Luzi Lin 6319937
Luzi Lin 6319937
Luzi Lin 6319937
Luzi Lin(ID:6319937)
Assumption University
Doctor of Philosophy Program in Innovative Technology Management
1. Introduction
2. Theoretical framework
3. Conceptual framework
4. Research methodology
5. Questionnaire
6. References
E-commerce and E-service
capitalization 530.18 110.89 113.87
(billion dollars)
Active user
(million) 811 500 823.80
1. Most of the studies and theories about e-service quality and consumer behavior related to e-commerce come
from western society (Zhang et al., 2014). As the largest e-commerce market in the world, there are relatively
few related studies. In addition, these studies basically only explore the impact of e-service quality on customer
satisfaction and loyalty, and rarely put customer commitment and perceived value into the framework for
research (e.g. Guo et al., 2012; Kuo et al., 2016; Sheng & Liu, 2010; Zhang et al., 2014).
2. As the epidemic continues, people's perception of the quality of electronic services on e-commerce platforms will
change compared with that before the epidemic. And since relevant researches in this area are relatively scarce,
this paper will conduct in-depth research in this field (Koch, 2020; McCabe, 2021; Nurhayati, 2021).
To examine the factors impacting China’s
customers’ satisfaction, commitment and loyalty.
Theories related to the model
SERVQUAL is developed by Parasuraman et. al. (1988), which is a
multi-item scale. It builds a basic skeleton for retailers to understand
consumers’ service expectation and perception, and evaluates the actual
service quality by comparing the service expected by consumers with the
service actually perceived by consumers, so as to find out the gap and
help improve the service quality (Altuntas & Kansu, 2019; Parasuraman
et al., 1988; Rodrigues et al., 2011).
ES-QUAL theory
Parasuraman et al. (2005) developed ES-QUAL to measure the quality of
electronic services. Their research proposed seven dimensions
influencing the quality of electronic services, namely:
● Efficiency
● Reliability
● Fulfillment
● Privacy
● Responsiveness
● Compensation
● Contact
eTailQ theory
eTailQ is a scale integrated by Wolfinbarger and Gilly (2003) to test the
quality of e-service, which aims to explore the unique service
characteristics of online shopping experience. ETailQ theory summarizes
four dimensions of e-commerce service quality, which are
●Website design
●Customer Service
TRA theory
The theory of reasoned action (TRA) was developed by Fishbein and
Ajzen (1975). It describes the process of predicting human behavior and
explains the connections between attitude toward behavior, subjective
norms, behavioral intention, and behavior.
Purpose: This paper describes a theoretical model for investigating the three main
antecedent influences on loyalty (attitudinal commitment and behavioral loyalty)
for e-service context: trust, customer satisfaction, and perceived value.
Results: The results indicate that trust, customer satisfaction, perceived value, and
commitment are separate constructs that combine to determine the loyalty, with
commitment exerting a stronger influence than trust, customer satisfaction, and
perceived value. Customer satisfaction and perceived value were also indirectly
related to loyalty through commitment.
Theoretical Framework 1
Results: Empirical results indicate that the perceived service quality has positive
direct effects on both customer satisfaction and trust. The results also show that
customer satisfaction appears to have a positive direct effect on trust, while both
customer satisfaction and trust have direct positive effects on loyalty through
word-of-mouth and intention.
Theoretical Framework 2
Results: It is found that privacy, reliability, emotional benefit and customer service
are important elements to measure the e-service quality, but efficiency is not. E-
trust was found to be an antecedent of e-satisfaction, and behavioural loyalty an
antecedent of attitudinal loyalty.
Theoretical Framework 3
Source: Luarn, P., & Lin, H.-H. (2003). A Customer loyalty model for
E-service context. Journal of Electronic Commerce Research, 4(4),
Case 4
Minimol, M. C. (2018). E-Service Quality and Perceived Value as
Predictors of Customer Loyalty towards Online Supermarkets.
Asian Social Science, 14(3), 71-77.
Results: The study pinpointed that the four aspects of eservice quality, namely,
fulfilment, system availability, efficiency and privacy positively influence the
perceived value. It also disclosed that perceived value positively contributed to
customer loyalty.
Theoretical Framework 4
Responsiveness Satisfaction
H8 Customer
Web design Commitment
H4 Loyalty
H1:Reliability has significant impact on Satisfaction.
H2:Responsiveness has significant impact on Satisfaction.
H3:Web design has significant impact on Satisfaction.
H4:Privacy has significant impact on Satisfaction.
H5:Satisfaction has significant impact on Commitment.
H6:Perceived value has significant impact on Commitment.
H7:Satisfaction has significant impact on Customer Loyalty.
H8:Commitment has significant impact on Customer Loyalty.
H9:Perceived value has significant impact on Customer Loyalty.
Target population
Source : Soper, D. S. (2019). A-priori Sample Size Calculator for Structural Equation Models [Software].
Sampling techniques
The researcher used multi-stage sampling in sampling
procedure for this study.
Approximate Propotionate
Platform group Active users (million) Sample size
Source: China Internet Watch. (2021, March 31). Statistics: total annual customers – Alibaba
vs JD vs Pinduoduo.
Sampling techniques
Third stage, convenience sampling (non probability)
Yes No
Male Female
2. Please specify your age range
2001-5000 CNY
5001-10000 CNY
Employed Part-Time
Seeking opportunities
Strongly Agree
Questionnaire design
Scale items
Source: Al-dweeri, R. M., Ruiz Moreno, A., Montes, F. J. L., Obeidat, Z. M., & Al dwairi, K. M. (2019). The effect of e-
service quality on Jordanian student’s e-loyalty: an empirical study in online retailing. Industrial Management & Data
Systems, 119(4), 902-923.
Questionnaire design
Scale items
2.1 It is easy to get in contact with this platform te which provides the online services.
2.2 This platform is interested in getting feedback.
2.3 This platform is prompt in replying to queries.
2.4 This platform is prompt in replying to requests.
Source: Kassim, N., & Abdullah, N. A. (2008). Customer Loyalty in e-Commerce Settings: An Empirical Study. Electronic
Markets, 18(3), 275-290.
Questionnaire design
Scale items
3.Web design
Source: Kassim, N., & Abdullah, N. A. (2008). Customer Loyalty in e-Commerce Settings: An Empirical Study. Electronic
Markets, 18(3), 275-290.
Questionnaire design
Scale items
Source: Al-dweeri, R. M., Ruiz Moreno, A., Montes, F. J. L., Obeidat, Z. M., & Al dwairi, K. M. (2019). The effect of e-
service quality on Jordanian student’s e-loyalty: an empirical study in online retailing. Industrial Management & Data
Systems, 119(4), 902-923.
Questionnaire design
Scale items
Source: Al-dweeri, R. M., Ruiz Moreno, A., Montes, F. J. L., Obeidat, Z. M., & Al dwairi, K. M. (2019). The effect of e-
service quality on Jordanian student’s e-loyalty: an empirical study in online retailing. Industrial Management & Data
Systems, 119(4), 902-923.
Questionnaire design
Scale items
Source: Luarn, P., & Lin, H.-H. (2003). A Customer loyalty model for E-service context. Journal of Electronic Commerce
Research, 4(4), 156-167.
Questionnaire design
Scale items
7.Perceived value
Source: Kassim, N., & Abdullah, N. A. (2008). Customer Loyalty in e-Commerce Settings: An Empirical Study. Electronic
Markets, 18(3), 275-290.
Research Analysis Process
Result of IOC
Table 1: Total Number of Items Measuring Variables (Before IOC)
Source : Soper, D. S. (2019). A-priori Sample Size Calculator for Structural Equation Models [Software].
Result of Pilot test
Table 3: The Value of Reliability Analysis of Each Construct in this Study (n=50)
Al-dweeri, R. M., Ruiz Moreno, A., Montes, F. J. L., Obeidat, Z. M., & Al dwairi, K. M. (2019). The effect of
e-service quality on Jordanian student’s e-loyalty: an empirical study in online retailing. Industrial
Management & Data Systems, 119(4), 902-923.
Altuntas, S., & Kansu, S. (2019). An innovative and integrated approach based on SERVQUAL, QFD and
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China Internet Watch. (2021, March 31). Statistics: total annual customers – Alibaba vs JD vs Pinduoduo.
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Thank you !