Criticalthinkingpowerpoint 130327000622 Phpapp02 ( (Unsaved 304882360718287699) )
Criticalthinkingpowerpoint 130327000622 Phpapp02 ( (Unsaved 304882360718287699) )
Criticalthinkingpowerpoint 130327000622 Phpapp02 ( (Unsaved 304882360718287699) )
improves the quality of his or her
thinking by skillfully analyzing,
assessing, and reconstructing it.
thought. circumstances.
Critical thinking calls for the ability Put to test the conclusions and
to: generalizations at which one arrives
Reconstruct one's patterns of
Recognize problems, to find workable beliefs on the basis of wider
means for meeting those problems experience
Understand the importance of Render accurate judgments about
prioritization and order of precedence
in problem solving specific things and qualities in
everyday life
Gather and marshal pertinent (relevant)
Recognize unstated assumptions and
Comprehend and use language with
accuracy, clarity, and discernment
Interpret data, to appraise evidence and
evaluate arguments
Recognize the existence (or non-
existence) of logical relationships
between propositions
Draw warranted conclusions and
“Any formal attack on ignorance is bound to fail because the masses are always ready to defend
their most precious possession – their ignorance.”
~ Hendrik Van Loon
In sum: