Virtual Dressing Room

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Virtual Dressing Room

Prepared by:
18cCE024 (Pratik Dhoriyani)
18CE031 (Pruthil Hirpara)
 18CE037 (Dhruv Kachhadiya)

Guided By : Dr. Ritesh Patel


Mentored By: Asst. Prof. Mrugendra Rahevar

Definition Of Project:

• Buying apparel through e-commerce has certain limitation

of trying apparel before buying it. Provide a virtual room to
try apparel through e-commerce websites before buying it.
Project Description:

• Buying apparel through e-commerce has certain limitation of

trying apparel before buying it.
• Provide a virtual room to try apparel through e-commerce website
before buying it.
• So that users are motivated to buy online apparel through e-
commerce website and lesser chances of returning and cancelling
of apparel because of having a facilities to try apparel through a
virtual room.
• we were included many things like goggles , t-shirts, ear rings ,
tiaras , frocks , etc.…

• We got this project definition from smart Gujarat

hackathon’s problem statement .
• This type of projects are available but those projects were
made using Kinect motion sensor and we are going to create
this project using concept of image processing and
convolutional neural network.
• Real implementation of that project is not available but as a
reference lot many research papers are there through which
at least we can have idea about flow of execution in our
Development Environment:
• Software Requirement:

• Cmake (3.12.0)
• Dlib (19.15.0)
• Opencv (
• Scipy (1.0.0)
• Cascade trainer gui (1.8.0)
• Tkinter canvas (8.6.8)
• Numpy (1.18.1)
• Anaconda (4.8.2)
• Python (3.7.4)
• Flask Web framework (1.1.1)
Development Environment:

• Hardware Requirement:
• For this project we need high configurations system because
such tasks in this project requires more CPU computation
and high graphic support to train haar cascade dataset and
for more accuracy we need to increase number of EPOCH in
training of convolutional neural network.
• Once the dataset and network models are trained then we
can run python code on normal machine also.
Major Features:
• First of all for we need to detect body parts of target human body and we need to
transfer things according to suitable body parts.

• So for body part detection we were used haar cascade dataset.

• So what is haar cascade dataset ?
• 24 * 24 target window is moving on to the image and it contains features
like(line features,rectenguler feature,edge feature etc..)
• value of feature is computed using concept of integral images(it would select
best value of featuure among this by using adaboost classifier)
• They are like convolutional kernels. haar features are relavent feature for
object detection and non-relevant features are discarded by adaboost
Major Features:
• How to train haar cascade dataset ?
• Opencv provides some pre trained haar cascade and for creating
your own haar cascade there are three methods are available.
• File provided by Auckland university to create haar cascade
using command prompt but it is very tedious process and not
that much of accurate(training time is more).
• Method provided by youtuber sendex but actually it does not
uses windows to create haar cascade it uses aws ($5/month).
• Amin ahemadi gui creater for creating haar cascade (cascade
trainer gui).
Major Features:
• Process of training haar cascade:
• Haar feature(white black boxes moving on to the image
and extract the feature.)
• Integrall images approach(to make fasten the process
of computation of data)
• Adaboost classifier (extract best feature and discarding
non-relevant feature)
Major Features:
• We were used flask micro framework as a interface between backend(python) and front
end(html).And for gui we used tkinter library which was written in python for design user
• @app.route("/") it means whenever the home page is found involk the function below it under
that function in the end of that function you are returning a function render_template("html
file") and whatever html file is given in the argument that html page will be shown in the browser
for that this html file should be available in template folder

• @app.route("/success",methods=["POST"]
• it means whenever the route is scuccess then involk the function below it post shows that we
are sending data to server
Future Enhancement:
• After detecting body parts of target image there are
certain operation we need to perform for make this
• So for this we need to train three type of network
through which we can set clothes on target image.
• PAN (pose alignment network)
• TRN (texture refinement network)
• FTN (fitting network)
Graphical Representation:
• M2E-Try On Net: Fashion from Model to Everyone(

• VITON: An Image-based Virtual Try-on Network(

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