Nuclear Forces - : Lecture 2

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2016 Nuclear Physics School

June 20 – 24, 2016

APCTP Headquarters, Pohang

Nuclear Forces
- Lecture 2 -
Properties and

R. Machleidt
University of Idaho
R. Machleidt Nuclear Forces - Lecture 2 1
Properties & Phen. (Pohang 2016)
Lecture 2: Properties and

Properties of the nuclear force

Phenomenological descriptions

R. Machleidt Nuclear Forces - Lecture 2 2

Properties & Phen. (Pohang 2016)
Properties of the nuclear force

• Finite range
• Intermediate-range attraction
• Short-range repulsion (“hard core”)
• Spin-dependent non-central forces:
- Tensor force
- Spin-orbit force
• Charge independence
R. Machleidt Nuclear Forces - Lecture 2 3
Properties & Phen. (Pohang 2016)
Finite range

• Comparison of the binding energies of

H (deuteron), 3H (triton), 4 He (alpha - particle)
show that the nuclear force is of finite range (1-2 fm) and
very strong within that range (Wigner, 1933).

• “Saturation”. Nuclei with A>4 show saturation: Volume

and binding energies of nuclei are proportional to the
mass number A.

R. Machleidt Nuclear Forces - Lecture 2 4

Properties & Phen. (Pohang 2016)
Intermediate-range attraction

Nuclei are bound. The average distance

between nucleons in nuclei is about 2 fm which
must roughly correspond to the range of the
attractive force.

R. Machleidt Nuclear Forces - Lecture 2 5

Properties & Phen. (Pohang 2016)
Short-range repulsion (“hard core”)

Analyze 1S0 phase shifts and compare to 1D2 phase shifts.

R. Machleidt Nuclear Forces - Lecture 2 6

Properties & Phen. (Pohang 2016)
Non-central forces
Tensor Force: First evidence from the deuteron


R. Machleidt Nuclear Forces - Lecture 2 7

Properties & Phen. (Pohang 2016)
Tensor force, cont’d

R. Machleidt Nuclear Forces - Lecture 2 8

Properties & Phen. (Pohang 2016)
Tensor force, cont’d

R. Machleidt Nuclear Forces - Lecture 2 9

Properties & Phen. (Pohang 2016)
Non-central forces
Spin-Orbit Force


Nucleus or proton

Proton 2
Proton 1

R. Machleidt Nuclear Forces - Lecture 2 10

Properties & Phen. (Pohang 2016)
Most important parts of the nuclear force

mediate Long range
Central force

Taketani, Nakamura, Sasaki (1951): 3 ranges

Tensor force

Spin-orbit force
R. Machleidt Nuclear Forces - Lecture 2 11
Properties & Phen. (Pohang 2016)

• After correcting for the electromagnetic interaction, the forces

between nucleons (pp, nn, or np) in the same state are almost the
• “Almost the same”:
Charge-independence is slightly broken.
• Notation:
Equality between the pp and nn forces:
Charge symmetry.
Equality between pp/nn force and np force:
Charge independence.
• Better notation: Isospin symmetry;
invariance under rotations in isospin space.

R. Machleidt Nuclear Forces - Lecture 2 12

Properties & Phen. (Pohang 2016)
Charge-independence breaking: Evidence

Since the scattering length is a magnifying glass on the interaction,

charge-independence breaking (CIB) is seen most clearly in the
different scattering lengths of pp, nn, and np low-energy scattering.
Charge-symmetry breaking (CSB) - after electromagnetic effects
have been removed:

Charge-independence breaking (CIB):

anp  23.74  0.02 fm

R. Machleidt Nuclear Forces - Lecture 2 13

Properties & Phen. (Pohang 2016)
Phenomenological descriptions

• Symmetries and the general expression

for the NN potential

• Historically important examples of

phenomenological NN potentials

R. Machleidt Nuclear Forces - Lecture 2 14

Properties & Phen. (Pohang 2016)
The symmetries

• Translation invariance
• Galilean invariance
• Rotation invariance
• Space reflection invariance
• Time reversal invariance
• Invariance under the interchange of particle 1 and 2
• Isospin symmetry
• Hermiticity

R. Machleidt Nuclear Forces - Lecture 2 15

Properties & Phen. (Pohang 2016)
Most general two-body potential under those symmetries
(Okubo and Marshak, Ann. Phys. 4, 166 (1958))

V NN  central
quadratic spin-orbit
another tensor


R. Machleidt Nuclear Forces - Lecture 2 16

Properties & Phen. (Pohang 2016)
Potentials which are based upon the operator structure shown on the
previous slide (but may not include all operators shown or may include
additional operators) are called “Phenomenological Potentials”.
Some historically important examples are given below.

• Gammel-Thaler potential ( Phys. Rev. 107, 291, 1339 (1957)),

• Hamada-Johnston potential (Nucl. Phys. 34, 382 (1962)), hard
• Reid potential (Ann. Phys. (N.Y.) 50, 411 (1968)), soft core.
• Argonne V14 potential (Wiringa et al., Phys. Rev. C 29, 1207
(1984)), uses 14 operators.
• Argonne V18 potential (Wiringa et al., Phys. Rev. C 51, 38
(1995)), uses 18 operators.

R. Machleidt Nuclear Forces - Lecture 2 17

Properties & Phen. (Pohang 2016)
End Lecture 2

R. Machleidt Nuclear Forces - Lecture 2 18

Properties & Phen. (Pohang 2016)

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