Focus Group Discussion

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1. What are your observations in the new normal situations, we
are practicing nowadays.( ie. WFH, modules, chatting with
parents are
> As I have observed, all educators ) still battling with the new
normal. It is unprecedented moment in public education. Hence, it will
take time for all of us to be able to adjust. Since the recent COVID 19
variant has been threatening us and affected many teachers. Working
from home is still best for us to ensure our safety. Our safety is our
priority these days.

> With regards to the modules. I am grateful with the improvement in

terms of printing and distribution. Each module has an instructional
video which I send to the parents after the distribution. So, most of them
easily understand the lesson. Only a few sent me a message for
2. What are the CIGPs that you experienced in the new normal in
the delivery of the teaching- learning process
during the 1st Quarter?
1. There are not enough modules for the learners.

2. There are typographical errors in the modules.

3. Some pupils don’t have materials for the activities.

3. What Plan of actions do you have to address the CIGPs you
have mentioned?

1. We, the advisers printed some modules to make sure that all of our pupils
were provided with Self- Learning Materials.

2. We provided the parents attachments for the corrections.

3. We provided our learners some materials to be used at home.

4. What do you think are the areas of Professional Development
you need to enhance in this new normal situation as a teacher?
> In the areas of Professional Development, I need to enhance my
technological skills since using online tools and platforms is very beneficial
in the new normal education.
5. What makes you get tired in the new
> Not being able to normal?
see or help our pupils who need assistance and
guidance in the lesson makes us feel tired and frustrated. In the new
normal, we, as the advisers need to collaborate with the parents to
succeed in the delivery of learning. However, some parents don’t show
interest in helping their children at home. As a result, the children don’t
have outputs.
6. What are your motivations as a teacher in working the new
> Seeing my pupils happy faces when I meet them online has been my
motivation as a teacher in the new normal.

7. Are you excited to see your students and have a face to face
class? Why?
> I am excited to be able to teach my pupils face to face in our cozy classroom.
However, their safety is my priority as long as they are unsafe to go to school.
I prefer distance learning modality.
8. Do you like to continue doing what we are doing in this
mechanism which is the WFH?

> Considering that more and more educators are affected by the virus.
I prefer working from home because I want to protect my family
as much as I want to protect my pupils.

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