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Rhea Mae Cris Jayel

G. P.
Almonte Malaguit
for Mathematics
At the end of the lesson, students are expected to :

• Demonstrate understanding in assessment

• Differentiate formative and summative assessment

• Appreciate the importance of assessment in learning

A v e r y i m p o r t a n t c o n c e r n t h a t d e m a n d s u rg e n t a t t e n t i o n
is the assessment, specifically the classroom assessment
which should be within should be within the K to 12
Basic Education framework and aligned with the
learning standards of the enhanced curriculum. This
lesson will help you understand assessment and how it is
used in the classroom.
Assessment is define as a process that is used to keep tracks of learners
progress in relation to learning standards including that of the
development of a 21st century skills which is a part of the new K to 12
education framework

Every assessment you give must be aligned with the objectives of the
lessons to which the assessment was made for. This way, you are sure
that you are testing what you intended for the students to learn.
The process of the assessment is anchored to the framework of the
Zone of Proximal Development or (ZPD) of Vygotsky.

Assessment shall recognize the diversity of learners inside the

classroom which requires multiple ways of assessment measure of
their varying abilities, skills and potentials
The ZPD assessment framework put premium consideration on the
recognition of learners Zone of Proximal Development at the heart of
the assessment

The Zone of Proximal Development (ZPD) was a key construct in Lev

Vygotsky's theory of learning and development. The Zone of Proximal
Development is defined as the space between what a learner can do
without assistance and what a learner can do with adult guidance or in
collaboration with more capable peers.
The enhanced curriculum of the K to 12 basic
education is the standards-based. The assessment
measures shall be anchored on the attainment of
these standards and competencies. Assessment is
aimed at helping learners perform well in relation
to these learning standards. There is a
recommended type, component, period and
approach of assessment for each learning standards
lifted in the policy guidelines of the Department of
principles of

1. Assessment should be consistent with the curriculum standard.

2. Formative assessment needs to scaffold the students in the

summative assessment

3. Assessment results must be used by teachers to help students learn


4. Assessment is not used to threaten or intimidate learners.

Formative assessment can be viewed in two lenses. It
is an "assessment for learning" on the lens of the
teacher while an "assessment as learning" on the lens
of the learning. Formative assessment can be given at
any time, before, during, after the lesson.
Formative Assessment as
"assessment for learning"
Provide teacher the evidence about what the learners
know and can do the results of these will help the
teachers to design instructional activities and to make
decisions so that it is suited to the learners situations and
needs. But the formative assessments results are not
graded, hence not included in the computation for
marking or ranking
Formative Assessment as
"assessment as learning"
Provides the learners of the immediate information in
how they will perform on the learning process. This can
be through feedback from anyone around them especially
for teachers or any individual who is considered more
knowledgeable. Formative assessment should also be a
learning opportunity which enables the learners to take
responsibility for their own learning.
Summative Assessment
Is the assessment of learning. This The role of the summative assessment is
assessment is always given at the end of the to measure if the learners have met the
particular unit or toward the end of the a standards set in the curriculum guide. The
period because it aims to measure what results are part of the computed markings
learners have acquired after the learning and to be reported to the
process. The results will be used for parents/guardians, principal/school head,
decisions about future learning for job teacher on the next grade level and
sustainability guidance teachers.

A course module for TEACHING MATH IN THE

Gusano R.,Masangkay M. et. al



Rhea Mae Cris Jayel
G. P.
Almonte Malaguit

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