Presentation Evaluation of The Cipp Model

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By :
Tutik Mursiti
What the meaning about Baitul Arqom?

Baitul Arqam comes from the words bait

(house) and arqam, taken from Arqam bin Abil
Arqam, a group of youths who first converted
to Islam at the time of the Prophet. Baitul
arqam is a form of the Muhammadiyah cadre
system that is oriented towards ideological
development (Al-Islam and
Kemuhammadiyahan) and leadership in
The Muhammadiyah University of Surakarta
Leadership Working Meeting (Rakerpim) in 2021 has
determined that the Baitul Arqam Full Study is
mandatory for students of the Muhammadiyah
University of Surakarta. In this meeting, the Pondok
Al-Islam and Kemuhammadiyahan Development
Institute (LPPIK) was appointed as the implementation
coordinator. Baitul Arqam Full Study is intended as a
graduation requirement as well as strengthening Al-
Islam and Kemuhammadiyahan so that it can be
applied directly in the world of work or after
graduation (
What an evaluation Baitul Arqam a program?

1. Measuring program effectiveness and efficiency

2. Measuring the impact and side effects of the
3. Accountability of program implementation
4. Program accreditation
5. Tools control the implementation of the program
6. Communication tools with program stakeholders
7. Decisions regarding the program: continued,
implemented elsewhere, amended, or terminated
Evaluation of the CIPP Model effectiveness and
CIPP is an evaluation model that uses a
management-oriented evaluation approach and
is referred to as a form of program management
evaluation. The CIPP model rests on the view that
the most important goal of program evaluation is
not to prove but to improve. Therefore, this
model is also categorized as an evaluation
approach that is oriented toward improving
programs or a form of evaluation for
development (Mahmudi, 2011).
Evaluation of the CIPP Model

• The CIPP evaluation model developed by Stufflebeam and

Shinkfield (2007) has the basic concept of evaluating
context, input, process, and product.
• Contextual evaluation helps in developing the objectives of
a program.
• Input evaluation assists in program preparation.
• Process evaluation is used to show program
implementation, and product evaluation is an evaluation of
output as study material in making policies on programs
that are being implemented.
• The evaluation of this model is very precise in evaluating
the effectiveness of implementing a program.
Context Evaluation

This evaluation identifies and assesses the

underlying needs of a program. Mentioning the
main purpose of context evaluation means knowing
the strengths and weaknesses of the object being
In this case, Muhammadiyah University of Surakarta,
through Baitul Arqom activities, has strengthened its
determination, its role as a higher education
institution, and its role as the spearhead of the
Muhammadiyah da'wah movement.
Evaluation of Input

The components of the input evaluation include:

1) Human resources
2) Supporting facilities and equipment
3) Funds or budget
4) Various procedures and regulations needed. :
In the Baitul Arqam Full Study activities, the material
provided for Muslim students includes :
• Worship (Salat, Thaharah)
• Morals
• Muhammadiyah
• Strengthening UMS Undergraduate Character
• Post-Study Career Preparation
Meanwhile, non-Muslim students continue to take part
in Baitul Arqom Full Study with the following materials:
• Worship
• Morals
• Muhammadiyah
• Strengthening UMS Undergraduate Character
• Post-Study Career Preparation
Process Evaluation.
Process evaluation emphasizes three objectives:
1) to detect or predict in procedural design or its
implementation during the implementation stage
2) to provide information for a programmed decision
3) to maintain a record of the procedure as it occurs ".

Process evaluation is used to detect or predict procedure

designs or implementation plans during the implementation
phase, provide information for program decisions, and so on
records or archives of procedures that have occurred
product evaluation.

Sax (1980: 598) in Eko Putro Widoyoko gives the meaning

of product/result evaluation as "to allow the project
director (or technician) to make a decision about the
program". It is hoped that process evaluation can help
project leaders or teachers make decisions regarding the
continuation, end, or modification of the program.
From the above opinion, it can be concluded that
product evaluation is an assessment carried out in order
to see the achievement or success of a program in
achieving predetermined goals.
From the above opinion, it can be concluded
that product evaluation is an assessment
carried out in order to see the achievement or
success of a program in achieving
predetermined goals. It is at this evaluation
stage that an evaluator can determine or
provide recommendations to the evaluator
about whether a program can be continued,
developed or modified, or even terminated.
Djuanda, I. (2020). Implementasi Evaluasi Program Pendidikan Karakter
Model CIPP (Context, Input, Process Dan Output). Al Amin: Jurnal Kajian
Ilmu Dan Budaya Islam, 3(1), 37–53.
Istiyani, N. M., & Utsman, U. (2020). Evaluasi Program Model CIPP Pada
Pelatihan Menjahit Di LKP Kartika Bawen. Learning Community : Jurnal
Pendidikan Luar Sekolah, 3(2), 6.
Kartini, N. H. (2017). Evaluasi Program Baitul Arqam Bagi Karyawan Di
Universitas Muhammadiyah Palangkaraya. Anterior Jurnal, 16(2), 144–
Mahmudi, I. (2011). CIPP: Suatu Model Evaluasi Program Pendidikan. At-
Ta’dib, 6(1).
Evaluasi Program 2017 Medan Perdana
Evaluasi Program Pendidikan.2022. Medan.UMSU
Desain dan pengembangan program pelatihan berbasis kompetensi :
implementasi model addie 2016 JakartaPrenada Media Group

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