Information Security

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Information Security

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Goal of Information Security
 Data protection: Mobile device information security's key focus is
preventing unauthorized access to private data (Morrow, 2012).
Protecting sensitive business information from prying eyes is a top
priority for any successful company.
 Integrity: The primary responsibility of Integrity is to verify the
authenticity of the data, making sure that it has not been
tampered with in any way.
 Confidentiality: The goal is to prevent leaks of confidential
information by dissatisfied workers. When personal information is
encrypted, it becomes far more difficult to steal someone's
Sources of Threats
 Human: Unauthorized access, Incorrect data entry
 Technology: Phishing attempts, Virus, Vulnerabilities in
software or hardware
 Natural disaster: Hurricane, Floods, earthquake
Human Sources
A data breach caused by human factors is an occurrence or
action by a human being.
 Most of these problems can be traced back to either lenient
security measures or a failure to raise awareness.
A human mistake can manifest in various ways, including
improperly handling data, careless deletion of data,
accidental opening of harmful email attachments, and using a
single password across multiple online accounts.
Technological sources
 This risk is connected to some technical issues.
 The likelihood of an attack increases if the equipment
employed has inadequate software and hardware standards.
 One common mistake is to process data using either old or
low-quality gear or software.
 This could cause hardware failure and, more commonly, data
 This also encompasses hackers who gain access to a system
intending to steal or destroy sensitive data and then use that
data in a way that results in financial harm for the company.
Natural Disasters
 This danger stems from many non-human-caused occurrences,
many dependent on the natural world.
 Without taking precautions to back up data in a remote
place, crucial information could be lost forever if a tragedy
knocked a system offline wholly.
 Information at a business could be lost if, say, a fire broke
out. A hurricane or earthquake is an example of a natural
Technical Safeguards
 Technical safeguards refers to practices and procedures to
keep data stored digitally safe (Keshta & Odeh, 2021).
 User Authentication:Set up two-factor authentication as an
extra layer of protection for your devices. Ensure that only
authorized users and devices may log in by adding them to the
2FA system and registering all their devices.
 Data Encryption:Encryption involves transforming information
into a code that must be deciphered before it can be used.
Provide all mobile devices with data encryption software.
 Security Patches:Patches for software or operating system
vulnerabilities, known as Operating system patches, are
upgrades that close security holes in the program (Aslan &
Human Safeguards
Safeguards are established to keep people from being
destructive. Prevention measures are in place to reduce the
potential for harm caused by humans.
Provide the staff with thorough training on data security
measures. Implement a strict security strategy to ensure staff
are responsible for mobile devices.
When an employee leaves a company, the company is responsible
for collecting all work-issued gadgets. Removal of all company
data from personal mobile devices after termination.
Ensure that the company regularly receives information security
training. Provide information about company-wide best practices
and what to do during a data breach or other cyber attack.
Incident Response Plan
 The security team can better detect, eliminate, and recover
from cyber-attacks by accessing a comprehensive incident
response strategy (Staves et al., 2022).
 An incident response strategy is necessary to train staff to
recognize security breaches. It teaches workers how to
recognize and respond to threats to information security.
 When a security breach occurs, the incident response plan
order is implemented to help personnel clean up the mess.
 An incident response plan is essential to guarantee data
availability in any situation and speedy data restoration in the
event of data breach.
 Aslan,Ö., & Samet, R. (2017). Mitigating Cyber Security Attacks by
Being Aware of Vulnerabilities and Bugs. In 2017 International
Conference on Cyberworlds (CW) (pp. 222-225). IEEE.
 Keshta,I., & Odeh, A. (2021). Security and Privacy of Electronic Health
Records: Concerns and Challenges. Egyptian Informatics Journal, 22(2),
 Morrow, B. (2012). BYOD Security Challenges: Control and Protect Your
Most Sensitive Data. Network Security, 2012(12), 5-8.
 Staves, A., Anderson, T., Balderstone, H., Green, B., Gouglidis, A., &
Hutchison, D. (2022). A Cyber Incident Response and Recovery
Framework to Support Operators of Industrial Control Systems.
International Journal of Critical Infrastructure Protection, 37, 100505.

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