SESSION IV For Pres.-aauSC-open-PME - PPTs. - Data Collection & Analysis For Project Eval.

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Addis Ababa University School of Commerce

Project Monitoring & Evaluation

“ Everything begins with project
and ends with another project….”

… now let us finalize our

project…..with the monitoring &
evaluation ….


"To conquer fear is the
beginning of wisdom."
(Bertrand Russell)
Session Objectives
By the end of the session, participants will be able to:
 Choose the type of data to collect

 Develop data collection instruments.

 Pre-test data collection instruments.

 Undertake data collection activities.

 Analyze data.

 Interpret the data

Guidelines for Evaluation (Phases)

Discussion Question
i. Identify the tools and methods used for gathering
and analysing qualitative data?
ii.Identify the tools and methods used for gathering
and analysing quantitative data?
Collecting & Analysing Evaluation Data…
1. Choose The Type Of Data To Collect
a. Quantitative data
 Quantitative data are numerical, and are relatively easy to summarize,
compare and generalize. It uses methods, such as surveys seeking ‘yes’
and ‘no’ answers.
b. Qualitative data
 Qualitative methods, such as interview and focus groups, use non-
numerical sources, such as words, pictures and plays, as data.

c. Combining quantitative and qualitative approaches

 At the local level, in-depth qualitative information will probably be
more suitable than general statistics to learn how to improve project
performance and impact
 Current and potential funding agencies might require valid statistical
data at the national or regional level
2. Choose Data Collection Methods
Method Description
M&E Uses performance indicators to measure progress, particularly actual results
Systems against expected results.
Extant Existing documentation, including quantitative and descriptive information about
Reports and the initiative, its outputs and outcomes, such as documentation from capacity
Documents development activities, donor reports, and other evidence.
Solicit person-to-person responses to predetermined questions designed to obtain
Interviews in-depth information about a person’s impressions or experiences, or to learn more
about their answers to questionnaires or surveys.
Provides a standardized approach to obtaining information on a wide range of
topics from a large number or diversity of stakeholders (usually employing
sampling techniques) to obtain information on their attitudes, beliefs, opinions,
perceptions, level of satisfaction, etc. concerning the project/programme.
On-Site Entails use of a detailed observation form to record accurate information on-site
Observation about how a programme operates.
A peer review, or reference group, composed of external experts to provide input
Expert Panels
on technical or other substance topics covered by the evaluation.
A small group (6 to 8 people) are interviewed together to explore in-depth
Focus Group
stakeholder opinions, similar or divergent points of view, or judgements about a
development initiative or policy.
Key Qualitative in-depth interviews, often 1-on-1, with a wide range of stakeholders
Informants who have first-hand knowledge about the initiative operations and context.
Involves examination through cross comparison of cases to obtain in-depth
Case Studies information with the goal to fully understand the operational dynamics, activities,
outputs, outcomes and interactions of a development project or programme.

Data Collection Process
 A sample should be representative of the target group.
 Random sampling can be done by using lists (e.g., a database of product users)
to select the sample.
 Quota sampling - involves dividing the target group into sub-groups, and then,
drawing on your knowledge of the group and the project, selecting samples from
each sub-group, based on specified numbers (e.g., 40 women and 60 men
between the ages of 50 and 60). The selection of the samples is non-random.

Ensuring good-quality data

 Reliability
 By ‘reliable’ we mean that the data-collection method used should give
comparable results when used repeatedly.  
 One way of ensuring reliability is to pilot test your data-collection tool on a
small number of people.
 Validity
 Your evaluation results will be useful only if they are based on accurate data.
Using valid methods for collecting data ensures that the variables selected are
appropriate measures of the concepts and those accurate results are produced.

3. Design & Apply Data Collection Tools & Procedures
Data collection tools Procedures to use each tool
Step 1: Define the objectives and identify the respondents

Step 2: Drafting the questionnaire

 Order and layout
 Tone and content
 Vocabulary
 Closed and open questions
 Number of questions
 Self-administered / interviewer-based questionnaires
 Answer categories
Questionnaire Step 3: Test and finalize the questionnaire
Step 4: Administering the questionnaire
 an idea of how long the interview is likely to last
 a brief explanation of the purpose of the questionnaire
 an assurance that their answers will be treated as confidential
 instructions (for self-administered questionnaires) on how to
fill out the questionnaire and what to do with the completed
 hanks at the end of the interview

Step 5: Reviewing the completed questionnaires


4. Design & Apply Data Analysis Tools & Procedures
Type of Analysis Analysis Procedure
Quantitative Analysis Step 1: Review the raw data
•Spreadsheet programs -Excel Step 2: Enter the data
•Inferential - t-test, ANOVA,
Step 3: Import data into statistical software
•Regression - multivariate Step 4: Check the data-
methods. Step 5: Run statistical analyses
Qualitative Analysis Step 1: Review the raw data
•Content analysis
•Scenario analysis Step 2: Enter the data
•Critical incident analysis
Step 3: Check the data

Step 4: Explore relevant themes


5. Interpret the Analysed Data
Development Of A Frame Work For Interpretation
logical model
• provides a framework for an evaluation. It is a flow chart that
shows the program’s components, the relationships between
components and the sequencing of events.
Use of IF-THEN Logic Model Statements

• To support logic model development, a set of “IF-THEN”

statements helps determine if the rationale linking program
inputs, outputs and objectives/outcomes is plausible, filling
in links in the chain of reasoning
CAT SOLO mnemonic
• Next, the CAT Elements (Components, Activities and
Target Groups) of a logic model can be examined

Session end

The End!!!
Thank You for
Listening &

11/29/22 27

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