Never Split The Difference
Never Split The Difference
Never Split The Difference
● Calibrated Questions:
● Noncash offers
What are my specific goals for this negotiation?
● Think through best/worst-case scenarios but only write down a specific
goal that represents the best case.
● Write it down.
● Discuss your goal with a colleague (this makes it harder to wimp out).
● Why?
Summarize and write out in just a couple of sentences the known facts that
have led up to the negotiation. So you can be ready to respond with tactical
empathy with your counterpart
Labels, Accusation Audit
● It seems like _________ is valuable to you.
Prepare 3-5 labels that summarize how the counterpart feels about these
facts. Anticipate how your counterpart feels about these facts you’ve just
Calibrated Questions:
● What are we trying to accomplish?
Prepare 3-5 calibrated Questions to reveal value to you and your counterpart and identify and overcome
potential Deal Killers. Effective negotiators look past their counterparts’ stated positions (what the party
demands) and delve into their underlying motivations (what is making them want what they want).
Calibrated Questions:
● When the decision is done by committee, you want to get the support of
that committee
● How does making this deal resonate with what your company prides itself on?
People you are negotiating with are comfortable with the way things are. Change might look like they aren’t doing
their job. How do you make them look good in the face of such change?
Pick 2-3 of these sets of question and ask together to get information that will help you identify the real issue at hand
Noncash offers ( GIVE/GET )
● Prepare a list of noncash items possessed by your counterpart that would be valuable.
● Ask yourself “What could they give that would almost get us to do it for free?”
Key Components
● Calibrated Questions:
● Noncash offers