Acne is a common skin condition affecting more than 80% of people at some point in their life. It is caused by increased sebum production, hypercornification of pilosebaceous ducts, and inflammation induced by colonization of Propionibacterium acnes bacteria. Treatment involves topical and oral antibiotics, retinoids, and hormonal therapy. For severe nodular cystic acne, isotretinoin may be used, though it can have teratogenic and other side effects requiring monitoring. Management requires assessment, patient education, and choosing appropriate therapies based on acne severity.
Acne is a common skin condition affecting more than 80% of people at some point in their life. It is caused by increased sebum production, hypercornification of pilosebaceous ducts, and inflammation induced by colonization of Propionibacterium acnes bacteria. Treatment involves topical and oral antibiotics, retinoids, and hormonal therapy. For severe nodular cystic acne, isotretinoin may be used, though it can have teratogenic and other side effects requiring monitoring. Management requires assessment, patient education, and choosing appropriate therapies based on acne severity.
Acne is a common skin condition affecting more than 80% of people at some point in their life. It is caused by increased sebum production, hypercornification of pilosebaceous ducts, and inflammation induced by colonization of Propionibacterium acnes bacteria. Treatment involves topical and oral antibiotics, retinoids, and hormonal therapy. For severe nodular cystic acne, isotretinoin may be used, though it can have teratogenic and other side effects requiring monitoring. Management requires assessment, patient education, and choosing appropriate therapies based on acne severity.
Acne is a common skin condition affecting more than 80% of people at some point in their life. It is caused by increased sebum production, hypercornification of pilosebaceous ducts, and inflammation induced by colonization of Propionibacterium acnes bacteria. Treatment involves topical and oral antibiotics, retinoids, and hormonal therapy. For severe nodular cystic acne, isotretinoin may be used, though it can have teratogenic and other side effects requiring monitoring. Management requires assessment, patient education, and choosing appropriate therapies based on acne severity.
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Dr. Pankil patel
One of the commonest skin conditions seen
Easily diagnosed
May affect mental and social well being
Affects more than 80% people at some point in
their life Acne vulgaris
Acne is a chronic inflammatory disease of the
pilosebaceous units, characterized by
seborrhoea, formation of comedones,
erythematous papules, pustules & less
frequently by nodules, cysts and scarring.
Epidemiology Typically occurs around adolescence Can present in neonate, can persist beyond adolescence in susceptible individuals Physiological acne considered a normal variant of maturation Clinicalacne persists and progresses beyond the period of adolescence 30% of teenagers have acne of sufficient severity to require some form of treatment Pathogenesis of acne Increased sebum production Hypercornification of the pilosebaceous duct Colonisation of the duct with Propionibacterium acnes Inflammation Seborrhoea Increased androgenic sex hormones of gonadal / adrenal origin(especially in women with polycystic ovarian disease) Abnormalend-organ response to normal level of hormones Abnormal composition of sebum Lowerlevels of linoleic acid → ductal hypercornification Comedogenesis Abnormalities in proliferation and differentiation of ductal keratinocytes Retentionof hyperproliferating ductal keratinocytes Increased cohesiveness of ductal keratinocytes These lead to formation of the microcomedone which is the precursor of all acne lesions Propionibacterium acnes Resident anaerobe which colonises the pilosebaceous duct in the presence of seborrhoea Hydrolyses the triglycerides in sebum to produce free fatty acids Produces mediators of inflammation The cell wall of P.acnes is a potent chemoattractant Inflammation Cytokinesproduced by sebum and ductal keratinocytes P.acnes& free fatty acids also contibute to the inflammation Cytokines attract neutrophils and mononuclear cells In moderate and severe cases there is rupture of the duct and a macrophage giant cell foreign body reaction Pathogenesis Grades of Acne (Pillsburry’s classification) Grade I: comedones (open or closed), occ. papules Grade II: papules, comedones, few pustules Grade III: predominant pustules, nodules, abscesses Grade IV: mainly cysts, abscesses, scars Grade I Grade II Grade III Grade IV Grade IV Co-factors Aggravating Relieving Premenstrual UV radiation? UV radiation? Stress Sweating Smoking Scarring Consequence of abnormal resolution or wound healing following the inflammation Ice-pick scars are seen in most patients with grades I and II acne while depressed or hypertrophic scars are seen in nodulocystic acne Hyperpigmentation In patients paticularly with type III/IV skin, hyperpigmented macules may persist following the resolution of inflammatory acne lesions Uncommon Variants of Acne Drug induced acne/ acneiform eruption Acne excoriee Acne conglobata Acne fulminans Acne mechanica Occupational acne/chloracne Pyoderma faciale Late onset acne/endocrine acne Cosmetic/pomade acne Tropical acne Gram negative folliculitis Drug induced acne Papules and pustules , comedones usually absent Drugs implicated: ◦ Halogens ◦ Androgens ◦ Steroids ◦ INH,Rifampcin ◦ Lithium ◦ Phenytoin ◦ PUVA P. folliculitis Rosecea Chloracne Acne excoriee Acne conglobata Psychosocial aspects Stress induces acne Increased anger and anxiety Social embarrassment Lack of self confidence Depression Dysmorphophobia Differential diagnosis Rosacea Pityrosporum folliculitis Pseudo folliculitis Milia Plane warts Tuberous sclerosis
Acne scarring may be mistaken for acne
keloidalis, varioliform, atrophy and porphyria cutanea tarda. Guidelines of treatment Acne assessment (of severity) Patient education Discussion of goals of treatment and patient expectations Choice of therapy Guidelines of treatment Topical antibiotics - erythomycin, clindamycin, tetracycline, clarithromycin, doxycycline Benzoyl peroxide Azelaic acid Topical retinoids - retinoic acid, adapalene, tazarotene Oral therapy Antibiotics: Erythromycin Azithromycin (pulse dosing) Tetracycline Doxycycline Minocycline Trimethoprim Dapsone Side effects of oral antibiotics Doxycycline - onycholysis, oesophagitis with ulceration, fixed drug eruptions, photosensitivity etc. Minocycline - benign intracranial hypertension, pappiloedema, blue-black pigmentation and rarely hypersensitivity reactions Macrolide group - gastritis, diarrhoea Co-trimoxazole - severe drug reactions Dapsone - hemolytic anemia, dapsone syndrome etc. Hormonal therapy Antiandrogens – cyproterone acetate(50-100 mg/day) Oral contraceptives - 35 mcgs ethinyl estradiol plus 2 mgs cyproterone acetate Levonorgestrel+ethinyl estradio (100+20 mcgs) Other regimens - prednisolone plus oestrogen, spironolactone and antiandrogens Drosperinone – novel progestin derived from spironolactone Oral contraceptives containing androgenic progesterones such as norethisterone must be avoided. Side effects of Hormonal therapy Weight gain Menstrual irregularity Occasional fluid retention Melasma Hypertension Thrombophlebitis Pulmonary embolism Isotretinoin 13-cis- retinoic acid (Vitamin A derivative ) Mechanism of action: ◦ Decreases the size of sebaceous glands ◦ 80% reduction in sebum ◦ Alters the composition of sebum ◦ Reduces comedogenesis ◦ Lowers P.acnes concentration and has anti- inflammatory activity Isotretinoin Indicated for : ◦ Nodulocystic/ severe Acne ◦ Pyoderma faciale ◦ Acne recalcitrant to routine treatment ◦ Excessive seborrhoea ◦ Depression / Dysmorphophobia ◦ Acne conglobata / other unusual variants ◦ Scarring Isotretinoin Dose: 0.5 – 1 mg/ kg per day is given after meals. Cumulative dose: 120-150 mgs/kg Side effects ◦ Teratogenicity ◦ Mucocutaneous side effects, dryness ◦ Elevation of serum lipids ◦ Neurological : pseudotumor cerebri, optic Neuritis, depression, mood swing ◦ Arthritis, myalgia ◦ Acne flares Physical modalities Comedo expression Aspiration of cystic lesions Intralesional steriods Cryotherapy Newer options Photodynamic therapy using blue red light Low fluence pulsed dye laser light Dermabrasion / CO2 laserbrasion (ice-pick scars) Erbium-YAG laser for atrophic /hypertrophic scars Punch grafting / punch floats (for depressed scars) Acne treatment plan Topical therapy for grade I & grade II acne Oral antibiotics in moderate to severe acne Combination with topical retinoids improves efficacy and with benzoyl peroxide decreases resistance Duration 4-6 months Any treatment started must be continued for atleast 6 weeks before changing Advise on potential side effects Systemic isotretinion is indicated in severe nodulocystic acne, acne conglobata and acne recalcitrant to routine therapy Contd.. Acne treatment plan Hormonal therapy is used for patients with moderate acne who also need contraception, or those who need hormonal therapy to regulate hormonal irregularities Encourage compliance Thank you
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