Pertemuan 4 PPIC
Pertemuan 4 PPIC
Pertemuan 4 PPIC
Aggregate Can plan changes in production capacity
systematically to meet demand fluctuation
Planning (high and low demand)
$ Cost
Slope = Ci
Slope = CP
1000 Cumulative
500 stockout
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 500
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Shift the straight line (with affixed slope) until it
touches the maximum point on the cumulative demand
500 Individual; prod rate = 243 500 Individual; prod rate = 320
400 400
300 300
200 200
100 100
0 0
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Month Cum. Net. Dem. Cum. Prod. Invent.
1(Jan) 220 320 100
2(Feb) 500 640 140
3(Mar) 960 960 0
4(Apr.) 1150 1280 130
5(May) 1460 1600 140
6(June) 1605 1920 315
On the graph, the straight line pertains to cumulative demand in
7(July) 1715 production2240
period 3. So that monthly 525 960/3 =
can be calculated:
320. Then calculate1940
8(Aug) the ending inventory
2560every month620
But, the level strategy is not
• Because all months do not have the same number of working days,
the level of production will be different each month
affect inventory
• the number of working
days/month in known...
• (more realistic)
…. Calculate the “factor K”,
• K = number of aggregate units
produced by one labor in a day
Additional information (from
past data)
Realistic Therefore:
Total production per day = 960/61 = 15,737 units/day
Level Strategy tanpa Stockout
2500 Level
2000 Strategy
1500 with no
1000 Stockout
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Production Plan with Constant Labor
Mo Working day/ Prod. Cum Cum Net End Inv
month Level Prod Dem
Jan 22 346 346 220 126
Feb 16 252 598 500 98
Mar 23 362 960 960 0
Apr 20 315 1275 1150 125
May 21 330 1605 1460 145
Jun 22 346 1951 1605 346
Jul 21 330 2281 1715 566
Aug 22 346 2627 1940 687
From previous calculations:
Total production per day = 15,737 units/day
So, January: Prod. level = 15,737 * 22 days = 346 units
Additional Information: Fees
Chase Strategy
worker/ Forecast Workers
Month # Work Days month Demand net needed
Jan 22 7.53 220 30
Feb 16 5.47 280 51
Mar 23 7.87 460 59
Apr 20 6.84 190 27
May 21 7.18 310 43
Jun 22 7.53 145 20
Jul 21 7.18 110 15
Aug 22 7.53 225 30
K = 0.3421 units/Labor/day
Unit/Labor/month = 0.3421 * 22 days/month = 7.53 units/month
Known demand for the next 8 quarters (forecast results see next slide)
Production fee :
Regular time (Cr): 10 (US$/unit)
Over time (Co): 30 (US$/unit)
Cost of increasing production rate (Ch) : 100 US$/unit (hiring cost)
Cost of reducing production levels (Cl): 150 US$/unit (lay-off cost)
Inventory fee(Ci): 50 $/quarter
Subcontracting Cost (Cs): 80 $/unit
Regular production capacity = 200 units/quarter
The maximum over time policy is half of the maximum regular capacity (100
Forecasted Demand per kuartal
7 130
8 300 0
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Total 2400
Chase Strategy
total cost subcon
deman changin Hiring lay off
Reg OT Subcon prod (i)=(b* cost
Quarter d (unit) g prod cost cost
(b) (c) (d) (e)=(b+ cr)+ (j)=(d*
(a) f (g) (h)
c) (c*Co) Cs)
1 220 200 20 0 220 0 0 0 2,600 0
2 170 170 0 0 170 -50 7,500 9,200 0
3 400 200 100 100 300 +130 13,000 18,000 8,000
4 600 200 100 300 300 0 5,000 24,000
5 380 200 100 80 300 0 5,000 6,400
6 200 200 0 0 200 -100 15,000 17,000 0
7 130 130 0 0 130 -70 10,500 11,800 0
8 300 200 100 0 300 +170 17,000 22,000 0
90,600 38,400
Cost :
(250*145 )]+
= $. 445,750
Transportation Engineering 49
Precision Transfer Inc. (PT Inc.) makes more
than 300 types of gears. The manufacturing
operations of each type of gear are similar to
each other, but the time and type of material
used varies. Due to the similarity, the
aggregate unit used is the gear. Aggregate
demand for the next 6 months is shown in
table 1. Last year PT Inc. producing 41,383
gear units of various types. There are 260
working days with an average of 40 workers
Practice employed. Means, one worker can make
41,383 units/(260 days x 40 workers) = 4
gears/day. Inventory costs are
$5/gear/month, Labor costs are $450/Labor,
Labor costs are $600/Labor, and Labor
wages are $15/hour. Manpower works 8
hours/day, and currently the number of
available manpower is 35 people.
Chase Strategy (1)
Jan Feb March April May June Total
1 Days 21 20 23 21 22 22 129
2 Units/worker 84 80 92 84 88 88 516
3 Demand 2760 3320 3970 3540 3180 2900 19670
4 Workers needed 33 42 44 43 37 33 232
5 Workers available 35 33 42 44 43 37 na
6 Workers hired 0 9 2 0 0 0 11
7 Hiring Cost 0 4050 900 0 0 0 4950
8 Workers laid off 2 0 0 1 6 4 13
9 Lay off cost 1200 0 0 600 3600 2400 7800
10 Workers used 33 42 44 43 37 33 232
11 Labor cost 83160 100800 121440 108360 97680 87120 598560
12 Unit produced 2760 3320 3970 3540 3180 2900 19670
13 Net inventory 0 0 0 0 0 0 na
14 Holding Cost 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
15 Backorder Cost 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total 84360 104850 122340 108960 101280 89520 611310
• Production = 4 unit/worker wages & benefits = $120/worker/day
• Hiring Cost = $450/worker laid-off Cost = $600/worker
• Holding Cost = $5/unit/month Backorder Cost = $15/unit/month
With 21 working days, 1 Manpower is able to
produce = 21 x 4 = 84 gears/month (row 2)
Number of workers for 1 month = 2760 / 84 =
33 people (row 4)
Hired labor=
max{0, worker needed- worker available}
Chase Layoffs=
Max{0, worker available-worker needed}
Strategy (2)
At the beginning of the month, workers available = 33
(January, row 10). While workers are needed 42. Means
the need for the addition of 9 people.
Hiring Cost = $450 x 9 = $4050 (row 7)
Capacity = Labor x number of days/month x number of
2772 = 33 x 21 x 4
Units produced = min{demand, capacity}
= min {2760, 2772}
= 2760
Because of “zero inventory”, capacity is always as big as
Level Strategy (1)
Jan Feb March April May June Total
1 Days 21 20 23 21 22 22 129
2 Units/worker 84 80 92 84 88 88 516
3 Demand 2760 3230 3970 3540 3180 2900 19670
4 Workers needed 39 39 39 39 39 39 234
5 Workers available 35 39 39 39 39 39 na
6 Workers hired 4 0 0 0 0 0 4
7 Hiring Cost 1800 0 0 0 0 0 1800
8 Workers laid off 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
9 Lay off cost 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
10 Workers used 39 39 39 39 39 39 234
11 Labor cost 98280 93600 107640 98280 102960 102960 603720
12 Unit produced 3276 3120 3588 3276 3432 2978 19670
13 Net inventory 516 316 -66 -330 -78 0 na
14 Holding Cost 2580 1580 0 0 0 0 4160
15 Backorder Cost 0 0 990 4950 1170 0 7110
Total 102660 95180 108630 103230 104130 102960 616790
• Production = 4 unit/worker wages & benefits = $120/worker/day
• Hiring Cost = $450/worker Firing Cost = $600/worker
• Holding Cost = $5/unit/month Backorder Cost = $15/unit/month
Level Strategy (2)
The number of workers per month is constant
Labor = Total demand / (Total work days x number of
= 19670 /(129 x 4) = 39 people
Number produced = work day x number of labor x number of
= 21 x 39 x 4 = 3276 units
Net inventory = 3276(row 12) – 2760(row 3) = 516 (row 13)
Holding cost = unit holding cost x net inventory
= $5 x 516 = $2580 (row 14)
Net Inventory =
Net inventory January +
[(unit/day/labor x work days x
number of units) - demand]
516 + [((4 x 20 x 39) - 3320] = 316