Group 4

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The impact of illegal

a b o r ti o n a ff e c ti n g
unintended pregnancy
among all teenagers
mostly in Philippines


Background of the Study

The purpose of this research is to implement

legal abortion and develop a clear plan. The
immediate explanation that teenagers often give
for seeking induced abortion is that the
pregnancy was unplanned or unwanted.
Worldwide, the most commonly reported reason
women cite for having an abortion is to
postpone or stop childbearing. However, there
can be many steps between acknowledging an
unplanned pregnancy and having an abortion.
Statement of the Problem
Specifically, this study seeks to find answers to
the following questions:

• Why is teenage pregnancy rampant?

• How can sex education benefit the youth?

• What is the common reason for socioeconomic concern?

S i g n i fi c a n c e o f t h e S t u d y
This topic needs to be studied for women to be
aware that abortion is not a joke. If you are not
ready to have a family, don't make the wrong
decision.Before you make a bad decision,
consider whether you are prepared for
everything, have a job, and own your own home.
Nowadays many young people are aborting.
Their reason is because they are students, not
accepted by the parents and above all left by the
man who got them pregnant.
S c o p e a n d D e l i m i t a ti o n
This study focuses on the impact of increased
access to legal abortion in the other country are
examined in terms of population growth and
public health. Extrapolating to the entire
county, the impact is not as great, due to more
restrictive abortion laws in many states.

In terms of health, legalization is considered an

important causative factor in the decline of
illegal abortions and reported deaths attributed
to other-than-legal abortions from the early
1960s to 1973.
D e fi n i ti o n o f T e r m s
For the purpose of clarity and better understanding, the
following terms are defined conceptually and
Unsafe Abortion
• An unsafe abortion is the termination of a pregnancy by people lacking the
necessary skills, or in an environment lacking minimal medical standards, or both. An
unsafe abortion is a life-threatening procedure.
Unintended Pregnancy
•Unintended pregnancies are pregnancies that are mistimed, unplanned or
unwanted at the time of conception. Sexual activity without the use of effective
contraception through choice or coercion is the predominant cause of unintended
Woman's Body
•Woman's sexual responses change throughout her life cycle. Pregnancy and
childbirth may have an impact on a woman's sexual responses. Dealing with the physical
and emotional changes associated with menopause is also an important part of a
woman's sexual health.
In Partial Fulfillment
of the Requirements for the subject
Practical Research 1

Marin, Abigaille M.
Acbang, Angel Mae B.
Eclar, Maria Jomela M.
Abello, Ahlen Sydney C.
Garcia, Keizy A.
Grullo, Princess Shyla N.
Umali, Airon M.
Loyola, Jann Vincent A.
Rodriguez, Christian F.

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