Unit 4f Ecoliteracy - Beed2c
Unit 4f Ecoliteracy - Beed2c
Unit 4f Ecoliteracy - Beed2c
Eco literacy considers ecological systems and awareness of how the society
operates within natural aspects as an educational imperative. The basic principles
of eco-literacy are good starting points to explore fundamental lessons that can be
learned from nature for the reform of society (Wahl, 2017).
Eco literacy is the ability to understand the
Orr and Capra (1990) coined organization of natural systems and the
the idea of 'ecological literacy' as processes that maintain the healthy
creating a new emphasis on the need functioning of living systems and sustain
for education to integrate understanding life on Earth.
of the interdependence between
'natural processes and human
ways of life. In another perspective, ecological literacy
is an understanding the principles of
organization that ecosystems have evolved
to sustain the web of life, which is the first
step on the road to sustainability.
The second step is the move towards eco-
design, of which there is a need to apply the
ecological knowledge to the fundamental
redesign of technologies and social
institutions, to bridge the current gap between
human design and the ecological sustainable
systems of nature (Capra, 2003).
is a qualitative and quantitative
condition that demonstrates the
human capacity to survive over
It is qualitative in a way that we
want well-being although, it is
Ecological literacy, therefore,
difficult to measure.
But it is also quantitative in that provides the basis for integrated
thinking about sustainability. It
natural capital and ecological
supports the frame of mind, ethics,
carrying capacity can be
and the type of practice that will
measured with foot printing tools.
It is a biological and ecological support the kind of thinking that
prioritizes ecological imperatives.
imperative for human society to
exist within the carrying capacity
of the ecosystem.
To achieve sustainability, we must trace
the roots of our cultural assumptions and
work on ecological illiteracy. Our society
has created industries, processes,
programs and institutions that are
destroying the ecosystem's ability to
support life. This unsustainable and
reckless action is a direct result of lack of
ecological understanding and lack of
sense of urgency. With this in mind,
ecological literacy aims to replace
fragmented thinking with new cognitive
and social capacities necessary for the
design of sustainable ways of living.
Ecologically Literate Person
and Society
• an ecologically literate person can • an ecologically literate person
apply such understanding to the translates this understanding into
design and organization of actions that demonstrate conscious
communities and the creation of a efforts to minimize negative impacts
regenerative culture. on our life-sustaining systems and
• to be Eco literate means to maximize value contribution to our
understand the principles of collective well-being, now and for
organization of ecological future generations.
communities (i.e. ecosystems) and
to use those principles for creating
sustainable human communities.
• an ecologically literate person
understands the essence of
independence and
interconnectedness and that we are
all part of a living system.
• an ecologically literate society would be
a sustainable society, which does not
destroy the natural environment on
which they depend.
Thus, a Green School is a school that engages the school community, especially
children, in critical thinking and learning by adopting participatory, practical and
collaborative approaches to work together and make the school environment healthier
for students and staff by involving the whole community to work towards a sustainable
A Green School adheres to the following
e. have faculty and students who are aware of and appreciate the
environmental program of the school.
f. reach out to an outside community to spread concern for Mother Earth and
facilitate projects and programs that improve the environment.
g. engage in research that adds knowledge in the ways of nature and the
impact of human activities.
Ecological Living Practices
Sustainable ecological living is based on different sets of principles. To
assess the impact of our choices and actions, we need criteria from studying
the basic facts of life as follows (Capra, 2003)
(2) Most of the energy that drives the ecological cycles flow from the sun;
(5) Life does not take over the planet by combat but by networking.
1. Educate ourselves about the resources 8. Compost organic waste and use the
that we, our family and/or organizations compost in the garden.
utilize to fulfill and sustain our needs.
9. Create a garden (with a balance of
2. Reduce, reuse, repurpose and recycle. endemic/indigenous plants) to support local
wildlife (animals, insects, trees and plants).
3. Be aware of the real price of goods and
services that we use. Cheap products 10.Create a roof garden (green roof) as a
often have hidden costs (e.g., the cost of natural air-conditioning alternative to
child-labor, animal cruelty, or degradation increase garden space.
of ecosystems).
4. Find out any child labor practices or 11.Buy organic and local products as much
natural resources that were sacrificed in the as possible.
process of producing products and services.
12.Support local businesses and
5. Recycle grey-water. organizations that care for our planet.
Integrating Ecological Literacy
into the Curriculum
The Center for Ecoliteracy (2015)
promotes a variety of teaching strategies
on practices that are developmentally
appropriate to students' level and are brain-
based to foster knowledge, skills and values
essential to sustainable living (Sly, 2015).
(1) Students reveal their beliefs, misconceptions and values and eventually,
their thoughts related to the topic being discussed.
(2) Students become more adept in critical thinking.
(3) Students improve their listening skills and learn to better articulate their
thoughts and ideas and become more tolerant of diverse opinions.
It promotes students' involvement in
1. Experiential learning is vital to schooling
for sustainability.
the real world and 2. Only through direct contact with the
defines the teacher's role as a facilitator of natural world will students develop an in-
learning. The process of learning leads depth
to behavioral outcomes. It is based on the understanding of fundamental ecological
premise that learning is an active and a principles.
continuous process, with experience at its 3. By working with others to solve real-world
foundation. problems, they also develop skills at the
heart of sustainable living.
It goes along with principles of learning 4. When students participate in experiential
associated with environmental literacy. learning, they frequently follow the
learning cycle.
5. This is a process that starts with
unstructured exploration, followed by
formation and application.
It emphasizes connections between traditionally discrete disciplines, such
as math, science, history, and language arts, rather than limiting learning to one
content the area at a time. The following are advantages of interdisciplinary
6. Students recognize the value of their learning and become more involved in it.
7. Students learn more when they apply a variety of skills to what they are
and when they interact with their classmates, teachers, and members of the
8. Interdisciplinary teaching and learning adhere to the principles that help define
sustainable living.