Antenna 4
Antenna 4
Antenna 4
Types of Waves
Propagation Mechanisms
Wave Propagation
Radio propagation
• Radio propagation is the behavior of radio
waves when they are transmitted, or propagated
from one point on the Earth to another, or into
various parts of the atmosphere.
• An EM wave travels from the Txer to the Rxer in
three different types of waves.
Ground or Surface wave
Space or Tropospheric wave
Ka band 20 GHz 15 mm
Ultraviolet 1015 Hz 10-7 m
Radio Frequency Bands
Classificati Initi Frequency Characteri
on Band als Range stics
Extremely ELF < 300 Hz
low Ground
Infra low ILF 300 Hz - 3 wave
Very low VLF 3 kHz - 30
Low LF 30 kHz - 300
Medium MF 300 kHz - 3 Ground/
MHz Sky wave
High HF 3 MHz - 30 Sky wave
Very high VH 30 MHz -
F 300 MHz
Ultra high UH 300 MHz - 3 Space 7
Field, E
y Direction
z of
Magne Propagati
tic on
Field, H
Electromagnetic Wave(Radio Waves) travel with a vel.
of light.
Radio Wave
Radio waves travel to their destination in four ways:
Line of Sight
Directly from one point to another.
Along the ground, bending slightly to follow the
Earth’s curvature.
Refracted or bent back to the Earth’s surface by
ionized layers in the ionosphere.
Radio Phenomena
Propagation: How Signals Travel
Ground-wave Propagation
Sky-wave Propagation
HF Scatter Propagation
Propagation Mechanisms
Propagation wave impinges on an object which is
large as compared to wavelength
- e.g., the surface of the Earth, buildings, walls,
Radio path between transmitter and receiver
obstructed by surface with sharp irregular edges
Waves bend around the obstacle, even when LOS
(line of sight) does not exist
Objects smaller than the wavelength of the
propagation wave
- e.g. foliage, street signs, lamp posts
Radio Propagation Effects
b Diffrac
Transmit Receiver
Factors influences the
• Earth’s characteristics in terms of conductivity,
permittivity and permeability.
• Frequency of operation
• Polarization of Txing antenna
• Height of Txing antenna
• Txed power
• Curvature of the earth
• Obstacles between the
• Characteristics and moisture content in the
• Characteristics of ionosphere
• Earth’s magnetic field
• The distance between
• Types of earth.
Types of Wave
Sky wave (80 - 720
(50 - 80
Space wave Stratosph
Ground (12 - 50
a nsmi wave Rece km)
Tr iv
tter er ere
Eart (0 - 12 km)
Classification of Radio
Wave Propagation
Most useful during the day at 1.8 MHz and 3.5 MHz
when the D-Region absorption makes sky-wave
propagation impossible.
GWP contd….
This form of propagation fits most frequencies but the
distance between the transmitter and receiver will vary with
geography and composition of “ground”.
E= 120∏hthrIs
lamda d
According to Somerfield, E for GWP for a flat earth is
given by
Eg=(Eo A)/d
Eo= Ground wave field strength at surface of earth, at
unit distance from transmitting antenna. Earth losses
not accounted
Eg= Ground wave field strength
A= Factor accounting for earth losses called attenuation
d= distance from transmitter antenna expressed in
same unit as Eo.
Eo depends upon : Power radiated of transmitter
amtenna, Directivity in vertical & Horizontal planes.
If the antenna is non-directional, in the horizontal plane,
producing a radiated field which is proportional to
cosine of angle of elevation( Short Vertical antenna),
then the field at unit distance (i.e.; 1km) for a radiated
power of 1kW is given by
Given enough power they can be used to
communicate between any two points in the
Communication distances of 2500 miles are possible with
one skip off the ionosphere.
Regions In The
D Region
Height about 35 to 60 miles above Earth.
Regions In The Ionosphere
E Region
Height about 50 to 70 miles above Earth.
Regions In The Ionosphere
F Region
Height ranges from 100 to 310 miles above Earth.
F region splits into two parts (F1 and F2) during the
day and recombine at night.
Sky Wave Propagation
Sky Wave:
The propagation of Space and
Ground waves are limited by the
curvature of earth.
Sky wave
Sky-Wave Propagation (Related
Sky wave
Sky-Wave Propagation
Sky-wave propagation can include multiple hops
between the Earth and the ionosphere.
that most of these variations were directly related to changes in the ionosphere. Considerable
effort was made to investigate ionospheric parameters and determine their effect on radio
waves and the associated reliability of HF circuits. World-wide noise measurement records
were started and steps were taken to record observed variations in signal amplitudes over
various HF paths.
The results of this research established that ionised regions ranging from approximately 70 to
1000 km above the earth's surface provide the medium of transmission for electromagnetic
energy in the HF spectrum (2 to 30 MHz) and that most variations in HF system performance
are directly related to changes in these ionised regions. The ionisation is produced in a
complex manner by the photo ionization of the earth's high altitude atmosphere by solar
Within the ionosphere, the recombination of the ions and electrons proceeds slowly
enough (due to low gas densities) so that some free electrons persist even
and no distinct upper limit, although 1000 km is somewhat arbitrarily set as the
The vertical structure of the ionosphere is changing continuously. It varies from day
to night, with the seasons of the year, and with latitude. Furthermore, it is sensitive
activity. In spite of all this, the essential features of the ionosphere are usually
the electrons are produced by the ionising effect of ultraviolet light and soft
the ionosphere is divided into three regions defined according to height and
hundreds of kilometres.
The F layer:
be reached where the wave will not be refracted sufficiently to curve back to
earth and if this frequency is high enough then the wave will penetrate the
ionosphere and continue on to outer space. The highest frequency that will
fc 9 N
Maximum Usable
frequency (MUF)
Maximum Useful
Frequency (MUF)
Frequency of
(FOT) /Optimal
Working Frequency
Lower Absorption
Frequency (ALF) /
The lowest Usable
frequency (LUF):
• D=2R(θ)=2R[(90°-β)-SIN¯ˡ(R*COSβ/(R+h))]
• Measurement of virtual height is normally
carried out by means of an instrument
known as Ionosonde.This method is used to
transmit vertically upward a pulse modulated
radio wave with a pulse duration of 150ᶙs.
• h=ct/2=virtual height
• t=time required for round trip
• Ionosonde sweeps over the RF range from
1MHz to 20MHz in 3 min
Maximum Usable
Frequency (MUF)
• When the frequency of radio wave exceeds fc, then the
influence of the ionospheric layer on the path of
propagation depends on angle of incidence at the
ionosphere . Thus MUF is also a limiting freq which can
be reflected back to earth but this time for some
specific angle of incidence rather than vertical .
• Defined as the max possible value of freq for which
reflection takes place for a given dist of propagation is
called as MUF for that dist,& for the given ionosphere
layer. If the wave freq is higher than this value ,then
wave penetrates the ionized layer & does not reflect
back to the earth normal value of MUF vary from the
8MHz to 35MHz.
• For a sky wave to return to earth angle of
refraction i.e angle r=90° which implies N=Nmax
& f=fmax
• µ=sin(i)/sin(90°) =sqrt(1-((81*Nmax)/f²max))
• =sqrt(1-(fc²)/f²max)) (....81*Nmax=fc²)
• s.o.b.s
• (fc/fmax)²=1-sin²i=cos²i
• fmax=fc/cosi
• =MUF=fc*sec(i)
• ‘’applicable safely upto 1000km’’
• ‘’ when the dist btw 2 points TX &RX is
increased a limit due to curvature of the earth
then the path of the wave is tangent to surface
of the earth ….Fmax=sec(74°)*fc=3.6*fc
• Calculation of MUF for flat
• from fig:
but cosi=fc/fmax
• Lowest usable frequency:
• The absorption of HF radio wave in D-region of the
ionosphere is proportional to inverse sq. of frequency.
The sensitivity of an HF Rx is normally limited by
external noise which increases as frequency is
reduced. Hence there is a frequency limit below which
S/N ratio fails to reach an acceptable value for the
service required. This frequency is called LUF &
depends upon transmitted power.
• LUF gives the lowest permissible freq for a lower freq
of Tx the received sky wave signal gets lost in the
background noise & no communication is possible.
The value of LUF is calculated from the measurement
of noise level at the receiving site & estimated value of
sky wave absorption in the given propagation path.
Skip distance:
• Min. dist. From the Tx at which a sky wave of given
freq. is returned to earth by ionosphere. (or)
• The min distance from the Tx to a pt. where sky wave
of a given freq. is first received. (or)
• Min distance with in which a sky wave of given freq
fails to be reflected back.
• Min distance for which sky wave propagation just
takes place & no sky wave propagation is possible for
pts. nearer than this dist.
• For agiven freq of propagation f=fmax
skip distance is
fmax/fc=sqrt (1+(D/2h)²)
Optimum working frequency(OWF):
• For satisfactory reception of signals at the receiving
pts, it is essential that the freq. should be less than
MUF & absorption of waves by the ionosphere be
• Due to the presence of free e- which give rise to
certain conductivity & this effect is important at
lower edge of ionosphere.
• The absorption is depends upon inverse sq. of freq.
thus the highest possible frequency gives strongest
sky wave signal at the highest possible freq. gives
strongest sky wave signal at the Rx & hence it is
preferred to work as closely as possible to MUF.
• Optimum frequencies are selected from the prediction
of MUF based on a monthly average & in practice
there is daily variations about 15% from this mean
• Hence it is normal to use a freq 85% of predicted MUF.
• Therefore there is a freq. called OWF/OTF which is
50% to 85% of MUF is used to accommodate a no of
Space wave propagation:
• Space wave or LOS propagation is chiefly
useful at higher frequencies i.e., VHF,UHF &
µwaves because sky and surface wave
propagations both fail at such frequencies .
space wave propagation is limited to LOS
distance & curvature of the earth.
• Line of sight distance(LOS distance):
LOS dist. Is that the
distance b/w Tx & Rx , In which if a direct ray
passes from the Tx to Rx without being
intercepted by the bulge in the earth’s
surface, considering variation of µ of earth’s
atmosphere with height, the Tx ant must see
at least top of Rx ant.
Los propagation is limited to about few
tens of kms & propagation occurs in
troposphere-a region 12km away from earth
LOS distance:
• Let d be the distance b/w Tx ,Rx ,heights of Tx ant & Rx
ant are ht & hr respectively.
r is radius of earth(6370km)
d1=sqrt(2ht*r) ht²<<2rht
similarly d2=sqrt(2r*hr)
The service area can be increased by increasing heights ht
& hr ,however
Space wave propagation >100km is hardly used in
commercial communications.
• Effective earth’s radius:-
• Radio wave travelling horizontally in the earth’s
atmosphere follows a path which has slight downward
curvature due to refraction of wave in the
• This curvature of path tends to overcome partially the
loss of signal due to curvature of earth & permits
direct ray to reach point slightly beyond the horizon as
found by st. line /line of sight path in making
computations effect of refraction is accounted for by
using an effective radius of curvature of earth which is
a bit greater than the actual radius & assuming st. line
path in the atmosphere.
• As the dielectric const. changes with height above
ground level &hence refraction of radio wave takes
• µ near the surface of the earth is greater than unity
but decreases to unity at greater height where air
density approaches to zero.
• Consider a radio wave which is travelling nearly
horizontally in the tropospehre & its path is bent into
an arc by the variation of µ with height
• angle =arc/radius => dθ=v*dt/R
similarly dθ=(v+dv)dt/(R+dh)
dθ*dh =dt*dv
but v=c/µ
hence change in µ with height is obtain by
differentiating v w.r.t.h
= -c/µ*(1/µ)*(dµ/dh)
= -(v/µ)*(dµ/dh) µ=1
R=v*dt/dθ=V*dh/dv dv/dh=
This shows that the radius of curvature of wave path is a
function of rate of change of µ with height which
changes from hr. to hr., day to day & season to
season . but in practice an avg value 4 times the radius
of earth is used in calculations
for a std. atmospheric refraction the
effective earth radius is 4/3 times actual earth’s radius.
d=sqrt(2r’)[sqrt(ht)+sqrt(hr)] r’=4/3 r
sometimes height of Tx & Rx antennas are
also given in feet & LOS dist. Or radio horizon distance
is required to be in miles
r=3960 miles
Refraction of Radio Waves
n 1
f 2
Duct propagation:-
• Inside the troposphere the atmosphere has a dielectric
const. slightly greater than unity at earth’s surface
where the density is most dense & this decreases to
unity at great heights where air density approaches to
• The dielectric const. of dry air is slightly greater than
unity & presence of water vapour increases dielectric
const. farther & hence µ depends on air conditions ,i.e.
• A normal/std. atmosphere is one where dielectric
const. is assumed to decrease uniformly height to a
value of unity at a height where air density is essentially
zero. However , this condition does not exist in reality.
• Because the air is frequently turbulent & at other times
there are often layers of air one above the other having
diff. temperatures & water vapour contents . These
conditions beside giving phenomena of
scattering ,refraction & reflection give a new
phenomenon called duct propagation.
• In this two boundary surfaces b/w layers of air from a
duct/ a sort of “leaky w/g” which guides EM wave b/w
• When the freq is sufficiently high ,the region
where the variation of dielectric
const./refractive index is usually high actually
traps the energy and causes it to travels
along earth surface as happens in a w/g
• This happens near the ground often within 50
m of the troposphere . The higher
frequencies /µ waves are does continuosly
refracted in the duct and refracted by the
ground so that they propagate around the
curvature for beyond LOS , even upto a
distance of 1000 km.
• This special refraction of EM waves is called
super refraction and the process is called
duct propagation.the main requirement for
the formation of duct is a temp inversion i.e ,
in the inversion layer temp.increases with
height rather usual decrease of temp at the
rate of 6.5 °c km in the standard atmosphere.
• Propagation of radio waves through
ionosphere (neglecting earth’s magnetic
field theory of eccles & larmor):-
• In an ionized medium having free e- & ions when the radio
waves passes through , it sets these charged particles In motion .
since the mass of ions are much heavier than the e- s , so their
motions are negligibly small & neglected for all practical
• The radio wave passing through the ionosphere is influenced by
the e- s only & the E of radio waves set e- in motion. These e-
then vibrate simultaneously along paths parallel to E of radio
waves & the vibrating e- represent AC current proportional in
the velocity of vibration.
• Here the effect of earth’s magnetic field on the vibration of
ionosphere e- lags behind the E of wave, thus resulting e-
current is inductive. The actual current flowing through a
volume of space in ionosphere consists of components.
eg:- the usual capacitive current which leads voltage by 90° & e-
current which lags the voltage by 90° & hence subtracted from
capacitive current thus free e- in space decrease the current &
so dielectric const. of space is also reduced below the value that
would be in the absence of e-.