SMC Change Config Management Report - March 2023
SMC Change Config Management Report - March 2023
SMC Change Config Management Report - March 2023
Description Imp. date Downtime Service affected Responsible person SM responsible Imp. status
Enable to configure the unified 2023/03/03 @09:00- None None Tlangelani Mathevula Prosecutor Maninjwa Rolled Back
endpoint management (UEM) 11:00
integration to MS Intune
SCCM update SCCM from 2023/03/02 @12:00- None SCCM reports Tshepo Mapyane Grace Ngidi Implemented
version 2107 to version 2203 16:00 successfully
Fix error in position 2023/03/03 @15:00- None PS HCM Karien Van Tonder Lungile Mabaso Implemented
management 16:00 Successfully
Changes implemented in March 2023
Description Imp. date Downtime Service affected Responsible person SM responsible Imp. status
Hide field on ESS total package. 2023/03/24 @15:00- None PS Fin Karien Van Tonder Lungile Mabaso Implemented
16:00 successfully
Request to deploy OS critical 2023/03/23 @18:00 – 12 Hrs All systems Tshepo Mapyane Grace Ngidi Implemented
security patches 2023/03/26 @06:00 successfully
Request to deploy SQL patches 2023/03/25 @18:00 – 12 Hrs DB servers Steven Makobe Grace Ngidi Implemented
2023/03/26 @06:00 successfully
Firewall firmware upgrade from 2023/03/16 @19:00- None Firewall Tlangelani Mathevula Prosecutor Maninjwa Implemented
version 7.2.3 to version 7.2.4 21:00 successfully
Leave reversal 2023/03/16 @15:00- None None Karien Van Tonder Lungile Mabaso Implemented
16:00 successfully
Payment details verification 2023/03/16 @16:00- 1 Hour None Karien Van Tonder Lungile Mabaso Implemented
report 17:00 successfully
Payroll Closure Process 2023/03/31 @15:00- None PS HCM Karien Van Tonder Lungile Mabaso Implemented
16:00 successfully
Changes implemented in March 2023:
Description Imp. date Downtime Service affected Responsible person SM responsible Imp. status
ITSM Implementation 2023/03/31 @15:00- None ITSM Phophi Nemaguvhuni Nashreen Implemented
16:00 Successfully
Payroll verification data errors 2023/03/10 @15:00- None None Karien Van Tonder Lungile Mabaso Implemented
16:00 Successfully
Request to do daily deposit on 2023/03/10 @08:00- None Blue Prism Merryck Webb Lereko Mokoena Implemented
BOTs (Imbewu)to the RPA 2023/03/17 @17:00 Successfully
production env.
Ethics register 2023/03/31 @15:30- None Ethics Gomy Mokawane Lungile Mabaso Implemented
16:00 Successfully.
Graph representation of all March implementations
6 Total
3 4
Normal Significant Standard
Security changes that were in progress
Progress report on upgraded servers 2012.
Upgraded 12
Total 101
All Operating Systems in AGSA
Licence Management (tracking)
Product Title Total Licenses Expired Licenses Assigned Licenses Available
Power BI Pro 50 0 27 14
Project Plan 1 75 0 65 9
Project Plan 3 73 0 63 0
Visio Plan 1 8 0 0 8
Product Title Total Licenses Expired Licenses Assigned Licenses Available
Adobe Pro 10 0 10 0
Adobe Cloud 4 0 4 0
Adobe In design 5 0 5 0
Caseware 50 20 30
Articulate 360 1 1 0