The Methods of Philosophy
The Methods of Philosophy
The Methods of Philosophy
Do you believe that
everyone has the capacity
to philosophize?
•Philosophizing means to think
or express oneself in a
philosophical manner.
• Logic
• Existentialism
• Analytic Tradition
• Phenomenology
• it is a truth which is based on reasoning and
critical thinking. It is the analysis and
construction of arguments and serve as the
path to freedom from half-truths and
• It is a philosophy that emphasizes the importance of free
individual choice, regardless of the power of other people to
influence and coerce our desires, beliefs, and decisions.
• It is the view that humans define their own meaning in life,
and try to make rational decisions despite existing in an
irrational universe. It focuses on the question of human
existence, and the feeling that there is no purpose or
explanation at the core of existence.
Analytic Tradition
• this philosophy was founded by Gottlob Frege in the late
19th century. It is said that the Philosophy should apply
logical techniques to attain conceptual clarity. Analytic
Philosophy is also called linguistic philosophy, a related
set of approaches to philosophical problems. This
philosophy means the using common experience and
ordinary language to analyze concepts and language in
• is a broad discipline and methods of inquiry in
philosophy which is based on the premise that
reality consists of objects and events
(“phenomena”) as they are perceived or
understood in the human consciousness and not
of anything independent of human consciousness.
Philosophy as Speculation/Speculative
• Speculation is derived from the Latin word specula which means
“watch tower.” It implies a vision above that of an ordinary person.
• Speculations allows you to expand your perspective by encouraging
you to see the bigger picture by participating in the world and using
your experience as source of ideas.
• speculation as a mode of philosophical inquiry will help you explore
and take a variety of perspectives about the human person through
personal contemplation while at the same time having an
experience of the world.
Philosophy as Critical Thinking Analysis
• To criticize means to “judge” and/or analyze.”
• Philosophy, as critical thinking or analysis,
questions, judges, and evaluates any and all
principles and premises what may be gained
through speculations.
As Mourant and Freund emphasized
•“Without criticism, philosophy would
be sheer poetry; without speculation
it would be mere logic hopping.
Philosophy as Reflective Inquiry
• John Dewey, in the book How We Think
characterized reflective thinking as “a kind of
thought where the grounds for the belief is
deliberately sought and the adequacy the
belief examined.”
• This method of reflection is also
characterized as a systematic, rigorous,
and disciplined, rooted on scientific
inquiry which has to happen in a
community and in interaction with
Reflective inquiry
Is like criticism, is active and persistent, and it
requires careful consideration of any belief or
supposed form of knowledge in light of
grounds that support it and the further
conclusions to which it tends.
Six phases of reflective inquiry:
(1)The experience
(2)Spontaneous interpretation of the experience
(3)Naming the problems or questions which arise
(4)Generating possible explanations
(5)Ramifying the explanations into full blown hypotheses
(6)Experimenting the hypotheses
• Reflection is also described as a set of attitudes.
John Dewey believes that awareness of one’s
attitudes and emotions, and the discipline to
harness them and use them to an advantage is
one part of the work of a good thinker.