Remote Desktop Service

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Remote Desktop


1 What is RDS?
Working on TCP/IP model

Configuratio of RDS Server

2 Installation & starting RDS server
Configuration of files

Configuratio of RDS Client -Windows

3 Starting RDS services
Start using it
What is RDS?
Working on TCP/IP model
What is RDS?

• It provide remote desktop services to the users, means accessing the server without physically
present at the place of server is called remote access.

• It uses the Remote Desktop Protocal (RDP).

• It runs on the Application layer.
• It provides remote connection between server and client (client is a device that wants the
RDS Working on TCP/IP model
1. Application Layer :
• RDS resides architecturally at the TCP/IP application layer.
• Using the RDP protocol.

2. Transport layer:
• Here port address is attached
• This port no. is told to the firewall so the firewall allow that port to establish
connection and start communication.
• It use port no 3389 and TCP protocol

3. Network layer :
• IP address attached : this is the IP that is given statistically or manaully during the
network configuration.

4. DataLink Layer :
• Server machine MAC address is attached.
Server Configuration
Client Configuration
RDS Server
Need static IP address on your server machine.
Network parameter.
RDS -> RDP Appliaction
Transport layer -> TCP ,Port no
Network Layer -> Ip address
Data link -> Machine Mac
DNS -> Server Machine VM ,VBox
1. First, start by installing the required dependencies for RDS server.
yum -y install epel-release

2.Now install rds :

yum -y install xrdp tigervnc-server

3. Once the installation is complete, start the rds-server service, enable it to

automatically start at system boot, and then verify its status using the systemctl

# systemctl start xrdp.service

# systemctl enable xrdp.service

# systemctl status xrdp.service

FireWall Configuration :

• firewall-cmd --permanent --zone=public --add-port=3389/tcp

• firewall-cmd –reload
How client can access it?

• Client machine can access it by using Client software from there devices .
• By the help of IP address of server machine.

• In windows there is preinstalled application setup that is:

• Remote Desktop Connection
• Here we give IP address of remote server with port no.
• After that a window will appear that want Linux user credentias
information here you write
1. Username or Root
2. User password or Root Password
How client can access it?

• Client machine can access it by using Client software from

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