CHAPTER 5 Characteristics and Dimensions of Faith
CHAPTER 5 Characteristics and Dimensions of Faith
CHAPTER 5 Characteristics and Dimensions of Faith
It is the
Shortest creed
or profession of
faith. .
It was mentioned in the
previous discussions
that faith is our
Adherence to the Triune
God revealed through
Jesus Christ our Lord.
It is our friendship with the Father
through Christ, in the Holy Spirit.
Through Christ’s witness to His Father
in His teaching, preaching, miracles,
and especially in His Passion,
Death,and Resurrection, we come to
believe in Christ our Savior, in the
Father, and in the Holy Spirit.
Our Faith as Catholics, then, consists
in our personal conviction and belief
in God our Father, revealed by Jesus
Christ, His own divine Son-made-
man, and their presence to us
through the Holy Spirit, in the
Church” cf. CFC 124).
From the beginning of creation, God freely
chose to elevate the human person by
calling him to a supernatural end. Through
this calling, the Holy Spirit, invites us to be
members of the divine family, to partake in
the divine nature, to live in intimate
communion with God, and to become
Godlike to the fullest extent possible.
Lesson 8
of Faith:
Loving, Maturing, and Missionary
Strengthening Faithfully
of Faith: Enculturated
Our Christian faith in God and in Christ
is never separated from the typical
Filipino faith in family and friends. We
live out our faith in God precisely in our
daily relationships with family, friends,
and others. Thus our daily relationships
and encounters are radically affected by
our faith in God our Father, in Jesus
Christ his only begotten Son, our Savior,
and in the Holy Spirit dwelling within us
in grace (CFC 127).
The Kind of relationship that we
have with one another reflects
the kind of relationship we have
with Jesus. As John, the
Evangelist, has written, “This is
how all will know that you are my
disciples, if you have love for one
another” (John 13:35).
Culture is a way of life. It concerns
the different aspects of our daily
living. This makes us unique in our
expression of faith as a community.
However, our Christian faith should
be the framework that supports
and directs our daily relationships
with family, friends, fellow
students, teachers, and others.
Lesson 11
Dimension of Faith
of Faith: Believing
Faith involves our basic convictions as
Christians. It involves not simply
knowing but sincerely professing and
living what Christ has taught and
exemplified. As Paul mentioned in his
letter to the Romans, “For if you
confess with your lips that Jesus is
Lord, and believe in your heart that
God raised Him from the dead; you
will be saved” (CFC 129).
John sums up his
Gospel: “These things
have been recorded to
help you believe that
Jesus is the Messiah, the
Son of God, so that
through this faith you
may have life in His
name” (20:31).
Faith is an act of believing; it involves
personal knowledge of something or
someone. Faith involves knowing the
truths about Jesus. “Knowing here
does not simply mean superficial
knowledge. It requires an evaluative
understanding of Jesus and His
teachings. This knowledge required in
faith leads to acceptance of Jesus in
one’s life.
It influences the way
he/she lives his/her life. A
faith that knows deeply
and accepts
wholeheartedly is a faith
that transforms a person.
Lesson 12
Dimension of Faith
of Faith: DOING
Faith does not only touch our minds
but also our wills. It is not enough to
simply say “I believe”. Faith must be Click icon to add picture
lived out. It is not enough to have
knowledge of the truths of our faith.
It must be practice, motivated by
these truths. As St. James reminds
us, “My bothers, what good is it to
profess our faith without practicing
it?” (James 2:14).
Jesus himself warns us that “None of
those who cry out ‘Lord, Lord’ will
enter the Kingdom of God, but only
the one who does the will of My
Father in Heaven”(Matthew 7:21).
Therefore, faith as doing must be
accompanied by commitment to
obey God’s will for us.
How do we manifest our commitment to
obey God’s will? PCP II 78-80 brings out
this doing dimension of faith as witnessing
through loving service of our needy
neighbors. In our concrete situation,
particularly urgent is the call for:
1. deeds of justice and love and
2. For protecting and caring for our
endangered earth’s environment.
In our journey of faith, we realize that
we often do not do what we affirm in
faith. This is so because of the
pragmatic mentality that measures all
human success in terms of “economic
and social emancipation” (GS 20). There
is so much consumerism on our society
today and basically this leads us to
spiritual emptiness and blindness.
For this situation, we really need an
authentic social transformation.
There is need for us to put our faith
into practice and also to be more
conscious of our need for Christ
Spirit to live out our faith in our
actions. “For apart from me you can
do nothing”John 15:5).
Before this faith can be
exercised, man must have the
grace of God to move and Click icon to add picture
Dimension of Faith
of Faith: Entrusting/Worshipping
In order for our faith to be authentic, it
must not only touch our minds and wills
but also hearts. It should move us to
entrust ourselves into the hands of God.
“Faith then, is from the heart the loving,
trusting, and hoping in the Lord that comes
from God’s own love flooding our hearts”
(CFC 133). Faith is trusting God’s promise to
be with us, in His providence even if we are
faced with many difficulties in life.
As Jesus promised the possessed
boy’s father, “Everything is
possible to a man who trusts”
(Mark 9:23). However, this trusting
faith is not something that is
acquired instantly. It lives and
grows through regular prayer and
worship. It is nurtured through
personal connection with God, and
through our active participation in
different liturgical celebrations in
school and Church.