Symmetrical Components 1

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Symmetrical Components

- What are they?

An alternative mathematical and vectoral representation of power
system quantities, used universally to analyze power systems.
- Developed in 1918 by Dr. Charles Fortesque (York Factory, MB)
- Among first engineers to graduate from Queen’s University
- How do we use them ?
 They are used to translate a set of unbalanced three phase
quantities into a set of three balanced (symmetrical) components.
Note: They are not the same as the standard power system
phase quantities.
Sequence Components
 The three symmetrical component systems are called
 Positive sequence
 Negative sequence
 Zero sequence

 Each power system phase quantity, e.g. VR, can be

represented by a red phase positive sequence
component, a red phase negative sequence component
and a red phase zero sequence component.
Sequence Components

Positive sequence system: 3 vectors of equal magnitude, 120 apart,
with conventional CCW phase rotation (r-w-b)
Negative sequence system: 3 vectors of equal magnitude, 120ₒ apart,
but with reversed CCW phase sequence (i.e. r-b-w). Phase angle may
be different from positive sequence system.
Zero sequence system: 3 vectors of equal magnitude, all in phase.
CCW rotation. Again, phase angle may be different.
Phase angles may be different in each system, but within each system
magnitudes will be the same. axR POSITIVE


a^2 x R
a^2 x R
Relationship Between Quantities
 Each phase of a power system quantity will be the phasor sum of
its three symmetrical or sequence components. By convention the
positive network is often identified by 1, negative by 2, and zero by
0, or by +, -, 0.

 Vr = V1r + V2r + V0r ( 1 = pos, 2 = neg, 0 = zero)

 where V1r = the red phase positive sequence voltage

 V2r = the red phase negative sequence voltage
 V0r = the red phase zero sequence voltage
Relationship Between Quantities
 This relationship applies to both currents and voltages.
 (All quantities are vectors or phasors.)

 Vr = V1r + V2r + V0r

 Vw = V1w + V2w + V0w
 Vb = V1b + V2b + V0b

 Ir = I1r + I2r + I0r

 Iw = I1w + I2w + I0w
 Ib = I1b + I2b + I0b No audio
Relationship Between Quantities
 A balanced system can be represented using
only the positive sequence network. Basically
how we’ve been doing our circuit analysis.
 For an unbalanced system, e.g. a phase to
phase fault with the third phase unaffected, or a
phase to ground fault with only one phase
affected, we need to include the negative and
zero sequence (for ground faults) networks.
Sequence Components - Faults
Positive Negative Zero
Sequence Sequence Sequence
3 Phase
(Balanced) X
To Phase
To Ground
Vector Operators: j & a
The operator “j”, which was introduced with complex numbers,

can be represented in vector form as j = 1 ∠ 90
- e.g. XL = 5 ohms inductive
ₒ ₒ ₒ
- as a vector XL = j5.0 = (j) x (5.0) = 1 ∠ 90 X 5.0 ∠ 0 = 5.0 ∠ 90

Symmetrical components utilize an operator “ α”, or “a”

ₒ ₒ
α = 1 ∠ 120 α x 1.0 ∠0 = -0.5 + j 0.866
ₒ ₒ
α 2 = 1 ∠ 240 α2 x 1.0 ∠0 = -0.5 – j 0.866
ₒ ₒ
α3 = 1 ∠ 360 α3 x 1.0 ∠0 = 1.0 + j 0 Note that α + α2 +1 = 0.

Multiplying by “α” rotates a vector by 120 counter-clockwise without changing magnitude. Used
for symmetrical components because positive and negative sequence phase quantities are

always equal, balanced, and 120 apart.
System Quantities from Symmetrical Components
 Vr = V1r + V2r + V0r
Negative Positive
 and
 Vw = V1w + V2w + V0w
 but V1w = α2V1r
 V2w = αV2a
 and V0w = V0r
 so Vw = α2V1r + αV2r + V0r

 (We can express “W” phase power system quantities in terms of

“R” phase symmetrical components. Similar for “B”.)
Rotation is the same (CCW) for both


W axR


a^2 x R
a^2 x R

No audio
System Quantities from Symmetrical Components

 Vr = V1r + V2r + V0r

◦ ◦
 Vw = α V1r + αV2r + V0r = V1r∠ 240 +V2r ∠120 + V0r

◦ ◦
 Vb = αV1r + α V2r + V0r = V1r∠ 120 +V2r ∠240 + V0r


W axR

 The relationship for current is N R N R

 the same.
a^2 x R
a^2 x R
Add C phase
currents to get C
phase power

I0 = 353.8 0.0
I+ = 742.0 45.8
I- = 369.7 -2.7

IC = Σ (I0 + I1 + I2)
= 1342.6 22.5
Ic neg Ic zero
369.7@ -2.7 353.8 @ 0
Ic pos
742 @ 45.8

Ic power system
1342.6 @ 22.5

Graphical representation – no audio

Deriving Additional Phases - Example
Given that phase C Sequence Components are
I0c = 353.8 ∠ 0
I1c = 742 ∠ 45.8
I2c = 369.7 ∠ -2.7

What is the phase A power system current ?

I0a = I0c = 353.8 ∠ 0°
I1a = I1c x α2 = 742 ∠ (45.8° + 240°) = 742 ∠ 285.8°
I2a = I2c x α = 369.7 ∠ (-2.7° + 120°) = 369.7 ∠ 117.3°
IA = 353.8 ∠ 0° + 742 ∠ 285.8° + 369.7 ∠ 117.3°
Relationship Between I0 and In

 There is a specific relationship between zero sequence current and

neutral current. We know that we can express all phase quantities in
terms of the symmetrical components of any one of the phases.

 Ia = Ia0 + Ia1 + Ia2

 Ib = Ia0 + α2 Ia1 + α Ia2
 Ic = Ia0 + αIa1 + α2 Ia2 Adding the phases together and regrouping…

 Ia + Ib + Ic = (Ia0 + Ia1 + Ia2) + (Ia0 + α2 Ia1 + α Ia2) + (Ia0 + αIa1 + α2 Ia2)

 2 2
Relationship Between I and In
 Ia + Ib + Ic = 3 (Ia0) + Ia1 (1 + α2 + α) + Ia2 (1 + α + α2)

 but (1 + α2 + α) = 0 and (1 + α + α2) = 0

 therefore
 Ia + Ib + Ic = 3 (Ia0) or 3I0 since Ia0= Ib0= Ic0

 But in power system quantities

Ia + Ib + Ic = In Therefore In = 3I0
Deriving SC Values from Power System Quantities
 We saw that Ia + Ib + Ic = 3 (Ia0) , or
 Ia0 = ⅓ (Ia + Ib + Ic ) [phasor quantities]
 Similarly Va0 = ⅓ (Va + Vb + Vc ), so that lets us easily calculate
zero sequence values from the power system values.

 To find the remaining components, e.g. V1a , isolate that term.

 Va = V1a + V2a + V0a V1a = Va - V0a - V2a

 Vb = α2V1a + αV2a + V0a α2V1a = Vb - V0a - αV2a

 Vc = αV1a + α2V2a + V0a αV1a = Vc - V0a - α2V2a

Deriving SC Values from Power System Quantities
 Multiply both sides of first equation by α2 and third equation by α
 V1a = Va - V0a - V2a α2V1a = α2Va - α2V0a - α2V2a

 α2V1a = Vb - V0a - αV2a α2V1a = Vb - V0a- αV2a

 αV1a = Vc - V0a - α2V2a α2V1a = αVc - αV0a - α3V2a

 Add the three equations together

 3α2V1a = (α2Va - α2V0a - α2V2a ) + (Vb - V0a - αV2a ) + (αVc - αV0a - α3V2a)
 = (α2Va - α2V0a - α2V2a ) + (Vb - V0a - αV2a ) + (αVc - αV0a - V2a)
 = V0a (-α2 -1 – α) + V2a(-α2 - α - 1) + (α2Va + Vb + αVc)
 3α2V1a = α2Va + Vb + αVc [(-α2 -1 – α) = 0]
Deriving SC Values from Power System Quantities

 3α2V1a = α2Va + Vb + αVc

 Multiply both sides by α
 3α3V1a = α3Va + αVb + α2Vc
 3V1a = Va + αVb + α2Vc α = 1 ∠ 120° α3 = 1 ∠ 360° = 1

 And finally
 V1a = ⅓ (Va + αVb + α2Vc) [Va+ calculated from power system values]

 Similarly it can be shown that

 V2a = ⅓ (Va + α2Vb + αVc) [Va- calculated from power system values]
Deriving SC Values from Power System Quantities
 So to convert power system values to “a” phase symmetrical components
 V0a = ⅓ (Va + Vb + Vc ) V0b = Va0 V0c = V0a
 V1a = ⅓ (Va + αVb + α2Vc) V1b = V1a 240 V1c = V1a 120
V2a = ⅓ (Va + α2Vb + αVc) V2b = V2a 120 V2c = V2a 240

Values for the other phases can be found by rotating vectors as shown above.

To convert from “a” phase symmetrical components to power system values

 Va = V0a + V1a + V2a [Phasor addition of the SC values]
 Vb = V0a+ α2V1a + αV2a
 Vc = V0a+ αV1a + α2V2a
Matrix Algebra
 These equations can be represented in matrix form by
 the A and A-1 matrices.

 | 1 1 1 | | 1 1 1 |
 2 2
A= | 1 α α | A = 1/3 x | 1 α α |
2 2
 | 1 α α | | 1 α α |

 |Va| = |V0a| |V0a| |Va|
 |Vb| = A |V1a| |V1a| = A-1 |Vb|
 |Vc| = |V2a| |V2a| |Vc|
Matrix Algebra
 |Va| = |V0a| |V0a| |Va|
 |Vb| = A |V1a| |V1a| = A-1 |Vb|
 |Vc| = |V2a| |V2a| |Vc|

 Va = 1V0a + 1V1a + 1V2a Va0 = ⅓ (1Va + 1Vb + 1Vc )

 Vb = 1V0a+ α2V1a + αV2a V1a = ⅓ (1Va + αVb + α2Vc)
 Vc = 1V0a+ αV1a + α2V2a V2a = ⅓ (1Va + α2Vb + αVc)

 Va = V0a + V1a + V2a Va0 = ⅓ (Va + Vb + Vc )

 Vb = V0a+ α2V1a + αV2a V1a = ⅓ (Va + αVb + α2Vc)
 Vc = V0a+ αV1a + α2V2a V2a = ⅓ (Va + α2Vb + αVc)
Determining SC Values - Example
 Given power system values of
 Ia = 546.0 ∠ 315.1
 Ib = 580.1 ∠ 192.9
 Ic = 1342.6 ∠ 22.5

 what are the phase C symmetrical component values ?

 Ia0 = ⅓ (Ia + Ib + Ic )
 I1a = ⅓ (Ia + αIb + α2Ic)
I2a = ⅓ (Ia + α2Ib + αIc) Note: developed equations are for Ia !!!
Cannot be used directly to get I values.
Determining SC Values - Example
 Ia = 546.0 ∠ 315.1 Ia0 = ⅓ (Ia + Ib + Ic )
 Ib = 580.1 ∠ 192.9 I1a = ⅓ (Ia + αIb + α2Ic)
 Ic = 1342.6 ∠ 22.5 I2a = ⅓ (Ia + α2Ib + αIc)

 I0c = I0a = ⅓ (Ia + Ib + Ic ) = ⅓ (546.0 ∠ 315.1 + 580.1 ∠ 192.9 + 1342.6 ∠ 22.5)

 I0c = 353.9 ∠ 0 (I0c is at same phase angle)
 I1a = ⅓ (Ia + αIb + α2Ic) = ⅓ (546.0 ∠ 315.1 + 580.1 ∠ 312.9 + 1342.6 ∠ 262.5)
 = 741.9 ∠-74.2 I1c = 741.9 ∠ 45.8 (I1a rotated by 120°)
 I2a = ⅓ (Ia + α2Ib + αIc) = ⅓ (546.0 ∠ 315.1 + 580.1 ∠ 72.9 + 1342.6 ∠ 142.5)
 = 369.8 ∠117.2 I2c = 369.8 ∠ 357.2 (-2.8) (I2a rotated by 240°)

This problem was working backwards from the numbers in the previous SEL relay data.
Add C phase
component currents
to get C phase
power current

I0 = 353.8 0.0
I+ = 742.0 45.8
I- = 369.7 -2.7

I0c = 353.9 ∠ 0
I1c = 741.9 ∠ 45.8
I2c = 369.8 ∠ 357.2
No audio
Example – Currents in L-L-G Fault
 In a B-C-G fault the following power system currents are calculated
for the A phase. Ia = 0 Ib = 750 @ 138ₒ Ic = 750 @ 42ₒ
 What is the ground current and what are the “a” phase symmetrical
component currents ?
Example – Currents in L-L-G Fault
 IG = 3Ia0 Ia0 = 1/3(IG ) or
 Ia0 = 1/3 (Ia + Ib + Ic)
 = 1/3 (0 + 750 ∠ 138° + 750 ∠ 42°)
 = 334.6A ∠ 90°

 Ia+ = ⅓ (Ia + αIb + α2Ic)

 = ⅓ (0 + 750 ∠ (138 + 120) + 750 ∠ (42 + 240)
 = ⅓ (0 + 750 ∠ 258° + 750 ∠ 282°) = 489.1 @ -90°

 Ia- = ⅓ (Ia + α2Ib + αIc)

 = ⅓ (0 + 750 ∠ (138 + 240) + 750 ∠ (42 + 120)
 = ⅓ (0 + 750 ∠ 18° + 750 ∠ 162°) = 154.5 @ 90°
Example – Currents in L-L-G Fault
 Ia0 = 334.7A ∠ 90° Ib0 = 334.7A ∠ 90° Ic0 = 334.7A ∠ 90°
 Ia+ = 489.1 ∠ -90° Ib+ = 489.1 ∠ 150° Ic+ = 489.1 ∠ 30°
 Ia- = 154.5 ∠ 90° Ib- = 154.5 ∠ 210° Ic- = 154.5 ∠ -30°

 Adding the symmetrical components for each phase …

 Ia = 0 Ib = 750 ∠ 138° Ic = 750 ∠ 42°

 Equal to our starting power system currents. Note that although the
power system current in Phase a is zero, there are still symmetrical
component current values for Phase “a” in the SC model.
Symmetrical Component Fault Calculations
 The remainder of the presentation will give examples of fault
calculations using symmetrical components for the various types
of faults.
 Three phase, phase to phase and phase to ground faults were
previously covered in the P&C course. The phase to phase to
ground fault will be added.
 Remember that since the voltage source is only shown in the
positive sequence network, we are always calculating Ia+ in our
initial current calculation.
 All examples will only calculate IPU. May also require ISYSTEM.
Device Z1 Z2 Z0 Circuit diagram and
device impedance
Generator j0.15 j0.17 j0.05
values to be used for
Transformer j0.10 j0.10 j0.10 fault calculations.
1 Both transformers are
grounded wye-wye.
Line 1 j0.12 j0.12 j0.30 Note: there is no
Transformer j0.07 j0.07 j0.07 resistance value given
2 for the line sections
Line 2 j0.10 j0.10 j0.25 (purely reactive).
Three Phase Fault

 A three phase fault involves only the positive sequence network.

 INEG = IZERO = 0



 We only need to show the positive sequence diagram. Some

presentations may show the other networks for consistency, but
with zero volts and zero current.
Three Phase Fault - Example
 Assume VS = 1.0 ∠0° p.u.
 Calculate for a three phase fault at the end of Line 2.

I+ = VS/ZT = 1.0∠0°/(0.15 + 0.10 + 0.12 + 0.07 + 0.10) ∠90°

= 1.0/j0.54 = 1.85A p.u. ∠-90°.
Ifault = I+ + I- + I0 = 1.85A p.u. ∠-90° + 0 + 0 = 1.85A p.u. ∠-90°.
Phase to Phase Fault
 A phase to phase fault involves the positive and negative
sequence networks. Assume a phase b to phase c fault at the
end of Line 2. Ia ps = 0 Ib ps = -Ic ps or -Ib ps = Ic ps

 Using the symmetrical component conversion equations

 Ia0 = 1/3 (Ia ps + Ib ps + Ic ps) = 1/3 (0 + Ib – Ib) = 0 (No IGROUND)
 Ia1 = 1/3 (Ia + αIb + α2Ic ) = 1/3 (0 + αIb - α2Ib) = 1/3 αIb (1 – α)
 Ia2 = 1/3 (Ia + α2Ib + αIc ) = 1/3 (0 + α2Ib - αIb) = 1/3 αIb (α - 1)
 Ia1 = 1/3 αIb (1 – α) = -1 x [1/3 αIb (α - 1)]

 Therefore for a phase to phase fault Ia1 = - Ia2

P-P Fault Positive & Negative Sequence Networks

Z+gen Z+T1 Z+Line1 Z+T2 Z+Line 2

Vs = 1.0 p.u. POSITIVE

Z-gen Z-T1 Z-Line1 Z-T2 Z-Line 2

Phase to Phase Fault
Ia pos = VS/ZT = 1.0 ∠ 0°/((0.15 + 0.10 + 0.12 + 0.07 + 0.10) + (0.17 + 0.10 + 0.12 + 0.07
+ 0.10)) ∠90°
Z+gen Z+T1 Z+Line1 Z+T2 Z+Line 2

= 1.0/1.10 ∠90° G
Vs = 1.0 p.u. POSITIVE

= 0.909A p.u. ∠-90°

Ia neg = - Ia pos = 0.909A p.u. ∠+90° Z-gen Z-T1 Z-Line1 Z-T2 Z-Line 2


Ib = α2Iapos + αIaneg + Iazero (= 0)

ₒ ₒ
Ib = 0.909 ∠(-90° + 240 ) + 0.909 ∠(+90° + 120 )
ₒ ₒ
= 0.909 ∠(150 ) + 0.909 ∠(210 )
= 1.574 ∠180°
Ic is similar (different equation) and equal to 1.574 ∠0° Note: Ic = - Ib
IФ-Ф = 1.574A pu I3Ф = 1.85A pu IФ-Ф  (√3)/2 x I3Ф
Phase to Ground Fault
 A phase to ground fault involves all three sequence networks
connected in series.

 The total impedance will be


 And Ia0 = Ia1 = Ia2

L- G Fault Positive, Negative & Zero Sequence Networks

Z+gen Z+T1 Z+Line1 Z+T2 Z+Line 2

Vs = 1.0 p.u. POSITIVE

Z-gen Z-T1 Z-Line1 Z-T2 Z-Line 2


Z-gen Z-T1 Z-Line1 Z-T2 Z-Line 2

Phase to Ground Fault


 = 0.54 ∠90° + 0.56 ∠90° + 0.77 ∠90°
 = 1.87∠90° Ω

 I0 = VS/ZTOTAL = 1.0∠0°/1.87∠90° = 0.535∠-90°
 = I1 = I2 (Networks are connected in series)
 Ia = Ia1 + Ia2 + Ia0 = 3 x Ia0
 = 1.61 ∠-90°
 Note: The power system fault current is always equal to the
sum of all three symmetrical component currents.
Phase to Phase to Ground Fault (Ugliest)
 A phase to phase to ground fault involves the positive, negative
and zero sequence networks. Assume a phase “b” to “c” to
ground fault at the end of Line 2.

 Ia = 0 = Ia1 + Ia2 + Ia0 (“a” phase power system current = 0)

 Therefore Ia pos= - (Ia neg+ Ia0 ) [For ϕ-ϕ-G, Ia0  0.]

 From the connection point of the positive and negative networks

(the point of the fault), there is now also a reverse path through
the zero sequence network back to the source.
P-P-G Fault Positive, Negative & Zero Sequence Networks

Phase to Phase to Ground Fault
 Looking at the diagram, the total impedance connected to the source is
ZPOS in series with ZNEG and ZZERO in parallel. Adding the component
values in each network …
 ZPOS = 0.54 ∠90°
 ZNEG = 0.56 ∠90°
 ZZERO = 0.77 ∠90°


 = 0.54 ∠90° + (0.56 ∠90° x 0.77 ∠90°)/(0.56 ∠90° + 0.77 ∠90°)
 = 0.86 ∠90°
 Ia pos = VS/ZTOTAL = 1.0 ∠0° / 0.86 ∠90°
 = 1.16A p.u. ∠-90°
Phase to Phase to Ground Fault
 Ia pos = VS/ZTOTAL = 1.16A p.u. ∠-90°
 ZNEG = 0.56 ∠90°
 ZZERO = 0.77 ∠90°
 This current (Ia pos) will divide between the negative and zero sequence
networks, and Ia pos = - [Ia neg + Ia0 ]. (Currents sum to one node.)
 Ia neg = -Ia pos x (Z0 / (Z0 + Z2)) [Current division formula]
 = 1.16A p.u. ∠90° x (0.77 ∠90°)/(0.77 ∠90° + 0.56 ∠90°))
 = 0.67 p.u. ∠90°
 Ia0 = -Ia pos x (Z2 / (Z0 + Z2))
 = 1.16A p.u. ∠90° x (0.56 ∠90°)/(0.77 ∠90° + 0.56 ∠90°))
 = 0.49 p.u. ∠90°
Phase to Phase to Ground Fault
 Ia = Ia pos + Ia neg + Ia zero = 1.16 ∠-90ₒ + 0.67∠90ₒ + 0.49∠90ₒ = 0

 Ib = α2Ia pos + αIa neg + Ia zero

ₒ ₒ ₒ
 = 1.16 ∠(-90 + 240) + 0.67∠(90 +120) + 0.49∠90

 = 1.75A p.u. ∠155

 Ic = αIa pos + α2Ia neg + Ia zero

ₒ ₒ ₒ
 = 1.16 ∠(-90 + 120) + 0.67∠(90 +240) + 0.49∠90
 = 1.75A p.u. ∠25ₒ Ib & Ic are equal in magnitude; not 180° apart.

ₒ ₒ
 I = I + I + I = 1.47A p.u. ∠90 Note: I also = 3I = 3(0.49∠90 )
Comparison of Fault Current Magnitudes
 This comparison is only for the circuit used in our examples, but it
gives an indication of the relative magnitudes

 I3P = 1.85A p.u.

 IL-L = 1.58A p.u. [~ (√3 / 2) x I3P]

 IL-L-G = 1.75A p.u.

 IL-G = 1.61A p.u.

Example – LLG Fault
Use a base of 100MVA and Vbase1 equal to the rated generator
The operating voltage at the generator is 19kV 0.
Calculate the fault current at the point of the fault (end of Line 2)
in the two faulted phases and to ground.
(Solution is posted on BB.)
Additional Resources
 Please see the documents I’ve posted on BlackBoard under Course
Information > Reference Material
 An Introduction to Symmetrical Components, System Modeling and
Fault Calculation (Bonneville Power Administration)
 and
 Tutorial on Symmetrical Components (SEL)

 There are many other on-line resources available.

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