01 02 03
Introduction Evolution History
04 05 06
The Madwoman in Insight of The Reflections
the Attic Madwoman in the Attic
Feminist Criticism
What is Feminism ?
Feminism is an ideological and political movement that
seeks equality and equity for women in all aspects,
including social, political, personal, and economic realms.
This movement recognizes that inequalities occur based on
class, gender, physical and mental ability, sex, race, and
①marginalization ( 边 缘 化 ) of women in
economic,political social and other aspects
②how women are relegated to secondary position (次要
Three Topis in Feminist Criticism
1.Angel vs Siren (妖女) → revolt against patriarchal power
Accepts the traditional gender roles and remains submissive (顺从的)→ Angel
Otherwise → Siren
The Second Sex ( 1949 )—— De Beauvior
Patriarchal Society (父权社会)
2.Back to Women : Body Writing
Emphasis on the beauty of the women herself ( body, language, expeirence)
A shortage of women in
positions of power
The forth wave
They continue to grapple with the concept of
These waves inform each other, not only in the way that contemporary
feminist work has in many ways been made possible by earlier feminist activism,
but also in the way that contemporary feminist activism informs the way we think
of past feminist activism and feminist activism and feminism.
The Madwoman in
the Attic
The Woman Writer and the Nineteenth-Century Literary Imagination
The Madwoman in the Attic:
The Woman Writer and the Nineteenth-Century Literary Imagination
(Virginia Woolf )
In patriarchal
societies and
The meaning
literature, writing
of the ItMadwoman
This culture gave
authority to male
was impossible
for women to
was seen as writers, giving
write, either
fundamentally them the power to
male, an extension create, control, and biologically or
of male possess. socially.
The situation of women writers in the nineteenth century ==> A “madwoman in the
The image of the "madwoman" also symbolizes They constructed a pattern of opposites:
a subtle and complex literary strategy. Socially acceptable "angels" from the front
Until women were able to establish textual & Secret desires of their own "madwoman"
discourse and literary standards that were free from the back
from male-centered criteria, women writers had To realize the strategy of deconstructing the
to apply male textual models. male-centered literary standard.
06 Reflections on
feminism and its
connection to
Here is where your presentation begins
presentation ahead
2.There are still women who have not enjoyed the fruits of
the progress of awareness, who are still living in labels
and chains