Sunday Dua
Sunday Dua
Sunday Dua
Sunday is the first day in the arabic system (Yawmul Ahad).
Again, Imam (as) starts with the Hamd (praise) of Allah (swt).
So the Imam (as) is saying that O Allah, only you are my
protector, and my allegiance is only with you O my lord
WA MIN GHIYARI ZAMAAN – And from the changes of
the time
Now, Ghiyar is from change….good to bad, or bad to
good, etc…But now, for e.g. if someone goes from good
time to bad time, and then asks or recited this dua, it is
understandable…but the Imam also says that he seeks
Allah's protection, even if the time changes from bad to
good…why is this so?
This is because after a person has got Allah's bounties, he
might forget the remembrance of Allah (swt), and go
astray. So, Imam (as) is asking for Allah’s protection in
both times….good and bad….
WA TAWAATURIL AHZAAN – And the consistency of the
Because if the bad times continue, then people might fall
off the edge/slip, and stop their belief in Allah (swt).