Module Part1
Module Part1
Module Part1
• Module 6: Subsystems
External storage systems: Solid state drivers - Organization and Structure of
disk drives: Electronic- magnetic and optical technologies - Reliability of
memory systems – Error detecting and error correcting systems - RAID Levels -
I/O Performance
Syllabus (contd.)
• Module 7: High Performance Processors
Classification of models - Flynn’s taxonomy of parallel machine models (SISD,
SIMD, MISD, MIMD) - Pipelining: Two stages, Multi stage pipelining, Basic
performance issues in pipelining, Hazards, Methods to prevent and resolve
hazards and their drawbacks - Approaches to deal branches - Superscalar
architecture: Limitations of scalar pipelines, superscalar versus super pipeline
architecture, superscalar techniques, performance evaluation of superscalar
architecture - performance evaluation of parallel processors: Amdahl’s law,
speed-up and efficiency.
• Reference Books:
• Computer Architecture and Organization-Designing for Performance, William Stallings, Tenth edition,
Pearson Education series, 2016.
• Carl Hamacher, Zvonko Vranesic, Safwat Zaky, Computer organization, Mc Graw Hill, Fifth edition,
Reprint 2011.
• Module 1: Stallings/Hamacher
• Module 2: Hamacher/Stallings
• Module 3: Intial portions: Stallings and Data path onwards : Hamacher
• Module 4: Stallings
• Module 5: Stallings/Hamacher/Any other books as per syllabus
• Module 6: Stallings
• Module 7: Patterson
• Digital Assignment 1 (10 marks) – 10% Self -Study of tool
Input and
Output Control
I/O Processor