Tourism Basics

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Same day visits are growing in importance as a part of tourism. Day visits
are important consumers to many providers, especially tourist attractions,
transport operators and caterers. It is recommended that the overall
concept for same day visits should be similar to that for tourism, that is , “
a break away from the usual environment”.

For statistical purposes, the term “international same day visitor”

describes an international visitor who does not spend the night in a
collective private accommodation in the country visited.
This is the same day visitor to the place of visit as the visitor does not
spend night in the place visited

• The tourism product may be defined as a bundle or package of

tangible and intangible components based on activity at a destination.
The package is perceived by the tourist as an experience available at a
A tourism is made of 4 A's, every tourism product should have 4 A's
i.e. attraction, accommodation, accessibility and amenities. These
components of tourism product can be discussed as follows:

• It is the main component of tourism product. Attractions are those

elements, which determine the choice of tourists. Attraction creates
desire to travel, motivate to travel. They should be able to attract and
attach so tourists participates in the tourism activities. Attractions may
be natural attractions, man-made attractions, event attractions, built-in
attractions and cultural an

• These are elements within the destination or related to tour, that make
it possible for visitors to stay overnight. For the purpose of
classification, all tourist accommodations have been divided into two
groups, service accommodation and supplementary accommodation.
Service accommodations are the hotels, lodges, resorts, inns etc.
operating as business enterprises and provide house-keeping facilities.
Supplementary accommodations are not registered as tourism 
organization but provide accommodation facilities such as
Dharmasalas, camping grounds, Youth hostels etc.

• These are the elements that affect the time value and dollar value of a
traveler . It is related to the possibility to  visit, to feel, to see or to
acquire the experience. It is the time and money, and effort to fulfill
the desire created by attraction. They include transport, government
regulation, travel facilities. Accessibility is not to have any travel

• Amenities are the services and facilities added with attraction,

accommodation and accessibility to create tourism. It is the soul of
tourism which gives life to tourism. Without amenities, a destination will
be a place, accommodation will be a local hotel, a transport will be local
transport etc.

• Other component of a tourism is image or goodwill of a destination or

organization. It strongly influence the customers' buying decisions. Their
expectations are closely linked with satisfaction because they are
considered as part of the product.
• A travel motivation is the psychological need of a person to participate in travel
activities, and
this kind of need will directly promote travel motivation; if you have motivation, a
action will result.
• However, in real life, the process from the formation of a travel motivation to the
of an actual journey, action is a complex one.
• During this process, when people have a need to travel, they must also have
individual factors and external environmental conditions, such as physical fitness,
financial status,
weather and transport, etc Factors that Influence Individual Travel Motivations
• These are the motivation for travel which discussed below:
1.Economic Capacity
2.Spare Time
3.Psychological Factors
4.Group, Family and Social Atmosphere
5.Relaxation and Health
6.Exploration and Risk-Taking
7.Spirit and the Appreciation of Beauty
8.Social Interaction
9.Business Affairs and Official Matters
10.Family Responsibilities
Economic Capacity
• Economic capacity is the basis on which all needs are formed. Because
travel is a kind of consumer behavior, the ability to pay the various
types of charges involved is of course necessary. When a person’s
economic income can only support his or her basic living needs, he or
she will not form a motivation to go traveling.
• As an economy develops, in countries and regions where citizens’
income increases, the tourism industry becomes more developed, and
the number of people who go traveling climbs, or drops when the
opposite applies
Spare Time
• Spare time refers to the time that people can freely allocate to taking
part in pastimes and entertainment or anything else they enjoy
participating in after their daily work, study, living, and other
compulsory time commitments.
• Therefore, spare time is an important condition for the realization of
travel activities. In developed countries, labor protection laws are
relatively strong and workers have statutory holidays, both of which
ensure that people can form travel motivations.
Psychological Factors
• Travel motivations are a form of individual psychological activity and
are inevitably influenced by various aspects such as individual
interests, hobbies, profession, attitude to life, understanding of the
surrounding environment, level of education, and family.
• Social Factors that Influence Travel Motivations. It is only when the
economy of a country or region is developed that it will have enough
resources to improve and construct travel facilities, develop tourist
attractions and promote transport development.
• Road transport facilities, accommodation, catering, and service
standards at a destination are important factors in the tourists’ choice
of destination, and also affect their formation of travel motivations to a
large degree, especially for tourists with relatively high hospitality
Group, Family and Social Atmosphere
• Group or social pressure can also influence people’s travel
motivations. For example, travel activities organized by enterprises, or
travel awards, etc. encourage people to form their own travel
motivations involuntarily, and travel activities subsequently take place.
• Social surroundings can also influence people’s travel motivations.
Colleagues, friends, and relatives travel behavior and travel
experiences can always influence others, or lead to the formation of
comparative psychology, making people form identical travel
motivations, and leading to the formation of a kind of imitative travel
Relaxation and Health
• People who have stressful or monotonous daily lives or work
participate in travel activities such as relaxing travel and recuperation
holidays in order to relax and loosen up, as well as keeping healthy
and finding entertainment.
• For example, natural scenery, historical monuments, parks, the
seaside, hot springs recuperation areas, etc., are all tourist choices for
this type of travel motivation.
Exploration and Risk-Taking
• Travelers who are curious, knowledgeable, and adventurous, such as the Himalayas climbing
parties and North Pole explorers.

Spirit and the Appreciation of Beauty

• For travelers with this kind of motivation, their travel activities are mainly directed at
distinctive, beautiful things and phenomena in the natural world, as well as to visiting museums,
exhibition halls, and famous tourist attractions, and participating in various types of theme-based
travel activities, etc.

Family Responsibilities
• Because they are busy at work, people will normally neglect to take care of and look after their
family members and friends. For these people, they go traveling to satisfy a responsibility or
obligation to their parents, wife or children, or to relax and have fun with friends.
• Therefore, every summer, the number of family-based tour groups will increase greatly.
Social Interaction
• People all go traveling to meet friends and relatives, to find their roots and search for
their ancestors, and to get to know new friends, etc.
• Travelers in this category require that the personal relationships they maintain in the
course of their travels be friendly, cordial, and warm-hearted, and want to care for
Religious Faith People who have a religious faith go traveling to participate in religious
activities and take part in religious studies, and those who travel driven by religious faith
motivations do so mainly to satisfy their own spiritual needs. Religious travel is divided
into two categories: pilgrimages, and missionary work.
Business Affairs and Official Matters
• People go traveling for various types of business and official activities, such as special
trips to buy goods or diversions to a certain place to go traveling; business trips to a
certain place to take part in academic observation, communicate, etc.
• Travel activities participated in by groups, government delegations, and business
associations, etc., that go to a certain place for discussions, etc.

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