Lecture 4
Lecture 4
Lecture 4
Autumn Semester, 2023
Week 4
• Quick recap from Week 3
• Survey Methods (Chapter 7) & Literature Review
• Mid-Term Exam Discussion
REVISIT: Categories of Research
• Quantitative research: research involving the use of structured questions in
which response options have been predetermined and a large number of
respondents involved.
• Qualitative research: research involving collecting, analyzing, and
interpreting data by observing what people do and say.
• Mixed method research: combination of both quantitative and qualitative
research methods in order to gain the advantages of both
Qualitative Research
Observation Focus
Focus Groups
Groups Ethnography Others
Chapter 7:
Evaluating Survey
Data Collection
Learning Objectives
In this chapter you will learn:
Step 5: Identify information types and Step 11: Prepare and present the final
sources research report
Advantages: Disadvantages:
• Feedback • Humans make errors
• Rapport • Slow speed
• Quality control • High cost
• Adaptability • Fear of interview evaluation (bias
due to the presence of the interviewer,
which might cause respondents to alter
their normal responses)
Computer-Assisted Surveys
• In these surveys, an telephone interviewer may read the questions and
record answers on a computer screen, or a personal interviewer may use
a tablet computer to record and encrypt answers.
• Computer technology assists the interviewer by making the interview
process more efficient and effective.
Advantages: Disadvantages:
• Speed • Technical skills may be required
• Relatively error-free • Setup costs may be high
interviews (data quality)
• Use of pictures,
audiovisuals and graphics
• Immediate capture of data
Self-Administered Surveys
• In self-administered surveys, the respondent has the sole
responsibility to complete the survey on his/her own without agent –
human or computer – administering the survey.
• NB: we are referring to the typical paper-and-pencil survey
• The questionnaire is under the control of the respondent.
• Respondent goes at his/her own pace, and often selects the place and
time to complete the survey
Advantages: Disadvantages:
• Reduced cost • Respondent control (no response,
• Respondent control incomplete, errors, untimely
(relaxed & unrushed) response)
• Reduced interview • Lack of monitoring
evaluation • High questionnaire requirements
apprehension (burden of understanding falls on
the questionnaire itself)
Computer-Administered Surveys
• In computer-administered surveys, a computer plays an integral role in
posing the questions and recording the respondents’ answers.
• an online survey in which respondents are directed to a website that
houses the questionnaire.
• some web-based questionnaires can qualify respondents, skip
questions, use quota systems for sample sizes, display various graphics
and audiovisuals.
Advantages: Disadvantages:
• Breadth of user-friendly features • Requires computer-literate
(respondent: easy, economical, & fun) and Internet-connected
• Highly efficient (ability to handle respondents
multiple respondents at one time) • Respondent
• Reduction of interview misrepresentation
evaluation concern in • Non-representative sample
Mixed-Mode Surveys
• Mixed-mode or hybrid surveys use multiple data collection methods.
• Two or more survey data collection modes are used to access a
representative sample.
• The realization that respondents must be treated as “customers” – meet
their preferences
• Online companies like Amazon/eBay use hybrid research to facilitate use
of both qualitative and quantitative techniques to do “deep dives” to
understand the buyer-seller trust relationship.
Advantages: Disadvantages:
• Multiple advantages to achieve • Survey mode may affect response –
data collection goal there might be differences in data
– Example: could use online collected.
survey to quickly reach portion • Additional complexity – wording
of population with Internet complications and problems with
access and telephone calling to integrating data from multiple sources
reach those without Internet into one compatible dataset.
Various Ways to Gather Data
Method Description
In-home The interviewer conducts the interview in the respondent’s home. Appointments may be made
interview ahead by telephone.
Mall-intercept Shoppers in a mall are approached and asked to take part in the survey. Questions may be asked in
interview the mall or in the mall-intercept company’s facilities located in the mall.
In-office The interviewer makes an appointment with business executives or managers to conduct the
interview interview at the respondent’s place of work.
Telephone Interviewers work in a data collection company’s office using cubicles or work areas for each
interview interviewer, usually reading questions on a computer monitor. Often the supervisor has the ability
to “listen in” to interviews and to check that they are being conducted correctly.
Fully A computer is programmed to administer the questions. Respondents interact with the computer
automated and enter in their own answers by using a keyboard, by touching the screen, or by using some other
interview means.
Online survey Respondents answer a questionnaire that resides on the Internet.
Group self- Respondents take the survey in a group context. Each respondent works individually, but they meet
administered as a group, which allows the researcher to economize.
Drop-off Questionnaires are left with the respondent to fill out. The administrator may return at a later time
survey to pick up the completed questionnaire, or it may be mailed in.
Mail survey Questionnaires are mailed to prospective respondents, who are asked to fill them out and return
them by mail.
Mall-Intercept Surveys
• The respondent is encountered and questioned while he/she is visiting a
shopping mall.
• The process involves stopping the shoppers, screening them for
appropriateness, and either administering the survey on the spot or inviting
them to a research facility located in the mall to complete the interview.
• While not representative of the population in general, shopping mall customers
do constitute a major share of the market for many products (especially, in
Advantages: Disadvantages:
• Since mall-intercept • Sample representativeness
interviews are conducted may be an issue, as only
in large shopping malls mall patrons are
they are less expensive interviewed
per interview than are in- • Respondents may feel
home interviews. uncomfortable answering
the questions in the mall
Telephone Surveys
• Traditional telephone interviews involve phoning a sample of
respondents and asking them a series of questions.
• The interviewer uses a paper questionnaire and records the responses
with a pen/pencil.
Advantages: Disadvantages:
• Can get a • Respondents can’t be shown
representative sample anything or physically interact with
• Reasonable cost the research object
• Good quality control • Telephone doesn’t allow for
observation of body language or
• Fast turnaround
facial expression
• Limited in the quantity and types of
information obtainable
• Noncooperation from the public
Computer-Assisted Interviews
• Computer-Assisted Self-Interviewing (CASI): the respondents
answers questions without any human interviewer or assistance
such as an online survey.
• Computer-Assisted Personal Interviewing (CAPI): an interviewer
administers the questions and records the responses in a face-to-
face context with the aid of a computer.
• Computer-Assisted Telephone Interviewing (CATI): an interviewer
administers the questions and records the responses over the phone
with the aid of a computer.
Mail Surveys
• A mail survey is one in which the questions are mailed to prospective
respondents who are asked to fill them out and return them to the
researcher by mail.
• Mail surveys continue to be used because of their low cost compared to
other methods.
Advantages: Disadvantages:
• Geographic flexibility • Nonresponse: refers to
• Relatively inexpensive questionnaires that are not returned.
• More convenient for respondents • Self-selection bias: means that those
who do respond are probably
• Anonymity of respondent different from those who do not fill
• Absence of interviewer out the questionnaire and return it.
Panel Companies
• Recruit potential survey respondents who participate for compensation.
• Mail panels consist of a large and nationally representative sample of
individuals who have agreed to participate in periodic survey research.
• Incentives in the form of cash or gifts are often offered to the individuals
who agree to participate.
• Can be used for longitudinal studies
Advantages: Disadvantages:
• Fast turnaround • Not random samples
• High quality • Overused respondents
• Database information • Cost
• Access to targeted respondents • No control of respondent’s
• Integrated features: can offer other services environment
e.g., questionnaire design
Top 22 Online Panel Companies
Online Surveys
Internet and Email surveys
- Speed and cost-effectiveness
- Visual appeal and interactivity
- Respondent participation and cooperation
- Can be representative samples
- Accurate real-time data capture
- Email reminders
- Personalised and flexible questioning
- Higher response rates
- Enhanced security
Essentially is a self-administered
questionnaire that use other forms of
distribution Source: http://www.formees.com/en/online-survey
What’s the most appropriate survey
research design?
There is no best form of survey; each has advantages and
- For example, a researcher who must ask highly confidential
questions may use an online survey to avoid interviewer bias.
- Taste testing requires personal interviews
In selecting a data collection mode, the researcher must consider:
- How fast is data collection?
- How much will data collection cost?
- How good is the data quality?
Relative Speed, Cost, and Data Quality of Common
Data Collection Methods*
Copyright © 2017, 2014, 2010 Pearson Education, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Literature Review
Examining secondary sources – “what
is known about the topic?”
What is a literature review?
A literature review is a critical analysis of published sources, or
literature, on a particular topic (Source: http://www.citewrite.qut.edu.au/write/litreview.jsp)
• You can search with your keywords within a (from a more narrow
(less results) to wider research (more results)) title, abstract, topic or
you can search by author.
Finally – Referencing (in-text & list)
Every time you paraphrase the argument or ideas of authors to form your own you
need to add in parenthesis (brackets) the surname of the authors and the year of
publication (e.g., Nyadzayo, Matanda & Ewing, 2011; Harris, 2011).
If you take a direct quote out of the text then you put the quote in quotation marks
and at the end you include the authors’ surnames, the year and the page number of
the paper the quotation was taken from (e.g. Roper et al., 2008, p. 132).
You then need to provide a reference list at the end of the dissertation where papers
are mentioned in an alphabetical order by author surname.
• Dwivedi, A. (2015). A higher-order model of consumer brand engagement and its impact on loyalty intentions. Journal of Retailing and Consumer
Services, 24, 100–109.
• Liu, F., Li, J., Mizerski, D., & Soh, H. (2012). Self-congruity, brand attitude, and brand loyalty: A study on luxury brands. European Journal of
Marketing, 46(7/8), 922–937.
• He, H., Li, Y., & Harris, L. (2012). Social identity perspective on brand loyalty. Journal of Business Research, 65(5), 648–657.
• De Villiers, R. (2015). Consumer brand enmeshment: Typography and complexity modeling of consumer brand engagement and brand loyalty
enactments. Journal of Business Research, 68, 1953–1963.
• Kressmann, F., Sirgy, M. J., Herrmann, A., Huber, F., Huber, S., & Lee, D. J. (2006). Direct and indirect effects of self-image congruence on brand
loyalty. Journal of Business Research, 59(9), 955–964.
• Romaniuk, J., & Nenycz-Thiel, M. (2013). Behavioral brand loyalty and consumer brand associations. Journal of Business Research, 66(1), 67–72.
• Yoo, B., & Donthu, N. (2001). Developing and validating a multidimensional consumer-based brand equity scale. Journal of Business Research,
52(1), 1–14. Leckie, C., Nyadzayo, M. W., & Johnson, L. W. (2016). Antecedents of consumer
brand engagement and brand loyalty. Journal of Marketing Management, 32(5-6), 558-
WEEK 6: Mid Term Exam
• Date: 23 October 2023 (3:30 – 5:30PM)
• Venue: Classroom 4.46-4.47
• Chapters: 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7
• 50 Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) via online (Moodle)
– NOT an open-book exam (you CANNOT access any notes/text)
– No calculator needed
• Hints and Tips for answering MCQs
– Only ONE (1) answer is correct (most correct)
– Read the sentence multiple times
– Watch-out for tricky words that can change the meaning
– Use the elimination technique