Introduction To OOP - 1

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CS F213

Object Oriented
Programming Dr. Abhijit Das
Hyderabad Campus
Introduction to OOP-1

BITS Dr. Abhijit Das

CS&IS Dept.
Hyderabad Campus
Objectives of this
➢ To gain an understanding of the need for Object Oriented
 Understand the foundations of Object Orientation
➢To gain knowledge on important features of Object
Orientation with the help of Java (through hands-on lab
experience) including Multithreading, Exception Handling
and Input/Output.
➢ To make the student understand how GUI applications
can be developed with Java with sufficient hands-on.
➢To gain basic knowledge on Object Oriented Design
methodology, UML modeling and Design patterns.

Object Oriented Programming BITS Pilani, Hyderabad Campus

We use computer to solve problems.

What are steps followed?

1. Problem statement
2. Algorithm
3. Program
4. Machine instructions
5. Execution

Object Oriented Programming BITS Pilani, Hyderabad Campus

Why languages?
What are the types?
• Low-level
Language (LLL)
Low-level Language
is tied to the
computer hardware
(machine dependent).

• High-level
Language Object Oriented Programming BITS Pilani, Hyderabad Campus
HLL vs
High-level Languages Low-level Languages
Machine independent Machine dependent
Closer to programmer Closer to the machine
Easy to write code Difficult
Needs great effort for translation Needs minimal effort
Programmer need not know the Programmer should understand the
internals of the HW internals
Less chance for errors Error prone
Programmer can focus more on Programmer needs to spend more time on
solution understanding LLL specifics
More readable Less readability

Object Oriented Programming BITS Pilani, Hyderabad Campus

C, C++, Cobol,
Pascal, Perl, PHP,
Ruby, and Visual
Basic and many

How many PLs we

Object Oriented Programming BITS Pilani, Hyderabad Campus
Types of
1. Procedural Programming Language. (C)
2. Functional Programming Language. (LSP)
3. Scripting Programming Language. (PERL)
4. Logic Programming Language. (PROLOG)
5. Object-Oriented Programming Language.

Object Oriented Programming BITS Pilani, Hyderabad Campus

We write programs in some language to give
instructions to the computer to perform a specific
task (functionality).
Now we consider High-level programming languages
All of us have good acquaintance with C-Language. C-
language is a high level language.

Object Oriented Programming BITS Pilani, Hyderabad Campus

Features of
A. Robust-It has a rich set of built-in functions & operators
helping in writing complex programs
B. Suitable for writing both System & Application SW
C. Efficient & fast
D. Portable-Any C program written on one computer can be
run on another computer with minimal or no modifications.
E. Well suited for structured programming, requiring the user
to think of a problem in terms of function modules or blocks.
A proper collection of this modules would make a complete
F. Extendable-new functions can be added to C libraries

Object Oriented Programming BITS Pilani, Hyderabad Campus

A. Library functions
B. Different data types
C. Operators
D. Declaration of variables, constants
E. Storage classes (auto, register, static, extern)
G. Functions to perform specific tasks
I. Memory allocation (malloc and calloc)
J. Pointers

Object Oriented Programming BITS Pilani, Hyderabad Campus

Process Oriented
1. Data and behavior (code/function/procedure) are separated.
2. Mostly data is global.
3. Any code can access any data. Uncontrolled access to data.
4. Due to this, testing and debugging is difficult.
5. Leads to low data integrity.
6. In the Process-Oriented approach, the focus is on what is
happening? But not who is being affected.
7. For what entity/object, am I executing the code, not clear.
8. Humans understand the world in terms of entities or objects.
9. This problem can be solved by use of Structures to some
extent but not completely.

Object Oriented Programming BITS Pilani, Hyderabad Campus

Object-oriented approach

Object Oriented Programming BITS Pilani, Hyderabad Campus

• Humans understand the world in terms of entities or objects. We
experience objects in our daily life.
Ex: Car, Table, Faculty, Student
• Objects contain data and behavior.
• It is about wrapping code and data in objects.
• If properly designed, we will not have any global data.
• Hence we have strict control over access to data and code.
• Hence less possibility of misuse.
• Easy to test and debug.
• High integrity.

Object Oriented Programming BITS Pilani, Hyderabad Campus

Objects are much more than structures in C and C++.
In objects methods are used to perform operations on data
as well as perform other actions.
We can hide certain elements from outside world. In
object orientation,
Data is referred to as  attributes.
Behavior is referred to as  methods

Restriction on access to data gives rise to data


Object Oriented Programming BITS Pilani, Hyderabad Campus

One object should not be allowed to access and change the
values of attributes of other object directly.

Rather it should be through designated interfaces provided

by the objects to outsiders.

Hence Data and operations are encapsulated in objects.

Object Oriented Programming BITS Pilani, Hyderabad Campus

What is an
Objects are the building blocks of object-oriented
A program actually uses a collection of objects.
Each object has data and behavior.
Object Data- Data represent the state of the object
at given
point of time.
In OO data is called attributes.
Every attribute contains some information that differentiate
between various objects.

Object Oriented Programming BITS Pilani, Hyderabad Campus

Behavior of an object is what an object can do. In
OO behavior is contained in methods.
Methods of an object can be invoked by sending a
message to that object.
Usually method can be a setter or a getter method.
Setters change/update the values of attributes.
Getters get the values associated with attributes.
Encapsulation is a powerful feature of OO.
All objects of same class share the implementation

Object Oriented Programming BITS Pilani, Hyderabad Campus

What is a
Class is a blueprint of an object.

It defines the structure of similar kind of objects.

Every object must belong to a class and must belong the

only one class.

Class can be seen as templates for objects.

Classes can be seen as high-level data types.

Object Oriented Programming BITS Pilani, Hyderabad Campus

Attributes reflect the state of the object.

Methods implement the behavior of the object.

One object calls methods of other objects to invoke the


Messaging defines the communication mechanism

between objects.

An object can call any public method of another object.

Object Oriented Programming BITS Pilani, Hyderabad Campus

Encapsulation & Data
Primary advantage of object is that it need not reveal all its
attributes and behavior to outsiders.

In good OO design, an object must reveal only the interface

that other objects must have to interact with it.

The details that are not necessary must be hidden.

Encapsulation: Putting data and behavior together.

Data hiding: is major advantage of encapsulation.

Object Oriented Programming BITS Pilani, Hyderabad Campus


The interface define the fundamental means of

communication between objects.

Message passing happens trough one of the


Interface should describe how others can interact.

The methods that are part of the interface are public


Object Oriented Programming BITS Pilani, Hyderabad Campus

Helps to hide data.

Hence attributes are not part of the interface.

Should not declare attributes public.

Usually interfaces need not change while we

change the
internals of a class.

Users need not change their application code.

Object Oriented Programming BITS Pilani, Hyderabad Campus

Inheritance is one of the most powerful features of OO.

This results in code reuse.

We can define relationships between classes.

It allows a class inherit the attributes and behaviour of other


Superclass and Subclass

Is-a relationship
Object Oriented Programming BITS Pilani, Hyderabad Campus
class Shape // super class
{ String color;
Shape(String c) {color=c;}
void compteArea(){}
Class Rect extends Shape // subclass
Int l,b;
void computePerimeter(){}

BITS Pilani, Hyderabad Campus

Control Abstraction
Abstraction of behavior. Provides an easier, higher level API to hide client from
unnecessary execution details.
Implementing abstraction
To implement abstraction in object oriented programming, you should be able to
define just the behavior. With very limited or no implementation logic.
Hierarchical abstraction
We manage the complexity of systems through hierarchical abstraction. Ex. Car- music,
transmission, fuel, brake etc.
Data abstraction
Abstraction of data structures. Data abstraction refers to defining the behavior of the data
structure. Data may be internally represented in different ways in concrete

Object Oriented Programming BITS Pilani, Hyderabad Campus


 Method overloading

 Method overriding.

Object Oriented Programming BITS Pilani, Hyderabad Campus


Defines has-a or is-part-of relationship.

Object may contain other objects . We

see aggregation and composition.

Object Oriented Programming BITS Pilani, Hyderabad Campus

 Importance of high-level languages
 Procedural vs. OO
 Issues with Procedural approach
 What is an object
 Class
 Attributes and behaviour
 Encapsulation and data hiding
 Inheritance
 Polymorphism
 Aaggregation and Composition

Object Oriented Programming BITS Pilani, Hyderabad Campus

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