Logic Language

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Chapter Two

Language: Meaning and Definitions

What is language
 is a means of communication.
 is all about the standardized meaning of words .
is all about a form of speech.
Logic… Arguments.... Statements…sentences…
 Thus, forming an argument is a linguistic activity
Functions of Language
Why do we need language?
Language can serve us so many functions
in our life.
It helps us to express our feeling or our
desires, to ask questions, to lie, to sing a
song and so on.

The main functions of languages in line
with logic.
A. cognitive
 is also called informative usage of
 is helpful to convey or transmit
 a statement that is helpful to transmit info
is called a statement with cognitive meaning.
Example. Ethiopia is found in the eastern part of
B. Emotive
Is also called expressive usage of language
Is helpful to evoke or elicit either –ve or + ve
Are helpful to express our feeling.
a statement that is helpful to express feeling is
called a statement with emotive meaning.
Example. Eritrea is a poor country in which so
many desperate and hopeless peoples are living.
E.g, Murder is cruel and inhuman treatment on
human beings.
C. Directive
are helpful to give some strong commands
or directions
a statement which is helpful to give
commands or directions is called a
statement with directive meaning.
Example. Go back ! Leave the class room
N.B All the three usages of language are not
necessarily mutually exclusive.
Logic… Argument.... Statements…
sentence… Words
Words are the primary unit of ordinary
language i.e. language is the sum of words.
Words are symbols which resembles or
signifies meanings.

what is a term?
 is a word or group of words that serve us a
subject of a statement.
Terms include:
1. proper Names: kebede
2. common Names: Human beings
3. descriptive phrases: Alemu who is
living in the next door.

What are non terms?
Any word or group of words which can not
serve us a subject of a statement.
Non terms include
verbs, adverbs, adjectives, conjunctions and
N.B There are some exceptional cases in which a
given verb or adverb may serve us a subject of a
Ex “Slowly ” is a six letter word
Terms are words and have two meanings:
intensional and extensional
There are so many ways or methods which are
helpful to produce definition
There two types of definitional techniques
1. Extensional
2. Intentional
These are the two definitional techniques
that could be expressed in different
A. Intensional Meaning
also called connotative meanings
Is all about those important attributes,
qualities, or characteristics of things which
are co notated or represented by the term at
Example. “cat” can be attributed as a
domestic animal, which is fury, adorable,
emitting a certain sound like Mi aw and eat
house mice.
they are vulnerable for subjectivity
to counter balance this problem we can
have one method the so called
Conventional connotation
Conventional connotation is an agreed up
on meaning of words or terms
Example. “Cat” is a domestic animal,
which is fury and emitting a certain sound
like Mi aw.
In tensional Definitional techniques
 Intensional meaning of a term could be expressed
through the following.
1. Synonymous
 the definiens is a synonymous word for the word
being defined.
The definien and definidum are similar
we can use both of them interchangeably
“Disorder” means Anarchy.
“Skinny” means thin.
2. Etymological Definition
We are expected to goes back to the root or the
origin of that word.
Is helpful to know the historical detail of the
word being defined
Example. What is “ Logic”, “Geography”,
“Biology”, “Philosophy” “Ethics”

3. Operational
Through showing a certain experimental
procedure or operation we can define a
given word.
Helpful to bring abstract concepts in to
empirical reality.
Example. what is “acid”
“Acid” is a substance which will return a
given litmus paper in to red when dipped in
to it.
4. By Genus and Difference
Three things are important here
Genus………. Larger class
Species……… sub class of the class
Difference……. d/c b/n the genus and
Species + Difference + Genus
E.g,C.RONALDO fameousportuguse Foot
ball player.
B:Extensional Meanings
Is also called denotative meaning
Is all about the members of the class of
Relatively seen they are not exposed to
“Cat “ all cats in the world.
 Any term having no member is called a
term with Empty extension.
Example. God,dinocers & Satan
Extensional Definitional techniques

Extensional meaning of a term is expressed through
the following.
1. Demonstrative definitions
 also known as ostensive definitions
 is the most backward type of definitional
To communicate with foreigner that cannot speak the language of

the former
 we are expected to point at or show the subject to be defined.
 can be either partial or complete
 limited by both time and space

2. Enumerative
Through naming the members of
the class of things we can define
Can be either partial or complete
Example. Foot ball player means
like ,Ronaldo,Messi,Rooney,Vanpe
rse,Geroud, Lampard,Tevez etc
3. Definition by Sub class
By naming the sub class of the
class we can define words.
Can be either partial or complete
Example. “human being is
African, Asian ,American ,European
human beng.

Relation ship between in tensional and
Extensional Meaning
Intensional definition of a given
usually determines its extensional
But the reverse is not true.
Terms that have no member is called
Empty extension.
Example:God,dinocers ,Satan.

The order Decreasing intension is the reverse
of increasing intension.
DE: Animal---Mammal---human being--Alemu
II: Animal ---Mammal--human being---Alemu
DI: Alemu…human being ….mammal…
IE: Alemu…human being ….mammal…
What is Definition ?
Is a means or a method of explicating or
explaining the meaning of words.
Every definition has two components:
Definiendum and Definines
Definiendum ….. a word which is supposed to
be define.
Definines …… a word or group of words which
does the defining.
Example. “Computer” is an electronic device
that takes input processes it and produces an out
22 put.
Definitions based their purpose
A. Stipulative
Helpful to assign a meaning for the first time
helpful to substitute complex words with simpler
helpful to develop secret codes.
 are arbitrary assignment of meanings for some
other words
 can not be either true or false
Example. “operation sun set”
Logo phobia
Name for the newly born child.
B. Theoretical
Helpful to show the theoretical picture
or characterization of the definiendum.
Based on known theories.
They can not be either true or false
Example. “Goodness” …… Utilitarian
Realism ….in reality/fact
C. Persuasive
are helpful to influence the attitude of others
Helps us to create either –ve or +ve attitude
towards the definiendum
Using emotively charged words or phrases is
Such a type of definitions are backed by emotional
Have no truth value
E.g, Abortion is a ruthless murdering of an innocent
human being.
D. Precising
Are helpful to reduce the vagueness of words
What is the deference between ambiguous and
vague words?
Vague words lacks precision in their application

Vague: they have different meaning in different

are not arbitrary assignment of meanings for
words, the assignment should be contextual
Have a truth valve.
E. Lexical
also called dictionary definitions or they can be
considered as conventional definition
 Ambiguous words: contains two distinct
Lexical definitions are intended to reduce
ambiguousness of words
Expresses the proper usage of language.
Can be either true or false
E x, Light means Easy.
27 Brightness
Rule for Lexical Definitions
1. Should show the essential
meaning of the definiendum
2. should have a proper grammar

3. Should not be too broad or

4. Should not be circular

5.Should not be negative when it can be
6.Should not be expressed in
figurative ,obscure, vague and ambiguous.
7.Should avoid affective expressions &
8.Should indicate the context to which the
definiens pertains.


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