Digital Culture & Society-Ppt 2
Digital Culture & Society-Ppt 2
Digital Culture & Society-Ppt 2
Dr. M. Isnaini
Program Pascasarjana Ilmu Komunikasi
Universitas Bunda Mulia, Jakarta
Pokok Bahasan
1. Pengertian
2. Proses pembentukan
3. Contoh digital culture
Assumption of Digital Culture (Deuze, 2005)
1. The realization that all aspects of everyday life in highly
industrialized modern societies are to some extent
influenced by, and implicated in computerization.
If one accepts for a moment that these three key trends are
constitutive elements of global culture, the implication in
the context of new media theory and the literature on
digital culture could be, that ‘cyberculture’ is in fact not a
function of either humans or machines, but an expression
of an increasingly individualized society in a globalized
Digital culture an emerging value-system
and set of expectations as particularly
expressed in the activities of news and
information media makers and users online,
whereas the praxis of digital culture as an
expression of individualization, post-
nationalism and globalization.
• A digital culture does not imply that everyone is
or sooner or later will be online and better for it,
but assumes that in the ways humans and
machines interact in the context of ever-
increasing computerization and digitalisation of
society an emerging digital culture is expressed.
Such a culture thus has consequences on a shared
social level – both online as well as offline.
Digital culture has been conceptualized before, in
particular by Manovich (2001), introducing the
concept of an information culture as manifested in
the convergence of media content and form, of
national and cultural traditions, characters and
sensibilities, as well as a mixing of culture and
computers. In doing so, he extends earlier
developments in new media theory towards an
integrated perspective of ‘old’ and ‘new’ (such as
in the work on remediation by Bolter and Grusin,
1999, and on ‘mediamorphosis’ by Fidler, 1997).
Two mutually constitutive features of
digital culture: remediation as in the remix of old
and new media, and bricolage in terms of
the highly personalized, continuous and more or
less autonomous assembly, disassembly and
re-assembly of mediated reality
This emerging arrangement of the social
presupposes – next to a praxis of
remediation and bricolage - a third
significant type of activity, necessary for
maintaining human agency in the context of
the mentioned social context of
individualization, post-nationalism and
globalization: participation.
• In the proliferation and saturation of screen-based, networked
and digital media proliferate and saturate our lives our
reconstitution is expressed as:
Ada pendapat?
• Digital co-creation
• Digital co-creation has emerged as a new practice that is
changing how cultural content gets made,
used, and exchanged (Katz, 2010)1. A new generation of
digital consumers increasingly samples and reuses parts
of accessible content in an effort to customize the content
to their own personal tastes. Many users then share this
altered content with others. Such co-creation activities
include remixes of music, video, and movies that are
posted on content-sharing platforms in online
community and social networking sites.
• An example of such a consumer co-creation
activity is a personal mashup home video in
which parents film their children in a private
setting (e.g., a birthday party or a vacation trip),
add commercially released music as a
soundtrack, and then share the video with family
and friends online.
• Contoh lain?