Nikhil Pawar
Nikhil Pawar
Nikhil Pawar
It mainly occurs due to the deformation of road and tyre, and dissipation of energy through impact.The rolling resistance depends upon,
• Material of the road surface such as; asphalt, macadam, gravel, clay, wood or sand.
• Nature (quality) of the road surface such as poor, good, dry or wet.
R r = C r mg
Where Cri is rolling resistance constant and m is mass of the vehicle. The value of Cr, depends upon the condition of tyre and road surfaces in contact..
Another kind of road resistance is frictional resistance that includes resistance due to transmissionlosses also. Such losses are owing to
• Adhesion of tyre which is about 65% of the total losses in chassis. The frictional resistance R can be approximated by
R f = 132.5 + 50.5 m
Slope (Gradient) of the road has considerable effect on the
resistance to motion of the vehicle. The gradient resistance
depends upon
• mass of the vehicle
• slope of the Road on which vehicle is moving
The road gradient resistance Rg is expressed by
. R g = mg sin θ Gradeability of vehicle
The air resistance faced by an automobile depends upon
• Speed of the vehicle
• Size and shape of the vehicle
• Speed of moving air
• Direction of wind with respect to direction of the vehicles motion
Ra is expressed by :
R a = C a AV^2
Effect of Speed on Aur Resistance
The location of centre of gravity of the test vehicle is determined in a longitudinal, lateral and verticaldirection. Below, the longitudinal
direction is called the x coordinate, the lateral direction y coordinate andthe vertical direction z coordinate. The location of centre of gravity in the x and y directions is
determinedby measuring the four wheel loads by means of wheel-load scales, onto which the vehicle is placed.
Alongside the overall weight of the vehicle determined in this way, the position of the centre of gravity in an x and y direction can be calculated with the known wheel base
and track width variables by productionof torque equilibria.
when lifting an axle. In thisprocess, the brakes are released and the
The efficiency lines of the axle loads pass through the wheel centre lines.
To detect the axle load of the axle which has not been lifted, two wheel-
As a function of the inclination of the vehicle, the axle loads on the front
and rear axle change. The height h of the centre of gravity above the level
passing through the front and rear wheel centre linecan be calculated via Measurement of the vehicle’s centre of gravity height H cog
the torque equilibrium around the rear wheel centre line from the difference of
the axle loads and the angle of inclination of the vehicle in question
. H cog = (∆G.I)/[tan(a)
The moment of inertia, otherwise known as the angular mass or rotational inertia, of a rigidbody is a quantity that determines the torque
needed for a desired angular acceleration about arotational axis; similar to how mass determines the force needed for a desired
acceleration. It dependson the body's mass distribution and the axis chosen, with larger moments requiring more torque tochange the
body's rotation rate.
Now that the location of centre of gravity is known, the moments of inertia (MOI) around the longitudinal, lateral and vertical axes can be
measured. This is done by the vehicle oscillating aroundthe corresponding axes at the centre of gravity of the vehicle against springs of a
known stiffness. Bymeasurement of the oscillation time T, the moments of inertia can be calculated with known spring stiffness.
To determine the moments of inertia around the lateral axis of the vehicle, the vehicle is placed on a cutting line transverse to the direction
of travel. The cutting line is aligned in such a way that theCentre of gravity of the vehicle in a horizontal position of the vehicle is vertically
above the cuttingline. In the longitudinal direction of the vehicle, springs on which the vehicle supports itself via the auxiliary frame are
clamped in at identical distances
Euler's theorem is used to calculate the moment of inertia of the vehicle/frame unit around the cuttingb line axis from the frequency of the
oscillations of this system:
,Frame from the overall moment of inertia around the cutting line Θy, total, the
moment of inertia of the vehicle alone around the cutting line axis.
Θ y,Veh = Θ y,total – Θ y,Frame
The second item having an influence on the moment of inertia around the lateral axis is the so-called
“Steiner ratio” of the vehicle.
. Θy,CoG = Θy,Veh -mVeh ∆h2
These measurements are done on the “ABS test bench” of the ika. The ABS test bench has four sets
of rollers driven independently of one another onto which the vehicle is placed. Thanks to a movable
frame for the rollers for the rear axle, the test bench can be adjusted to various wheel bases. All four
wheels are driven evenly via the rollers with a speed corresponding to a traction of 6.5 kph. The
reaction torque and thus the effective brake power up to a
maximum of 5 kN are measured by a force
transmitter interposed between the drive
unit support and the frame. A detection
roller measures the actual wheel speed in
order to switch the test bench off automa-
tically in the event of excessive slip
between the rollers and the wheel. A principal
diagram of the ABS test bench is shown in Figure. ABS Test Bench