographics include a descriptive title
2. Callouts and subheads, informative statistics, a
3. Bulleted bold and thematically appropriate color
scheme, eye-catching graphics, clear
Language Function organization and sequencing of
information, and specially formatted
1. Statistical Infographics facts.
2. Informational Infographis
Generic Structure
3. Timeline Infographics
4. Process Infographics
5. Geographic Infographic - Title - Body
6. Comparison Infographics - Introduction - Conclusion
7. Hierarchical Infographics - Visual Elements - Sources
8. List Infographics

An infographic is a collection of
imagery, data visualizations like
pie charts and bar graphs, and
minimal text that gives an easy-
to-understand overview.
The key characteristics of effective
infographics include a descriptive title
and subheads, informative statistics, a
bold and thematically appropriate
color scheme, eye-catching graphics,
clear organization and sequencing of
information, and specially formatted
1. Title: Clearly stating the main topic or theme.

2. Introduction: Providing context or background information.

3. Visual Elements: Graphs, charts, icons, or images to convey data or key points.

4. Body: Divided into sections to present information logically.

5. Conclusion: Summarizing key findings or takeaways.

6. Sources: Citing where the information came from, if applicable.

1.Statistical Infographics 5. Geographic Infographics

This type of infographics allows you to visualize survey results, this type focus visual in geographic infographics
present data from some sources, argue some issues with relevant is the map charts and different types of them work better for
data, etc. It focuses on your data and the layout and visuals different types of data.
support you tell the story behind your data.

2. Informational Infographics
6. Comparison Infographics
If you want to inform a concept or to give an overview of a topic,
this type of infographic is appropriate to use. Commonly it is divided
You can use this type of infographic to compare options in an
into sections containing descriptive headers.
unbiased way or to make one option seem better.

3. Timeline Infographics
7. Hierarchical Infographics
This type of infographic functions to visualize the history of
something, to highlight important dates, or to give an overview of an
event. This infographic supports people to create a clearer figure of This type of infographic arrange information from greatest to
a timeframe. least.

4. Process Infographics
8. List Infographics
This type of infographic is suitable for providing a summary or
You can use this type of infographic to share a collection of tips,
overview of the steps in a process. You can simplify and clarify each
step in process infographics.
a list of resources, or a list of examples.
1. Conciseness: Infographics use short and succinct language to convey complex information quickly.

2. Callouts: Callouts draw attention to important information or statistics, helping them stand out from the rest of the content.

3. Bulleted Lists: Bulleted lists break down information into digestible chunks, making it easier for readers to scan and understand.
A graphic organizer represents a
GRAPHIC ORGANIZER visual understanding that structures
information by organizing significant
elements of a notion or subject in a
pattern using labels.
Language Feature Characteristics

1. Conciseness
A characteristic graphic organizer
2. Callouts
is a visual representation of
3. Bulleted knowledge that structures
information by arranging important
Language Function aspects of a concept or topic into a
1. Tools for critical and creative
2. Tools for organizing information. Generic Structure
3. Tools for understanding
information and relationships. - Title - Relationship
4. Tools for depicting knowledge and - Categories - Supporting Details
understanding. - Key Points - Conclusion
5. Tools for self-learning.

A graphic organizer
represents a visual
understanding that
structures information
by organizing significant
elements of a notion or
subject in a pattern
using labels.
A characteristic graphic organizer is a visual representation of
knowledge that structures information by arranging important aspects
of a concept or topic into a pattern. Graphic organizers are effective
tools for thinking and learning as they help students to represent
abstract ideas in more concrete forms, depict the relationships among
facts and concepts, organize ideas, and store and recall information.
There are many different types of graphic organizers, including concept
maps, organization charts, and character analysis graphic organizers,
each with their own characteristics and uses.
1. Title or Main Topic: Clearly stating the main idea or theme.

2. Categories or Subtopics: Dividing the information into sections or categories.

3. Key Points: Listing or illustrating the main points within each category.

4. Relationships: Showing connections or relationships between different ideas or categories.

5. Supporting Details: Providing additional information or examples to support each key point.

6. Summary or Conclusion: Summarize the main ideas or findings from the graphic organizer.
SOCIAL / LANGUAGE FUNCTION 3. Tools for understanding information and

1. Tools for critical and creative thinking Graphic organizers serve as mental instruments for
helping learners comprehend and maintain significant
Graphic organizers assist learners concentrate on what’s information and relationships.
significant because they highlight key concepts and
vocabulary, and their interactions in concentrating.

4. Tools for depicting knowledge and understanding

Graphic organizers provide an optional way to depict

knowledge and comprehension.
2. Tools for organizing information

Graphic organizers are network-like visual representations

that enable learners to add or alter their background 5. Tools for self-learning
knowledge by seeing the links and contradictions between
existing knowledge and fresh information.
Learners who use graphic organizers can develop
autonomous learning like note-taking, planning,
presentation, etc.
1. Heading
2. Subheadings
3. Bullet Points
4. Arrows
5. Diagrams
6. Charts
7. Other Visual Elements

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