Pitch Deck Template For Startups - Make A Copy To Edit

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How To Use This Deck

● Make a copy in order to apply edits ● Answer the following:

○ File > Make a Copy ○ Pain: What pain are you solving?
● Try to be light on written content ○ Solution: How do you solve the problem?
○ Minimizing the number of words on ○ Size of Market: How big is the market?
screen is ideal ○ Industry: What kind of competitors are there?
● Use ample charts, screenshots, and graphics ○ Traction: How many customers do you have to
● Try to use short-phrased bullets date and how large is your revenue?
○ If there is too much text on the screen ○ Business Model: How will your company make
your audience will be reading the slides money?
not listening to you ○ Customer Acquisition: How do you plan to
● Tell a story acquire new customers?
○ Create a story around the framework of ○ Team: Who is on your team?
your presentation in order to earn full
attention from your audience

Brought to you by:

Put your own
logo below
2-5 Word Tagline or
Bold Concise
Ambitious longer
What’s your core mission? What are
you trying to solve/build? Put your bran
icon on every
Current Pain

Identify the current frustration

or identified market pain
● What is broken?
● Why is it broken?
● Why should your product or
service exist?
● What is the opportunity?
Why is there a need?

● Why is now the right time for

your business to succeed?
● Explain macro trends (i.e. new
technologies, laws, etc) that
give you a chance to succeed
where others have failed
Your Product or Service

● Description of product
○ Key differentiators
○ Images
● Showcase a demonstration of Put images here
product if possible
Size of Market

● Include data/stats on market

size, existing proof points, etc.
● Include graphs
○ Use multiple slides if needed Put graphs here

● Competition
● Market Share (pie chart at
● Existing Product/Service Put a chart here

Be prepared to talk about each of the

above in depth. It will be obvious if
you don’t know your industry.
Traction to Date

● Explain market viability

○ Current stats on usage, sales,
traction, etc
○ Plan for getting initial
○ Speak to roadmap & near
term plans
Business Model

● List the ways you will make

money Put supporting
○ Short term or just one simple images / charts
approach here

○ List alternate monetization

Revenue Flow

Use the icons in the last

slide to help you create a
revenue flow for your
Customer Acquisition

● List approaches/tacts you are

going to use to get customers
○ Initial set, plus over time
Give a brief verbal
introduction for each
Team Members
team member. Make
sure to:
● Highlight
● List areas of

Name Name Name

Title Title Title

● List 3-5 key takeaways. Such

as: Put supporting
○ Market size images / charts
○ Core insight on here

○ Highlight any traction
Fundraising ask

The amount you are

Investors that are
currently involved
Company Tagline

Contact information
Extra Slides and Resources Below
● Use the slides and icons following this slide to add more
customization to your slides as desired
Slide Title

Slide Title
Hex Codes
4ba9ae: Teal
5cc9ad: Green

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