Virtual Dressing Room
Virtual Dressing Room
Virtual Dressing Room
Prepared by:
18cCE024 (Pratik Dhoriyani)
18CE031 (Pruthil Hirpara)
18CE037 (Dhruv Kachhadiya)
Definition Of Project:
• Cmake (3.12.0)
• Dlib (19.15.0)
• Opencv (
• Scipy (1.0.0)
• Cascade trainer gui (1.8.0)
• Tkinter canvas (8.6.8)
• Numpy (1.18.1)
• Anaconda (4.8.2)
• Python (3.7.4)
• Flask Web framework (1.1.1)
Development Environment:
• Hardware Requirement:
• For this project we need high configurations system because
such tasks in this project requires more CPU computation
and high graphic support to train haar cascade dataset and
for more accuracy we need to increase number of EPOCH in
training of convolutional neural network.
• Once the dataset and network models are trained then we
can run python code on normal machine also.
Major Features:
• First of all for we need to detect body parts of target human body and we need to
transfer things according to suitable body parts.
• @app.route("/success",methods=["POST"]
• it means whenever the route is scuccess then involk the function below it post shows that we
are sending data to server
Future Enhancement:
• After detecting body parts of target image there are
certain operation we need to perform for make this
• So for this we need to train three type of network
through which we can set clothes on target image.
• PAN (pose alignment network)
• TRN (texture refinement network)
• FTN (fitting network)
Graphical Representation:
• M2E-Try On Net: Fashion from Model to Everyone(